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Donald Trump's 2nd term

This is typical of these boards. Phil is correct in most of what he's saying but because it's not on to post anything non-derogatory about Trump (or Phil, for that matter), you're all tying yourselves up in woke-lefty knots.

It's fun to watch. :)

tying ourselves into notes you want to got back a few pages where is is state that people are trying to smear trump as a racist

then admits himself that trump is a racist

he is chatting out of his arse
I don't see why. Trump has made it pretty clear that if re-elected he'll withdraw from NATO (thus probably ending it), rescind NAFTA, stop fueling the war in Ukraine and so on. These are (or ought to be) the main political goals of the Left. But the Left is so fixated on Trump (A) that it is incapable of perceiving the opportunity it is being handed by Trump (B).
Said anything about 5 eyes?
Wonder why. What pleasure is to be derived from it? How does it relate to genuine concerns over populists and bigots?

Loony left, right on, politically correct, social justice warriors, woke... this is the best they have?

Utterly ridiculous.

Seems quite simple to me. He gets his jollies from acting like a prick, especially in certain threads.
The maquiladoras (sic) were set up because of NAFTA, which Trump wants to rescind. So if your heart truly burns with outrage over the maquiladoras, you ought to support Trump. But you don't. Why not? Could it be that your righteous indignation over the maquiladoras has been so to speak trumped by your passionate, MSM-induced hatred for Trump as a person?

He was President. He had his chance to 'rescind'. He failed.

"Yes, the Trump administration did renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and managed to conclude and pass a successor agreement, the USMCA. How big a change was that? Did it solve the problems critics had identified? Was it any good? Small, no, and no. " (Forbes)

Trump threatened a lot, all as a negotiating policy. He delivered virtually fuck all.

"Righteous indignation" over piss-poor working and pay conditions? Go fuck yourself.
You're not reading what he's posted correctly. You're reading what you want him to have said, not what he did.

It's amazing innit. The whole "IS v. DOES" distinction just whizzed into the wild blue yonder. Might as well not have said it. And that's just one instance. It's the power of propaganda so it is, it truly does destroy the capacity for reason.

People are absolutely, irrevocably convinced that Trump passed a ban on Muslim immigration, that he said Mexicans are bad people etc. And you can't tell them differently, no matter what. They're just not going to hear it. Reason is a fragile creature.
This thread is proof that it's possible to be both!
You're woke too :eek:

Really though - you didn't answer. You're really comfortable about Trump's language about Mexican immigrants? You don't think it's racist - because that's the discussion these particular lefties are having with the righties at the moment.

How about similar language about immigrants in the UK? Should refugees be sent back to where they came from in case some of them are violent criminals? And just first generation ones or should we be sending others back because you can never be too safe?
Seems quite simple to me. He gets his jollies from acting like a prick, especially in certain threads.
It's odd.

All the sneering at the woke left, aggravating the community here...

If some posters dislikes urban that much, or just see it as a place they can tee hee at the ethos of the community... wouldn't they be better off leaving and finding somewhere more suitable to their hobbies?

It may have been a laugh initially but at this stage? Seriously?
You're not reading what he's posted correctly. You're reading what you want him to have said, not what he did.
Trump is racist, but the MSM is trying to smear him as racist in areas where he isn't racist, such as when he blames the US's drug problems on Mexican illegal immigrants whom he describes as 'bad hombres'. Which, according to Dwyer, is not racist.

Hope you're keeping up.
Ideally, that would be nice but if some individual came into the community pissing about all over the place, surely someone should have a word with them.

If only for their own hehealth.
Just put them on ignore and then you only know they are posting when people keep replying.
Trump threatened a lot, all as a negotiating policy. He delivered virtually fuck all.
Tbf that was partly because he was distracted by his political opponents constantly trying to throw him out of office, put him in prison etc.

But it's true that he could have achieved much more. Presumably he will do so in a second term, should he be allowed one.
It's amazing innit. The whole "IS v. DOES" distinction just whizzed into the wild blue yonder. Might as well not have said it. And that's just one instance. It's the power of propaganda so it is, it truly does destroy the capacity for reason.

People are absolutely, irrevocably convinced that Trump passed a ban on Muslim immigration, that he said Mexicans are bad people etc. And you can't tell them differently, no matter what. They're just not going to hear it. Reason is a fragile creature.

This is correct. That people would get upset with someone pointing it out, is actually quite strange.
'bad hombres'. Which, according to Dwyer, is not racist.

I suppose it might be racist, but I honestly don't see why. I've thought about it, but I just don't see it. I asked you to explain it, nothing. I believe it was two sheds posted this link as an explanation, but that just made it worse. Crazy author seems to think that Trump shouldn't be allowed to speak Spanish or something, made absolutely no sense, no help at all. Care to have another go?

This is correct. That people would get upset with someone pointing it out, is actually quite strange.

It's not so strange, it's cognitive dissonance. No-one likes to admit that they've been manipulated into believing something that isn't true, and rather than do so they'll insist that it is true, even when it obviously isn't.
I suppose it might be racist, but I honestly don't see why. I've thought about it, but I just don't see it. I asked you to explain it, nothing. I believe it was two sheds posted this link as an explanation, but that just made it worse. Crazy author seems to think that Trump shouldn't be allowed to speak Spanish or something, made absolutely no sense, no help at all. Care to have another go?

The article points out his "othering" of Latinx/Hispanic/Mexican people.

This is a traditional tactic of the right.

And it's not the first time he's done that. His comments about Jewish Americans being loyal to Israel. As being not quite American. Isolating his perceived enemies, setting off dog whistles to get his message across.

Wanting Norwegian migrants rather than people from "shithole countries".

Putting the blame on the Chinese for what he called "Kung Flu".

Not renting out properties to Black American tenants in the 70s.

And of course, birtherism. The othering of Obama. Whatever you think of 44's politics, you can't have missed Trump's attempts to paint him as not an American.

We haven't even gone near his vile actions and rhetoric against women, yet. The "nasty women", how all his accusers were lying and not his "type".

Apart from those he could just "grab" and get away with it.
Said anything about 5 eyes?
I think the public should have access to more classified information than it currently does, and Trump apparently agrees.

The way he antagonized the secret services was one of the best things about his Presidency. They've been an unaccountable law unto themselves for almost a century now, and they need to be brought under the control of representative government.
The article points out his "othering" of Latinx/Hispanic/Mexican people.

This is a traditional tactic of the right.

And it's not the first time he's done that. His comments about Jewish Americans being loyal to Israel. As being not quite American. Isolating his perceived enemies, setting off dog whistles to get his message across.

Wanting Norwegian migrants rather than people from "shithole countries".

Putting the blame on the Chinese for what he called "Kung Flu".

Not renting out properties to Black American tenants in the 70s.

And of course, birtherism. The othering of Obama. Whatever you think of 44's politics, you can't have missed Trump's attempts to paint him as not an American.

We haven't even gone near his vile actions and rhetoric against women, yet. The "nasty women", how all his accusers were lying and not his "type".

Apart from those he could just "grab" and get away with it.

Has anyone on the thread been arguing that he's not a racist?
The article points out his "othering" of Latinx/Hispanic/Mexican people.

This is a traditional tactic of the right.

And it's not the first time he's done that. His comments about Jewish Americans being loyal to Israel. As being not quite American. Isolating his perceived enemies, setting off dog whistles to get his message across.

Wanting Norwegian migrants rather than people from "shithole countries".

Putting the blame on the Chinese for what he called "Kung Flu".

Not renting out properties to Black American tenants in the 70s.

And of course, birtherism. The othering of Obama. Whatever you think of 44's politics, you can't have missed Trump's attempts to paint him as not an American.

We haven't even gone near his vile actions and rhetoric against women, yet. The "nasty women", how all his accusers were lying and not his "type".

Apart from those he could just "grab" and get away with it.

That says nothing about why the phrase "bad hombres" is racist. Can you help us with that?
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