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England fans: the racism and the violence

fucks sake.. the Harrow Hooligans are a bit miffed LOL please - are the straw hats chafing your head? Did they teach you streetfighting at Harrow? Harrow. Hahaha now there's a story. What house were you in?
And as if any proof were needed that you're nothing more than a puffed up bladder here it is - if you had any politics crap or otherwise here is where you'd be arguing it. Only there's no politics or even an attempt to make out your grassing people up is the way forwards. All you have is posting up made up shite.
And as if any proof were needed that you're nothing more than a puffed up bladder here it is - if you had any politics crap or otherwise here is where you'd be arguing it. Only there's no politics or even an attempt to make out your grassing people up is the way forwards. All you have is posting up made up shite.
"grass" oh dear, what would Mater say? What happened to your old Harrow mates that used to post here? The twitchy one and the old soak? I was your caretaker you posh little man. I know all your secrets.
Oh rather worse, I think, as you don't have any actual arguments on my post about how your grassing activity is wrong, resorting instead to lies - or and hominems if you prefer.
So am I a grass or a liar? I remember the smack of willow on leather like it was yesterday.
Always with the binaries. What makes you think you can't be both?
I'm not the one with the straw boater in a dusty box
Sorry but I'm just allergic to pseudo working class Chelsea Headhunter hunters that went to posh schools, especially when they don't know what damage cocaine can do to a Chelsea fan already wrecked by cheap Belgian lager
I think you're a fraud, and you add nothing to anything.
I'm not the one with the straw boater in a dusty box
Sorry but I'm just allergic to pseudo working class Chelsea Headhunter hunters that went to posh schools, especially when they don't know what damage cocaine can do to a Chelsea fan already wrecked by cheap Belgian lager
I think you're a fraud, and you add nothing to anything.
I don't have a boater. I never had a boater. I didn't go to harrow. Or Westminster or rugby or st Paul's or stow or any of the places I've been told on here I went to school. there are people here who saw me at the headhunters incident so I'll leave it up to them to decide if I'm a fraud. But I still see no actual defence of your stupid strategy beyond a variant of asserting you're right. Which no one else here seems to think.
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I'm not the one with the straw boater in a dusty box
Sorry but I'm just allergic to pseudo working class Chelsea Headhunter hunters that went to posh schools, especially when they don't know what damage cocaine can do to a Chelsea fan already wrecked by cheap Belgian lager
I think you're a fraud, and you add nothing to anything.
I've just seen this and so am making the ban permanent.
There's Welsh racists, there's Scottish racists, there's racists every fucking where. But right now it's England fans under the spotlight for their recent behaviour at the Euros, and that includes the disgraceful booing of anthems, loudly booing their players taking the knee, and posting horrendous racist abuse on line.

And how do some people respond to a discussion on the issue? They start banging on about Cardiff City (WTF?) and Wales and the suggest that I don't really care about racism at football, FFS. Like it's not something I've not been actively involved with over the years.
Specifically on the anthems, I dunno, I've never particularly had a problem with that. Maybe it's because I started going to football in the 70s and see it roughly the same as booing the names of opposition players as they get read out pre kick off. It's the kind of thing that's obviously problematic when it's problematic, when it is inspired by racism. There'll be particular games when that's obviously the case. But then it's also part of the contained aggression that was part of the rituals of football and in part still is. The idea of 'respecting' the anthems is problematic and seems part of the project to deliver an advertiser/commercial friendly football. I want an anti-racist football as well as one that's anti-homophobic, misogynistic and the rest, but not a top down sanitised version of that.
I don't have a boater. I never had a boater. I didn't go to harrow. Or Westminster or rugby or st Paul's or stow or any of the places I've been told on here I went to school. But there are people here who saw me at the headhunters incident so I'll leave it up to them to decide if I'm a fraud. But I still see no actual defence of your stupid strategy beyond a variant of asserting you're right. Which no one else here seems to think.
Did you go to a private school?
Specifically on the anthems, I dunno, I've never particularly had a problem with that. Maybe it's because I started going to football in the 70s and see it roughly the same as booing the names of opposition players as they get read out pre kick off. It's the kind of thing that's obviously problematic when it's problematic, when it is inspired by racism. There'll be particular games when that's obviously the case. But then it's also part of the contained aggression that was part of the rituals of football and in part still is. The idea of 'respecting' the anthems is problematic and seems part of the project to deliver an advertiser/commercial friendly football. I want an anti-racist football as well as one that's anti-homophobic, misogynistic and the rest, but not a top down sanitised version of that.
... but then thinking about that... I think I have less problem with booing anthems if it's about to be a tightly contested game against a good team, particularly in a WC or Euros i.e. something that's high stakes and the booing is part of the sporting rivalry. Booing somebody in a no stakes friendly is pointless and maybe more likely to be problematic.

AKA: I dunno.
... but then thinking about that... I think I have less problem with booing anthems if it's about to be a tightly contested game against a good team, particularly in a WC or Euros i.e. something that's high stakes and the booing is part of the sporting rivalry. Booing somebody in a no stakes friendly is pointless and maybe more likely to be problematic.

AKA: I dunno.
I mean, ideally you'd want both sets of fans to boo both anthems, but maybe that's me being too starry-eyed and idealistic there. I suppose there is a whole discussion to be had about what it means to kneel if you're also going to stand and sing the anthem, but idk if this thread is the place for it.
I would absolutely boo the anthem if we were playing somebody in a World Cup semi or whatever. Hostile atmosphere, maybe their players would feel a bit intimidated.

If I was at Spurs' new stadium, relaxing in the cheese room, and they started playing "Ozzie's on his way to Wembley" or whatever the fuck their songs are then I would also boo the shit out of that.

Actually do Spurs even have a song? Like we have Bubbles, Millwall have their own kind of knock off version, Everton have Z Cars. I guess Spurs have their own version of Southampton's song? It's a clever adaptation, if nothing else.
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