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Glastonbury 2011

The queues at the gates were caused by the security team searching everyone for booze afaik, i think the green stewards weren't actually meant to be doing the gates, but had to lend some stewards because it was such a cock up, they were asking stewards who finished for the weekend to lend a hand too....... I remember some exceptionally pissed of supervisors about the whole fiasco. I worked all my shifts before the festival started, and under the circumstances we worked in, think we did pretty well considering the organisers seemed to have sent a lot of wrong info out to people. Security had been breifed to search everyone to make sure they weren't breaking the booze limits. I dont think it was even a license condition, rumor was it had been asked for by the people running the bars.

Tbh the whole running of SGP is shambolic imo, the running off that event relies on name dropping....... People with normal punter wristbands kept trying to get into places they weren't allowed too, but it was ok because "Do you know who <insertnamehere> is, he's an organiser, and told me it was ok". At which point you'd refuse, off they'd go, but then you'd later get a bollocking from another organiser with some kind of weird nickname that you hadn't let them in...... All in all the staff facilities and organisation of SGP was god awful.

On the flipside I've sat in some epic queues for buses and gates at glasto, both of which were being done by oxfam ;)

Being give a job you weren't expecting and doing it badly are not related. I was standing watching the stewards on gate monumentally fuck up the simplest task. Were you all on Ketamine?

I am tempted to steward green stewards to go to SGP as the 230 quid they want from me is far too much for that festival, so I can see 1st hand how its all run.
Being give a job you weren't expecting and doing it badly are not related. I was standing watching the stewards on gate monumentally fuck up the simplest task. Were you all on Ketamine?

I am tempted to steward green stewards to go to SGP as the 230 quid they want from me is far too much for that festival, so I can see 1st hand how its all run.

Its £185 for SGP wih greenstewards

Its not a case of doing it badly, its a case of having far few too many people to do the task, because they weren't meant to be doing it, meaning it hadnt been planned, plus insistance on searching everyone just held the whole thing up.

The funniest stewarding I've ever had to do was at Boomtown fair. The organisers had forgotten to pick up the tabards from the printers, so 2 people where having to share a variety of random tabards scavenged from around the site. I got given a very cool arcadia one which they wouldnt let me keep :(

But serious though, if you want to see a prime example of how not to organise a festival of over 15,000 people, then SGP is a prime example.
I mean, SGP want 230 from me 160 and 60 for van+bf. I like its as its quite different from other festivals but 230, i'm fairly sure that's too much.
People paid for SGP? Everyone I know got in on a free ticket or blag somehow, legions of the bastards.


Just tell them you know one of the organisers and make up a name..... you can do anything you want at SGP.

There's also a secret door to get in the festival we discovered last year..... But unfortunately its location is a secret.

Just tell them you know one of the organisers and make up a name..... you can do anything you want at SGP.

There's also a secret door to get in the festival we discovered last year..... But unfortunately its location is a secret.

I heard that there is more than one secret door! - which is probably why they charge so much because half the numbers there haven't paid at all :D
I heard that there is more than one secret door! - which is probably why they charge so much because half the numbers there haven't paid at all :D

Maybe we should compare secret doors? (This is starting to sound like an 80's german all male porno :hmm: )
Some more confirmed acts:

- Anna Calvi
- BB King
- Big Boi
- The Chemical Brothers
- Crystal Castles (pictured)
- Friendly Fires
- Fleet Foxes
- Gruff Rhys
- Janelle Monae
- Mumford & Sons
- Primal Scream
- Warpaint


Blimey. Some changes I knew about (late area), but some are all fresh.

A quarter(ish) of Cockmill given over to expanded recycling facilities? There's going to be a small revolt amongst family campers. Cockmill was pretty much full at midday last year. Then again, the festival's maps are, necessarily, simplified. Possibly it won't be as big a chunk as indicated.
Going by the map there appears to be only one bar in the Shangri-La area { and the surrounding area } but this is the area where Mendip Council complained about last year as they were handed a list of eight extra bars on the Saturday { and a further ten a few days before that }not all in that area but close } so its going to be interesting to see at what point these new bars will appear { or not as the case may be }
just booked my coach ticket from birmingham. now just got to hope someone else i know is going or else i'll be on my own this year
just booked my coach ticket from birmingham. now just got to hope someone else i know is going or else i'll be on my own this year

Your never alone at Glastonbury - I have been going since 1979 and more times than not I have been camping on my own although for the past twenty odd years I have been with the WBC crew so by default I now have over 1,000 Mates.

You will not believe this one ' but its true ' - if we wind the clock back 20 years ago I used to take a Team of 25 volunteers down - over the years the number who are willing to work it has dropped down and its likely this year I will be working it on my own - perhaps they cant stand me but I think its more to do with how the WBC bids work { so volunteers have to request events
up to six months in advance }

Out of all the events we do each year Glastonbury is now the least requested compared to the other events - it could be that volunteers have to take a week off that affects their decision or perhaps its because they are getting older.

Who knows ?

It makes it simple for me if I am there on my own then at least I only have to worry about myself.

So don't be put off - just stick with it and enjoy yourself.


by the way someone has put the 2010 and 2012 version together so that you can click between them - its at http://www.halvin.co.uk/pages/glastomap/
Blimey. Some changes I knew about (late area), but some are all fresh.

A quarter(ish) of Cockmill given over to expanded recycling facilities? There's going to be a small revolt amongst family campers. Cockmill was pretty much full at midday last year. Then again, the festival's maps are, necessarily, simplified. Possibly it won't be as big a chunk as indicated.

If we cant' get into Cockmills, that's going to make life quite difficult for our group. :( so hopefully you're right about it being less space than indicated.

How much noise does the recycling area generate? And at what times of the day? Child-friendly noise & times, or not? Does anyone know?
If we cant' get into Cockmills, that's going to make life quite difficult for our group. :( so hopefully you're right about it being less space than indicated.

How much noise does the recycling area generate? And at what times of the day? Child-friendly noise & times, or not? Does anyone know?

Can you guys not use the new family camping on the other side if that's there again this year? Apparently that had loads of space last year.

Eta-it's wicket ground.
Yep, there was gob loads of space in Wicket FC.

As for noise from the recycling centre - the furthest up I've camped is under the wires and I didn't notice it then. Only the bin trucks going up muddy lane, which doesn't happen any more thanks to 'the Cockmill bypass' (a stone track that runs outside the fence).

I really doubt they'll use as much space as the map indicates. But even if they use nothing, Cockmill will still be a bunfight. (Very) early doors for Cockmill regulars, I'd suggest. Queues shouldn't be quite as bad as last year - no footie - but brace yourselves anyway. Or sack it off and go to Wicket for a much less stressful get-in.
A couple of the kids are disabled, it's sooooo much easier to be on top of the Kidz Field than to keep dragging them (or is that them dragging us... ;)) halfway across the site. And we do let the older ones go first, on their own, which may not be such a popular option if we're across the site.
It doesn't affect me personally so much as I am usually kid-less, but camp with my friends in family although I will have a small person with me this year.
I'd had about enough of Cockmills by quite early on the Wednesday morning last year, it was a nightmare. :(
Anyone know If I'll have a chance to buy tickets, or am I fucked?

Be a Volunteer

Shelter are looking for 340 bar staff and 30 managers to work the bars at Glasto.


Its run by people who used to be connected to the WBC { its a long story why they split } and this is their second year doing it for Shelter.

In fact its very similar to working for the WBC except its only three eight hour shifts rather than six six hour shifts and they use a Cash register system .

The other main difference is that you have to pay a deposit { the WBC does not use a deposit system } so really a person should only apply if they are serious .

I dropped in last year as one of my Mates was running the bar that is beside the Acoustic Stage { the WBC used to call it the Red Flag but its not called that now } and he appeared happy enough and the staff appeared to be doing a good job.

its certainly a lot easier to apply as the WBC uses a Team structure so vacancies are a lot more scarce.

Last year places went very fast

Note the original application area has closed but I do know that last year they had to reject some people because they were under 18 { and they will not take on anyone who is under age } so its still worth adding your name to the waiting list - I know two last year who were picked up from the waiting list.
Be a Volunteer

Shelter are looking for 340 bar staff and 30 managers to work the bars at Glasto.


Its run by people who used to be connected to the WBC { its a long story why they split } and this is their second year doing it for Shelter.

In fact its very similar to working for the WBC except its only three eight hour shifts rather than six six hour shifts and they use a Cash register system .

The other main difference is that you have to pay a deposit { the WBC does not use a deposit system } so really a person should only apply if they are serious .

I dropped in last year as one of my Mates was running the bar that is beside the Acoustic Stage { the WBC used to call it the Red Flag but its not called that now } and he appeared happy enough and the staff appeared to be doing a good job.

its certainly a lot easier to apply as the WBC uses a Team structure so vacancies are a lot more scarce.

Last year places went very fast

Thanks for the info, but I'd prefer to pay and just experience the whole thing. Fuck I was really hoping on going, if people dont pay the balances in april or whatever will they do another run?
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