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Stonehenge Tunnel Poll

Should they dig the tunnel

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I would have thought most of the tunnel would be below any archeology unless it's going to be a cut and cover tunnel. :hmm:
Unless the entrances are going to be right next to the henge (in which case a tunnel would be pointless) then how much archeology is going to be found? :hmm:
Please read the thread and if you’re able watch the video. tl; dr - lots. The stones themselves are not the issue. The whole area is full of archaeology.
Unless the entrances are going to be right next to the henge (in which case a tunnel would be pointless) then how much archeology is going to be found? :hmm:
I can remember there being a free festival at Stonehenge every year. The stones belong to the people man! Heck some of the graffiti on the stones is historic :)

Leave it as it is, no to the tunnel.
Please read the thread and if you’re able watch the video. tl; dr - lots. The stones themselves are not the issue. The whole area is full of archaeology.
The whole country is full of archaeology. Doesn't every major construction project have to have archeology done like on HS2? Or are we not supposed to do anymore building projects? :(
I can remember there being a free festival at Stonehenge every year.

I was there for the last free festival, my first festival, I was impressed with the stalls with signs advertising all sorts of goodies - various types of hash, grass, shrooms, acid, and speed, but not coke or smack.

After enjoying some shroom tea, another first for me, from one stall, we ended up buying spliffs rolled in front of you, from another stall, because we were too bollocked to roll our own. :D

Hawkwing, the Magic Mushroom Band, and others were ace on shrooms and decent hash.

It was fucking crazy, no wonder it was sadly stopped.
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Then isn't it better to dig the route to better understand it?

Can't see the point in archeology if all you're going to do is ponder what's there. :hmm:
The landscape around Stonehenge is examined again and again as more about it is discovered and more refinements of techniques are made. And a dig obliterated by building work can’t be re-examined.
From memory the dispute comes down to how much damage will be done to possible artifacts in the ground This seems to me to be a matter of technique and procedure.... Can it be done sensitively?

Getting rid of the road from the immediate landscape seems inarguably a positive. Should allow people better walking access to wider area also
Bear in mind that the route of the tunnel will be dug over in massive detail before its done, vast numbers of archaeologists get spades in the ground ahead of construction projects and this one will be no different.

Its actually good for the sector as it'll get them paid and its good for us because we get to see whats actually under the ground along the route. Layer by layer. If its done properly at least, which admittedly in this country is far from a given.
Bear in mind that the route of the tunnel will be dug over in massive detail before its done, vast numbers of archaeologists get spades in the ground ahead of construction projects and this one will be no different.

Its actually good for the sector as it'll get them paid and its good for us because we get to see whats actually under the ground along the route. Layer by layer. If its done properly at least, which admittedly in this country is far from a given.
Bear in mind that the route of the tunnel will be dug over in massive detail before its done, vast numbers of archaeologists get spades in the ground ahead of construction projects and this one will be no different.

Its actually good for the sector as it'll get them paid and its good for us because we get to see whats actually under the ground along the route. Layer by layer. If its done properly at least, which admittedly in this country is far from a given.
No dig unless necessary seems to be the best practice at the moment, especially as more and more non-invasive techs become available. And for such an iconic world-class site and landscape. it shouldn't even be up for discussion.
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