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Glastonbury 2007 pt1: the build-up

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Dubversion said:
but you don't need that for the t-amp?

i HATE electronics :(
No, becuase 12V DC is what the T-Amp adapter outputs, and 12V DC is what a car battery already outputs, so there's no need to convert.

If you have a cig-lighteer socket power adapter for your MP3 player, then you can connect that directly to the car battery.
and then walk across site with 1

never again :oops:

and besides, it alwaysa says no sound systems anywhere......
I have a car battery operated PA, I brought it a few years back. The problems you have are:

1 - getting it past security
2 - carrying it over a mile and a half

If anyone can get past 1) and promise me that they will do 2), I'll bring it. If not, sorry, but no.
Hmmm. Sounds dodgy.
Think I'll keep my ambitions low and try and make the thing in time for picnics in the Park later in the summer :)
we just bring a fucking massive ghetto blaster of the old school variety. it's fucking loud but doesn't look like a soundsystem.
I've got this tiny little speaker that looks like a CD case which you can plug your MP3 player into. It's very light yet loud enough (obviously not really loud).

I'm tempted to bring it but don't have an MP3 player :D
This doesn't warrant its own thread, but... what's everyone's very favourite places at Glastonbury?

I really like the Glade a lot – unfortunately it's going to be more chilled out this year, which I know is the point, but it's a brilliant place to go mental in.
Gutted I'm going to miss Squarepusher on Friday night, because he was excellent when I last saw him there, but it's clashing with Bjork :(

I love it around the Avalon Field at night, even though there's nothing I actually want to listen to, it's just a pretty place to wander. There's always a big round white light installation around there somewhere which I always think is the moon, but then again I'm usually toasted by that point and would think a light bulb was the sun if you told me it was true.

The stone circle at dawn is gorgeous. I don't care about the mystical shit and the drumming, it's just the views. (It's also close to the African latrines.)

Lost Vagueness is ace... I know it can get a bit rah, but I like its randomness and general decadence. And there's a 50s diner :cool:
bluestreak said:
we just bring a fucking massive ghetto blaster of the old school variety. it's fucking loud but doesn't look like a soundsystem.

Which with an mp3 player and one of those radio transmitter jobbies becomes instantly more versatile :D
beesonthewhatnow said:
Brothers Bar :D

ditto. i will spend many hours this festival hanging in the jazz field drinking brothers and people watching, especially on wed and thur!
bluestreak said:
ditto. i will spend many hours this festival hanging in the jazz field drinking brothers and people watching, especially on wed and thur!
Its a winning combination of my favorite stage and strong booze :D
I don't like the bigger stages so much, I'll only go to them to watch something but not hang around them too long.

I will have some of that pear cider though.
bouncer_the_dog said:
can anyone tell me if you can buy a car parking ticket when you arrive, or do you HAVE to pre-purchase? I have decided to take the motor after all.. and clearly have left it very late:oops:

They do sell them on the gate but best to sort it out in advance if you can.
nosos said:
We're in Avalon (I think) - I've not really been consulted ( :mad: ) I'm just going where the tent is . . .

I think you'll find there are fuck off great "NO CAMPING" signs in Avalon! :p
I got my shifts through at the weekend. Going to miss The Who & Cat Empire which I'm a bit miffed about but will be able to watch / listen to Bjork while I'm at work :) Other shifts are Thursday pm & Saturday morning. Only 16 hours in all so it's all a bit of a doddle really. :D
Dubversion said:

you know this anyway, but we're doing Juke Joint in the Pussy Parlure (Dance Village) on Thursday between 9pm and 10.30pm.

i reckon you should all come :)

It seems I'm destined never to attend P.R.O.D. at Glasto. I think I've got something else going on for all of your slots! :( Will wear the T Shirt & badge with pride however! :)
bluestreak said:
we just bring a fucking massive ghetto blaster of the old school variety. it's fucking loud but doesn't look like a soundsystem.

Can somebody explain to me why people feel the need to impose their own music on their fellow campers at events like Glasto where there is something going on 24 hours a day & people only really go back to their tents to catch a couple of hours kip before we do it to ourselves all over again. I just don't get it! :confused:
I just posted this in the White Stripes go pearly thread, but might get a bigger response here

Has anyone read the review about the White Stripes Nashville gig in NME? There's an intriguing finishing line:

Jack's back and he's warming up for Glasto part two. Hushed silence awaits...

Do you think...maybe...??

I just checked the dates again, and they're playing Tennessee on 17th June, and then BC on the 24th...leaving 22nd and 23rd open...I thought initially this might be just some time off...but now I'm wondering

What do you reckon?
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