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Glastonbury 2007 pt1: the build-up

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Velouria said:
... no resale then?

That's rumours for you ;)

Thank goodness i never embarrassed myself by posting it up on TOS's '24 Hour Resale Watchtower' thread, although I was waiting for someone else to then I could add confirmation ... :)

newbie said:
Hey, well, some you win, some you lose.

Maybe it's next Thursday...? If at all. Looking more and more unlikely I guess!
Got a question, you might know the answer to it ... someone over on TOS was asking ... will there be screens at the Other Stage this year too?
William of Walworth said:
Just been looking at Velouria's enlarged version of the map.

<nerdworthy mode> I'm fairly sure the position of the toilets/water point, alleged to be at the bottom of the Dragon Field on the map, will turn out to be inaccurate ...
They put the toilets on the map there prior to the festie last time, but exactly that space was occupied instead by some dirty green old Army marquee or other ;) and the toilets were actually on the path between the two halves of the field, near the gap in the hedge into William's Field ....


The Fine Guide map has never been particularly accurate and it seems that this year it was a particularly rushed affair. The Man of Info has already pointed out the following updates & inaccuracies:-

New Family camping will in fact probably be in Hitchin Hill & not Woodsie's.

Disabled camping will move to Spring Ground.

Cash point along with Pennards Medical Centre moving to Park Home

Radio Avalon now called Worthy FM

New Tipi Field, called Tipi Park. Old Tipi Field is for .... Old Tipis :)
William of Walworth said:
Very much so ... :cool:

And same time (or earlier, for drunks :D) on the Thursday, too :cool: :D
I might come along, although to be fair I am pretty warey of big meets. Not really very good with people.

edited: Just added another festival site to my 'banned from' list.
*stamps feet*

*looks cross*

meh when i went it was free. and sunny!

this year it will be rubbish and you'll all wish you'd saved your money and spent the week posting on the internet. honest :( :(

eta: dolly posting like - cheg hates teh glastonbury - just ask him about his experience last time. in fact, just ask him the time :p
Tort said:
The Green Police are still recruiting http://savetheworldclub.org/greenpolice.htm

jesus, i'd like to go, but not that much

why don't they just admit that glastonbury fucks that area of somerset, all year round??? despite the best efforts of teh green police and evis - it's an environmental disaster, as well you all know.

still, you only live once. i don't begrudge you teh fun - if i had tickets i'd be fucking up the land big style an all! :D :cool:

eta: dolly posting again!
firky said:
I told you and chegs about it WEEKS before the tickets went on sale :(

they "rejected" our photographs!!! :mad: :mad:

(and cheg reckons he didn't want to go either but he woulda done if we'd got tickets like)
david dissadent said:
I might come along, although to be fair I am pretty warey of big meets. Not really very good with people.

that's the way I am too. A bit shy and rather too awkward- that's me not you :) Nor do I drink or like the cider bus area. But i might try this year, put faces to names like. We'll see....
Velouria said:
Hey, well, some you win, some you lose.

Maybe it's next Thursday...? If at all. Looking more and more unlikely I guess!
Got a question, you might know the answer to it ... someone over on TOS was asking ... will there be screens at the Other Stage this year too?

there are few things that really hold true in this life, but not believing anything you read on the internet is one of them :)

No idea, sorry. the cynic in me imagines someone negotiating with men in suits from a sportswear company to sponsor it.
moose said:
Is nothing sacred? I hope it's the usual presenters, and not sponsored by a bog roll company or anything.

Quoting Da Man of Info again

The name has been bought by someone else, so cannot be used. Frequency is the same.

There is/was always internal politics going on at RA.
Me bessie texted last night to tell me that her cousin just bought a campervan, but that there were no campervan tickets left. Yeh thanks mate.

She then amplified the torture by saying that her cousin had bought it off her AUNTIE - and me mate had FORGOTTEN that her fucking AUNTIE had a fucking camper van

Oh, how I laughed

(I will beat her to a pulp at the weekend)
I think I might go and stay in Camp Kerala and be spoon-fed organic dhal by a local farmhand boy wearing a kimono.

My bed:


Your bed:

I'd sooner be in the buzz of the common campsite than listen to the buggerings of a eunuch from the grand tent next door. :D
Skim said:
I think I might go and stay in Camp Kerala and be spoon-fed organic dhal by a local farmhand boy wearing a kimono.


That poor lost soul looks as though he is pleading for help from passers by.

I know that if I had been passing him on those circumstances, I'd have said "fuck off, you filthy minger".
firky said:
I'd sooner be in the buzz of the common campsite than listen to the buggerings of a eunuch from the grand tent next door. :D


Firky: "I'll just sleep here with the common people, thanks."


Two servants and a pedicure not enough for you? :mad:
bouncer_the_dog said:
The camper van field is accessed via a remote exit and up a bastardingly steep hill. You're better off camping!
Wasn't that bad last time :confused: Not steep at all, a mere tiny bit of an incline, lazy arse :p
Skim said:
Two servants and a pedicure not enough for you? :mad:

Give me a bottle of cider, a few spliffs and a pretty girl and am happy as a pig in shite. Where ever I maybe - yes I am that shallow :D
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