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Stonehenge Tunnel Poll

Should they dig the tunnel

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The landscape around Stonehenge is examined again and again as more about it is discovered and more refinements of techniques are made. And a dig obliterated by building work can’t be re-examined.
Doesn't that happen with any archeological dig? Artifacts are carefully exposed, recorded and removed therefore can't be re-examined in situ there after. It would only be walls etc that would be left in the ground and what could be re-examined that couldn't be done from samples taken at the time of the dig?
Doesn't that happen with any archeological dig? Artifacts are carefully exposed, recorded and removed therefore can't be re-examined in situ there after. It would only be walls etc that would be left in the ground and what could be re-examined that couldn't be done from samples taken at the time of the dig?
A). It’s not just any site.
B). No.
No dig unless necessary seems to be the best practice at the moment, especially as more and more non-invasive techs become available. And for such an iconic world-class site and landscape. it shouldn't even be up for discussion.
Not sure uhd, full colour gpr will ever be available. :(
It was a dumb move to have erected them so close to the motorway in the first place
My understanding is that the road running past Stonehenge is very likely the original road (or rather built on top of the original road) that ran past Stonehenge at the time, running down to Devon / Cornwall iirc. As mentioned, the stones are just one part of the whole ritual landscape, so it would have needed a decent road to service all of what was going on there generally.
My understanding is that the road running past Stonehenge is very likely the original road (or rather built on top of the original road) that ran past Stonehenge at the time, running down to Devon / Cornwall iirc. As mentioned, the stones are just one part of the whole ritual landscape, so it would have needed a decent road to service all of what was going on there generally.
The Lane still goes right up to the henge...still has some free party people camped on it who refuse to leave too
What's the case for the necessity of the road right there?
The A303 follows the route of the Harrow Way, which dates back to somewhere between 600–450 BC, possibly an ancient path to Stonehenge. The current route was laid out in the early 19th century as the New Direct Road, a coaching route from London to Exeter. It fell into disuse with the rise of the railways, but was revived as a major road in 1933. No-one gave a shit about a road running past Stonehenge on any of those dates. It's now one of the main routes to the south west.

I guess building a major detour well away from Stonehenge would bring plenty of its own challenges.
It was a dumb move to have erected them so close to the motorway in the first place
you say that but our ancestors foresaw just this and started work on the car park in around 8800 BC (see diagram below)

That says they've already extracted pollen and even DNA from samples. How much smaller do you need to go? Individual atoms? Even those could be obtained from existing samples. :hmm:
If you ask me, all this meddling with the sacred landscape is playing with fire; it’s only a matter of time before the vengeful spirit of a Bronze Age shaman is roused from their 4,000 year sleep and starts to stalk the land and wreak a dreadful revenge on everyone in the locality, innocent motorists just passing through the vicinity will have ancient beakers flung at high speeds through their windscreens – and you can bet the insurance companies won’t pay out, they'll just say 'nutter'. The only winners in this sorry affair will be auto glass repair firms


Yeah, if people start smashing their tellies and electric kettles up we will know where the blame lays.
Excavation is destruction.
The best way to "do archaeology properly" is to not excavate, and certainly not to build a tunnel here.

Get the fucking trains running affordably for both passengers and freight and reduce the number of vehicles needing to use the roads.

(I've studied and have a qualification in and have worked as an archaeologist btw).
Omg, cars are ugly to look at and are destroying our environment, what to do? Lets just hide them underground and worry about the rest later!
I drive past Stonehenge at least once a week. Something needs to change, be it tunnel, new road, bridge, teleportation, whatever. Its the main route to Devon/Cornwall and its gridlocked in the summer - a main route that's single carriageway past the henge🤦‍♀️. Before they closed the side road that was a useful bypass. I go across the plain when i can to avoid it but that can be as busy sometimes, it's lethal in the winter and you need to avoid tanks.
I think Croydon may have the solution; I'm sure that with some artful paintwork those flyover struts could blend in with the stones. Job's a godd'un

I drive past Stonehenge at least once a week. Something needs to change, be it tunnel, new road, bridge, teleportation, whatever. Its the main route to Devon/Cornwall and its gridlocked in the summer - a main route that's single carriageway past the henge🤦‍♀️. Before they closed the side road that was a useful bypass. I go across the plain when i can to avoid it but that can be as busy sometimes, it's lethal in the winter and you need to avoid tanks.

This is kind of why we are here, there are no trains, there’s barely a road to the south west.

It’s a sacred landscape but the people it was sacred to are thousands of years gone and they themselves rearranged it numerous times over a couple of thousand years including scrapping and replacing henges or burying them once they were done.
And it's even worse now a lone Great Bustard has taken up residence there and you can often see her from the road. Between the stones and Gertrude no wonder it's an accident blackspot.

I honestly dread having to use the 303.
It is going to be cut and cover according to the tunnel plans
It’s not cut and cover, it’s a bored tunnel. The only bits you could class as cut and cover will be the portals.

Something does need doing, I travel on it a fair bit and it’s awful. WS desperately needs something. The archeology isn’t expected to be at the depth of the tunnel and the land the 303 is currently on will get the chance to regenerate, which it desperately needs
It's a ritual landscape as much as the stones themselves. Might as well preserve the lot. Used to be down that way regularly during Cruisewatch days but missed the iconic convoy stop with the stones in background.
snap :)
Can't take this dude seriously when he's named after a service station. Probably got a vested interest in everyone using the M5 instead.
The members of the fictitious band I created for some English project at school were Michael Wood, Lee Delamere and Brent Knoll. The latter is now Sedgemoor I think, was just a rest area back in the day with nothing but bogs.
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