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England fans: the racism and the violence

So after all that...

But doesn't a one match ban effectively equal a fine of a few million (in lost gate receipts)?

Probably. The FA can well afford it anyway.

Sadly I don’t think it’ll do much to stop it happening again but hopefully all the dickheads involved will get what’s coming to them eventually by way of a custodial sentence. With any luck it’ll be in a foreign nick too.
I was surprised those Hungarian fans were able to give our trusty British bobbies a good kicking on TV with no apparent arrests.
if it was this flag

let them pay the fine and fair play to them
So the report is out. Nothing will happen. England should be banned from international football for a decade at least . Ideally more . And forfeit the 66 world cup as well.
There was a small column in the sports section at the back of the Evening Standard today where apparently the German Police commended England fans overall behaviour, and that along with German fans arrested, it was no more than an average Bundesliga match. There was probably quite a few disappointed journalists this morning.
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