Solidarity against neoliberalism!
Interested piece in the paper about Parkinson being unrepentant for the sexist way he interviewed Helen Mirren in the 1975. It was 'of its time' he says. 'No harm done' he says.
His kind of blatant 'how can I take you serious if you have breasts' talk certainly blighted my younger life. Certainly that kind of personal talk was rife when I started work. Perhaps its usually expressed less blatently today - but as I hear from my female young relatives it certainly hasn't disappeared completely.
His kind of blatant 'how can I take you serious if you have breasts' talk certainly blighted my younger life. Certainly that kind of personal talk was rife when I started work. Perhaps its usually expressed less blatently today - but as I hear from my female young relatives it certainly hasn't disappeared completely.