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England fans: the racism and the violence

I would absolutely boo the anthem if we were playing somebody in a World Cup semi or whatever. Hostile atmosphere, maybe their players would feel a bit intimidated.

If I was at Spurs' new stadium, relaxing in the cheese room, and they started playing "Ozzie's on his way to Wembley" or whatever the fuck their songs are then I would also boo the shit out of that.

Actually do Spurs even have a song? Like we have Bubbles, Millwall have their own kind of knock off version, Everton have Z Cars. I guess Spurs have their own version of Southampton's song? It's a clever adaptation, if nothing else.
I'd be surprised if players who have reached the standard of their national team are going to 'intimidated' by a load of boo boys.

Euro 2020 racist abuse - 11 people arrested

Police have arrested 11 people as they continue a hate crimes investigation into social media messages sent after the Euro 2020 final. The UK Football Policing Unit received 600 reports of racist comments sent to England's black players after the defeat and judged 207 to be criminal.
Of these, 123 were posted by people overseas, while 34 came from the UK. Police said people who think they can hide behind social media accounts "need to think again".
I'm surprised so many appear to be from overseas, TBH
"The Premier League's data from their monitoring of abuse against players has shown that around 70% of cases involve abuse coming from social media users outside of the United Kingdom, a league source told Reuters on Tuesday".

"The abuse is global, with accounts from Indonesia to Argentina levelling racism and homophobia at players. The biggest number of discriminatory posts appeared in French and Spanish, followed by English," the report found.

Perhaps the title of this thread needs to be changed in light of the evidence that the majority of the racist posting isn't, in fact, from 'England fans'??
Why are home records consistently better than away? Except for last season, which coincidentally happened to be the only season when supporters weren't allowed in the grounds?
Err, because you get to sleep in your own bed the night before, you have almost zero travelling, you're in a familiar place, you know the ground and the pitch inside out. For starters.
An academic study:

Ryan Boyko, a research assistant in the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, studied 5,000 English Premier League games from 1992 to 2006, to discern any officiating bias and the influence of home crowds. The data was published in the Journal of Sports Sciences and suggested that for every additional 10,000 people attending, home team advantage increased by 0.1 goals. Additionally, his study proved what many football fans already suspect: that home teams are likely to be awarded more penalty kicks, but crucially, this is more likely with inexperienced referees. So, consideration of referee profiles should clearly be a refinement for home field advantage statistics.[4]

The stadium or arena will typically be filled with home supporters, who are sometimes described as being as valuable as an extra player for the home team. The home fans can sometimes create a psychological lift by cheering loudly for their team when good things happen in the game. The home crowd can also intimidate visiting players by booing, whistling, or heckling.
I see likes and appreciative comments absent from certain posters on the positives around this story and the rallying round our young black footballers from so many fans
There's a whole load of different things going on here isn't there, which interlink with society in general in England and in the wider sense, as well as the particular thing of being an 'England Fan'. Which can mean active fans going to games but in a tournament context often doesn't mean much more than 'English people watching on TV. And there's no doubt that by either mark there's some pretty toxic behaviours by people who fall under that umbrella. I think the point though is that this is a contested space. There's been so much positive stuff as well around the team this tournament - from the behaviour of the team itself and the manager, through to the drowning out of the booing of taking the knee, and on to the huge amount of support given to the players afterwards. And then there's wider stuff like FLAF etc. There are loads of 'England fans' taking action in various ways to combat this stuff, which might be from posting positively online right through to active physical confrontation.

Given that the England team, fans, whatever aren't going anywhere the issue has to be to win that contest for that space. And it seems obvious to me that the gleeful 'look how awful England fans are' stuff is on the wrong side of this. It's all about trying to associate everyone with the negatives 'you should be ashamed, back away from that space, etc' And what's that going to achieve?
I'm not technologically minded but so many of these racist comments - could VPNs be a factor? Some dickhead posting from Clacton but it showing up as having been posted from Manila?
Maybe those Welsh footballers who were racially abused were victims of Cardiff fans using VPNs too.

The simplest answer is probably the correct one though - the rest of the world has a huge problem with racism against black people and homophobia, and England as the most popular footballing league/nation in the world acts as a vector for that racism and homophobia. That's not to say that some doesn't come from our own home grown racists and homophobes of course, but I don't think we need to start adding overseas racists into our own numbers.
Perhaps the title of this thread needs to be changed in light of the evidence that the majority of the racist posting isn't, in fact, from 'England fans'??

"England fans" and "Premier League fans" aren't synonymous - and the study cited by Reuters wasn't only looking at Premier League teams.

The Fare network, who monitor and campaign against racism and discrimination in football, commissioned a study into last August's Champions League and Europa League games, involving European clubs, including English teams Manchester United and Manchester City.
Err, because you get to sleep in your own bed the night before, you have almost zero travelling, you're in a familiar place, you know the ground and the pitch inside out. For starters.

Nah this is rubbish. All Premier League teams sleep in a hotel, home or away, the night before a game. Man City sometimes sleep in their training ground.

If you don't think 40,000 people booing your every move affects you, you're away with the fairies.
And it seems obvious to me that the gleeful 'look how awful England fans are' stuff is on the wrong side of this. It's all about trying to associate everyone with the negatives 'you should be ashamed, back away from that space, etc' And what's that going to achieve?

Which, of course, is what this thread was set up to do. As you say it's politically useless and merely drives wedges between people. It's a form of inverted exceptionalism that has become particular bitter and twisted since 2016.
Nah this is rubbish. All Premier League teams sleep in a hotel, home or away, the night before a game. Man City sometimes sleep in their training ground.

If you don't think 40,000 people booing your every move affects you, you're away with the fairies.
yeh on match day i used to see the arsenal coach heading towards the emirates up new north road. which is strange since wenger and quite a few of the players lived up round totteridge, miles away to the north.
Which, of course, is what this thread was set up to do. As you say it's politically useless and merely drives wedges between people. It's a form of inverted exceptionalism that has become particular bitter and twisted since 2016.

aye it the English fans who are the victim in all of this not the footballers receiving the abuse
I'm not technologically minded but so many of these racist comments - could VPNs be a factor? Some dickhead posting from Clacton but it showing up as having been posted from Manila?
Possibly, although to anyone analysing the data it should be obvious which accounts are using VPNs as VPN providers tend to use the kind of ISPs that don't sell consumer connections.

Otherwise we might as well surmise that many of the abusive posts from UK IP addresses were overseas trolls using VPNs that terminate in the UK.
Err, because you get to sleep in your own bed the night before, you have almost zero travelling, you're in a familiar place, you know the ground and the pitch inside out. For starters.

In the three seasons previous to the last one teams in the PL averaged about 0.4 - 0.5 extra points from every home game, compared to their away games.

In 20/21 PL teams got an average of 0.068 less points per game in home games than in away games (i.e. it was pretty much even).

And the difference between those seasons wasn't "not travelling" or "sleeping in a different bed". Supporters affect the performances of teams.

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