hopefully not gimboid
bungled my alcohol addled brains but could solve my state pension conundrum I have been looking at for years, bookmarked for daytime reading.I haven’t done it but my brothers m-i-l is at present. This is the info I passed to her, she’s retired ill health from teaching so I think is short a few years.
Normally, if you have a gov gateway login, you can see your history on line and the cost to purchase any partial or missing years. You can only fill years after the event, and the rate is set each year. Current cost is £824 per year.
But if you claim to be self employed, it only costs approx £160. Now to pay, you have to talk to DWP to get a quote & a reference number, then pay the contributions via HMRC. This will take a bit of time probably to set up and does have some admin.
It is definitely more efficient ie cheaper to buy extra years by declaring yourself self-employed (ie - registering this status with HMRC) although you can only do one tax year at a time.
You don't need to do any actual self employed work, just complete a self-assessment tax return each year and state despite having profits below the small profits threshold you'd like to voluntarily pay Class 2 NI contributions.
Each year you do this adds another year record at a fifth of the cost of adding missing years in a lump sum payment.
Wonder if there’s time to do all of this by January 31st?
Also my earnings figure stated earlier in the thread was gross not net so probably only on the first rung of 5 figures earners netwise.