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Glastonbury 2007 pt1: the build-up

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bluestreak said:
oh god i'm so excited i think i'm going to cry. it's like christmas was when you were six!


But when you were six you didn't go on a glorious five-day booze 'n' drugs bender.

Well, I hope you didn't.
When I was six I'd get off my titties on a Es and bounce around.

(E numbers that is. Penny chews and panda cola is infant xtc)
Skim said:
I ain't got time for... for... waffle irons! :mad:

I guess it'd be wrong to bring my my own chickens then.

I'm absolutely convinced carrying frozen chilli is the ultimate essential to any festi. Food for thought, and keeps your beer cold too.
Me and my girlfriend like to mix it up with a mixture of both - some food that we've brought ourselves, and then when you can't be arsed, treat yourself to something from one of the tasty stalls.

Bacon and brie sarnies are perfect camping breakast food and hardly takes any effort at all. A couple of tins of chilli or something similar, again takes no effort. Obviously tins are heavy, though, so gotta think about lugging it all there. Part of the great balancing act between convenience and cost!
citydreams said:
I guess it'd be wrong to bring my my own chickens then.

I'm absolutely convinced carrying frozen chilli is the ultimate essential to any festi. Food for thought, and keeps your beer cold too.

A frozen chicken would make a good icepack, possibly. And chillies... as a festival food?! :eek: :D

I'm keeping it simple – my mum's making me a cake and I'm taking some bananas and chocolate. That's it, apart from the booze. I'll be near a diner and loads of hippy tofu shacks, so that's my meals sorted. I always end up eating around the green area anyway – I'm not vegetarian, but I like decent veggie food.

There was one time when I ate nothing but cheese toasties for two days from a van next to the Glade :(
Has anyone tried having a camp fire in those throw-away BBQs? May buy one of them and a couple of bags of firewood.
kyser_soze said:

I thought that 24hr soundsytems and all round party-hearty ness was what's been LOST from Glastonbury...

Not really, you just have to look a bit harder for it these days. Always stuff happening in the Greenfields. Some of the smaller Dance Area venues carry on til the early hours. Lost Vagueness is still pretty much 24 hour & the new Park area is reckoned to be too. I know I never made it to bed til well after 4am last time around & I don't ever recall sitting around twiddling my thumbs & wondering what to do next :D
firky said:
Has anyone tried having a camp fire in those throw-away BBQs? May buy one of them and a couple of bags of firewood.

More firewood than ever onsite this year. The pile on the railway track is huge. Will still be gone by Wednesday lunchtime however.
Also if you are going to take food, here's what I have done in the past for festivals / paintball tournaments:

Get a hard plastic insulated coolbox and fill it half way with your frozen food and then throw in a 2 litre bottle of frozen water, put a bit more food frozen food in and any precooked chilled for at the top, then if there's enough room, squeeze in another bottle of frozen water.

That'll last you about 72 hours if you keep it out of direct sun and wrapped up in one of those foil sheets. Its also handy to roast then freeze a chicken - so you have something to pick on :)

Drink rioja, stout and spirits as they're tolerable when warm.
Tort said:
More firewood than ever onsite this year. The pile on the railway track is huge. Will still be gone by Wednesday lunchtime however.

I should be there in time then, I will send the mule out to get some :D
yeah, a box of cheap red wine will keep you trucking for a day or two and i drinkable in the heat.
firky said:
Also if you are going to take food, here's what I have done in the past for festivals / paintball tournaments:

Get a hard plastic insulated coolbox and fill it half way with your frozen food and then throw in a 2 litre bottle of frozen water, put a bit more food frozen food in and any precooked chilled for at the top, then if there's enough room, squeeze in another bottle of frozen water.

That'll last you about 72 hours if you keep it out of direct sun and wrapped up in one of those foil sheets. Its also handy to roast then freeze a chicken - so you have something to pick on :)

Drink rioja, stout and spirits as they're tolerable when warm.

What about zydah?!

I do something similar to you with the cool box except I put a cool bag inside the cool box as a freezer compartment in addtion to what you do.

But fuck taking food to glasto, a couple of slabs of cider and a wedge of cash will do me.
bluestreak said:
yeah, a box of cheap red wine will keep you trucking for a day or two and i drinkable in the heat.

I had a funny turn one year after caning 3 litres of wine + cider + shrooms with a mate.

I started crying out of disappontment :oops: becasue Michael Eavis put coldplay on as headliners on a friday :D :D
The variety of food available is one of the things I like most about Glasto... fuck taking my own shite food! :)

I may get a few disposable BBQ's for brekkies though
Superape said:
Glastofestivalforecast update alert:


You won't like it

firky said:
Meh, there's still another week to go.

ANY change in prospects for the better over that obscenity of a forecast will be a bonus -- truly YUK! :eek:

So extreme is it (rarely seen a worse) that I have three quarters convinced myself that changes for the better(ISH) will simply
to fetch up in new forecasts by the weekend. They've been ever changing for the past ten days.

No more of that for now! :oops:
William of Walworth said:
ANY change in prospects for the better over that obscenity of a forecast will be a bonus -- truly YUK! :eek:

So extreme is it (rarely seen a worse) that I have three quarters convinced myself that changes for the better(ISH) will simply
to fetch up in new forecasts by the weekend. They've been ever changing for the past ten days.

No more of that for now! :oops:

No amateur forecasts thankyou ;)
Kanda said:
The variety of food available is one of the things I like most about Glasto... fuck taking my own shite food! :)

I'm going to have a mixture - I really like some of the stuff there but the overpriced breakfasts can kiss my arse. A couple of curries and some falafel will do me and the rest I'll cook.
The first ever Camp Urban (2002) had a stove that Tanky brought and various bits and pieces that we brought to make tea/coffee (including the French/Scotch variety!).

We scarecly got our shit together to do this once :oops: :p

Can't be arsed with bringing own food and tea/coffee/stove etc. It's a HOLIDAY damnit!!! :p
PieEye said:
I'm going to have a mixture - I really like some of the stuff there but the overpriced breakfasts can kiss my arse. A couple of curries and some falafel will do me and the rest I'll cook.

Aye, much nicer to sit around your tent for brekkie. I seem to remember years and years ago there was a milk truck that also sold Milk, Bacon and bread etc.... Does that still go around?
Kanda said:
The variety of food available is one of the things I like most about Glasto... fuck taking my own shite food! :)

but the breakfasts are shit and over-priced.

so we'll wake up in our van, i'll wander over and buy some draught guinness and we'll eat veggie bangers, beans, eggs and tomatoes while drinking coffee in our van listening to music sat at our table and taking it easy.

rather than queuing in the mud and spending 5 quid for a shit veggie banger made of crushed sweetcorn which i'll then have to eat standing up.

William of Walworth said:
I'll leave that to you ... ;)

Mine wasn't a forecast, but a prayer ... ;) :eek:

hehe - you & me both. I've been praying for a couple of months now for it to improve but it's been pretty consistent all along. Look out of the window, that's what we're getting :(

I shall continue to utter the mantra: "There's still time, there's still time..."
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