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GE 2017: Urban Opinion Poll No.1

Who are you going to vote for?

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Remoaners? What a shit pun.
Yep, I agree. I only used the term because it has become common and people know what it means, though it is pejorative.
I'm one of those people who voted remain, but, given the result, thinks we should just get on and make the most of it.
Your not trying to say this is the first time you've heard the term? :D:p
I can't remember. Think it's crap though. Being unhappy with a political situation being reduced to 'moaning'. Sounds a bit antidemocratic to me. Put up or shut up. Nah.
There is nothing new in belittling your political opponents.

Best summarised on a Simpsons episode where a shock jock refers to welfare as "smellfare".

Brainless but effective as humans are idiots.
There is nothing new in belittling your political opponents.

Best summarised on a Simpsons episode where a shock jock refers to welfare as "smellfare".

Brainless but effective as humans are idiots.
It's a bit more complicated than that with Brexit though. People who voted one way are not necessarily political polar opposites of the people who voted the other way.
It's a bit more complicated than that with Brexit though. People who voted one way are not necessarily political polar opposites of the people who voted the other way.

My use of the word remoaners was lazy. I apologise. I voted remain, and I remain convinced that we should have stayed in. But we voted out and now I think we should just get on with getting out as well as possible.

I used "remoaner" as short hand for people who want to overturn the referendum decision, and that was poor posting, even if I am pissed. That's all. Sorry.
Labour. In a fairly safe Labour seat. Although I can imagine the Lib Dems doing well in this bit.
I'm getting really fucked off about hearing a Tory landslide is on the cards. Low turnout I can understand. LibDem I can understand. As in votes they may attract. But who is going to vote Tory now who hasn't done previously. What the fuck is wrong with them.
I'm getting really fucked off about hearing a Tory landslide is on the cards. Low turnout I can understand. LibDem I can understand. As in votes they may attract. But who is going to vote Tory now who hasn't done previously. What the fuck is wrong with them.

Kippers. Looking at the Kipper forums, many are going to vote Tory, and those Kippers who spent many hours leafletting and door knocking are calling them all traitors. The best outcome here is they are split 50/50. Either way UKIP are done and dusted.
Kippers. Looking at the Kipper forums, many are going to vote Tory, and those Kippers who spent many hours leafletting and door knocking are calling them all traitors. The best outcome here is they are split 50/50. Either way UKIP are done and dusted.

I guess so. Are there many, maybe there are many who went from labour to UKIP now Tory. I think it will be a narrow Tory win.
I'm getting really fucked off about hearing a Tory landslide is on the cards. Low turnout I can understand. LibDem I can understand. As in votes they may attract. But who is going to vote Tory now who hasn't done previously. What the fuck is wrong with them.
New Labour voters.

Ironically given that this Labour party is the one I've ever felt best about I'm considering treating myself to a spoiled ballot on the basis of "Theresa May, what was it about your 21 point poll lead that first attracted you to calling a general election?"
Labour. Less worse is better than worst :(

Having spent 9 months trying to keep social housing tenants with a roof over their head from mostly Labour councils invested in schemes to sell of their homes to the highest bidders, backed with PFI, with little intention to re-house them again, and councillors actively funnelling contracts to their mates with property development companies, I just don't believe in voting for 'the least worst' anymore. I understand and sympathise with it in a shit system where all parties are just vying for the pursuit of neoliberalism with slight differences in how that's administered, but it just validates their existence and continues in fucking over the working class.

I genuinely have some sympathy for what Corbyn, McDonnell and a handful of other PLP have tried to do, but the reality is, come annihilation or pulling off the great escape, most of the Labour Party are moderates/right and will simply resist any long-term shift to the left.

So, once again, it'll be amusing doodle on my postal vote. Tbf, I'm in a strong Tory area and that's highly unlikely to change now.

And as the only election I have voted firmly in for years, voting the EU ref has bought such scorn from people here including those I had a lot of time for, and despite having entirely well thought out and considered left leave arguments entirely consistent with socialist left principals and indeed even Corbyn (whilst acknowledging the unhelpful circumstances that exist), I don't know if I can ever call many supposed 'lefties' comrades again. I just don't a lot of Labour supporters are on my side anymore as someone who wants radical social and economic change.
I'd normally abstain. And I may well do this time. But I'm feeling an urge to vote SNP for the bants. I want indyref2 to get the go ahead, and I'm hoping the SNP words their manifesto in such a way as to make the vote here about giving the referendum a public mandate. If they do, I'll give them a vote. So long as they behave in other ways.

(I'd like a few of their last intake to be deselected: especially McGarry and Thomson. I've a feeling the latter won't be).
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