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England fans: the racism and the violence

The view from CNN:

Nice :)

However, he says, they do have redeeming features.
"They tend to be the most friendly, humorous and charming -- and in my experience, they are also the least racist of the Europeans. "
Dear Marcus , Jadon and Bukayo,

We are very sorry to hear about the recent racist abuse you received however it may be of consolation to you know that it’s not as bad in Wales and Scotland .

yours ,
Some urban75 posters

additional you should now how hard it is to be an English fan with the home nations ganging up on you

we all have crosses to bare

some other urban75 posters
Looks like the comic strip I drew back in the 90s didn't have the desired effect


(This strip was drawn for "United Colours of Football", a national anti-racist fanzine by the Football Supporters Association and the Campaign for Racial Equality.© Urban75 1996)
He obviously hasn't met any Welsh people. They're the least racist Europeans.
In fairness someone (I don't remember who and I'm not trawling back now to look tbh) said about Cardiff fans being well known as racist, and then they were asked by editor to provide evidence. Then nobody did provide evidence. So editor and maybe others was saying there is not that level of racism in Cardiff/Welsh fans - only after someone said there was. That's how I saw it. 🤷‍♀️

Edited to correct tiredness- and heat-induced typos.
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In fairness someone (I don't remember who and I'm not trawling back now to look tbh) said about Cardiff fans being well known as racist, and then they were asked by editor to provide evidence. Then nobody did provide evidence. So editorand maybe others was saying there is not that level of racism in Cardiff/Weslh fans - only after someone said there was. That's how I saw it. 🤷‍♀️
That's quite correct. It was a stupid, ignorant claim and one that was utterly irrelevant to the discussion about the recent racism related to the Euro 2020 internationals.
In fairness someone (I don't remember who and I'm not trawling back now to look tbh) said about Cardiff fans being well known as racist, and then they were asked by editor to provide evidence. Then nobody did provide evidence. So editor and maybe others was saying there is not that level of racism in Cardiff/Welsh fans - only after someone said there was. That's how I saw it. 🤷‍♀️

Edited to correct tiredness- and heat-induced typos.
No, that’s wrong.
This /\ is really stupid because on a strategic level it a) relies on other people - social media companies, employers, police etc - to act as you wish them to; b) it changes nothing - these life destroyed racists, assuming you succeed, are still racists just angrier and more embittered; c) none of this empowers anyone, there is no actual progress made, all it is is people reporting racism and hoping the authorities do something.

Sometimes the cops and employers and social media companies will act. But what will you do when they don't? What will you do when racists get together on their own social media - like Stormfront for example - on a racist-friendly ISP? Where racists work for other racists?

Where there are successes against racism it's through bringing people together, either on an occasional basis like the auld afa unity carnivals or demonstrations like the afa walk round the east end or longer term community based projects. I can't see your proposal making anything better for the victims of individual or systemic racism as nothing you say opposes racism or proposes an alternative - you've abandoned all the people who've spent a load of time online while isolated the last sixteen months and simply gone down a rabbit hole. It's feeble. It's disempowering. It's myopic, and politically appalling
fucks sake.. the Harrow Hooligans are a bit miffed LOL please - are the straw hats chafing your head? Did they teach you streetfighting at Harrow? Harrow. Hahaha now there's a story. What house were you in?
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I think they said they may have posted whilst drunk . One bloke said he wasn’t racist as he was a quarter South African and had once been married to a German
I was once married to a Brazilian with Grrman DNA. I swear her dad was a nazi. I slipped his drink with a powder in his pale ale and skipped the country. It was a marriage of convenience that was never consummated.
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