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Fracking - the general discussion.

Even the petrochemical companies aren't that interested. The whole fracking industry in the UK up to now has been a dead loss as far as I know. The boss of Cuadrilla, a major player in fracking 1.0, is saying it's not viable. And that would probably be the case even without the ferocious opposition any new fracking sites will face.
The former boss..
This is going nowhere. No Tory MP is going to support this on their doorstep. Mogg certainly won't respond to the challenge another Tory put to him to that end. Bizarre to think why they are doing this. Perhaps to wrongfoot Starmer
Is it not the dead cat strategy? It defers attention from things like on-shore wind, and most pertinently investment in demand reduction.
Even the petrochemical companies aren't that interested. The whole fracking industry in the UK up to now has been a dead loss as far as I know. The boss of Cuadrilla, a major player in fracking 1.0, is saying it's not viable. And that would probably be the case even without the ferocious opposition any new fracking sites will face.

The former boss..

... and founder.

Chris Cornelius, the geologist who founded Cuadrilla Resources, which drilled the UK’s first modern hydraulic fracturing wells in Lancashire, told the Guardian that he believed the government’s support for it is merely a “political gesture”.

“I don’t think there is any chance of fracking in the UK in the near term.”

I think we can all agree on both of those points.

Is it not the dead cat strategy? It defers attention from things like on-shore wind, and most pertinently investment in demand reduction.
It could be, but the policy seems popular given the applause it generated when she mentions it is probably the main driver. Her base seem to like it. If they didn't, I doubt theyd bother
“Rees-Mogg has been publicly dismissive of such worries, saying the opposition to fracking is “hysteria” and often based around the public not understanding science…”

Says the scrawny necked fucker who clearly doesn’t understand the geology. How many fracking rigs has he got shares in.

It could be, but the policy seems popular given the applause it generated when she mentions it is probably the main driver. Her base seem to like it. If they didn't, I doubt theyd bother
which is odd when you think where franking is likely to occur and the demographic and political persuasion of those that will be affected by it. it's not as if you can do it in Islington now can you.
which is odd when you think where franking is likely to occur and the demographic and political persuasion of those that will be affected by it. it's not as if you can do it in Islington now can you.
Not while a racist antisemite jam terroist has his filthy social way. No franking for Islington. :D

We all know this pie in the sky nonsense won't work, no matter how much Mogg tries to fiddle the system or obfuscate planning permissions.

Did anyone else notice the language Truss used in her responses on Radio Lancashire? When pressed on consent she 'innocuously' said she would make sure there was consent. I'm sure that's true!
Not while a racist antisemite jam terroist has his filthy social way. No franking for Islington. :D

We all know this pie in the sky nonsense won't work, no matter how much Mogg tries to fiddle the system or obfuscate planning permissions.

Did anyone else notice the language Truss used in her responses on Radio Lancashire? When pressed on consent she 'innocuously' said she would make sure there was consent. I'm sure that's true!
if they took the consent process out of the planning system and created a new body to deal with granting such approvals they could guarantee approvals were granted. not sure how much due process this woukd have or whether any such approvals would stand up to legal challenge though.
if they took the consent process out of the planning system and created a new body to deal with granting such approvals they could guarantee approvals were granted. not sure how much due process this woukd have or whether any such approvals would stand up to legal challenge though.
I would think the safest place to live to avoid fracking is BANES

You could also take up the popular new hobby of throwing sharp objects wrapped in dog turds at it's incumbent MP
I haven't a scooby how hedge-funds work, but I'm thinking a combination of government grants and still making a profit from a failed project ?
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