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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Do you have figures that dispute the graph shown in the article referred to there? Because if that's correct then it certainly is racist to pick on Mexicans.

You're not thinking about this logically. Your logic has been occluded by your visceral hatred for Trump as a person.

Trump wasn't claiming that Mexicans commit a disproportionate amount of crime. He was claiming that a significant proportion of Mexican illegal immigrants are criminals.

But the MSM deliberately and maliciously misrepresented his statement as racist, and millions of twits were fooled.
You're not thinking about this logically. Your logic has been occluded by your visceral hatred for Trump as a person.

Trump wasn't claiming that Mexicans commit a disproportionate amount of crime. He was claiming that a significant proportion of Mexican illegal immigrants are criminals.

But the MSM deliberately and maliciously misrepresented his statement as racist, and millions of twits were fooled.
You're not thinking about this logically. Your logic has been occluded by your visceral love for Trump as a person.

If Trump wasn't claiming that Mexicans commit a disproportionate amount of crime, why focus on them? Why the inflammatory language (hint: that's a clue to people who aren't blinded to it). What significant proportion?

But Trump apologists pretended he's not racist, and millions of the far right are fooled.
If Trump wasn't claiming that Mexicans commit a disproportionate amount of crime, why focus on them?

Because he was asked about illegal immigration from Mexico.

He claimed that many illegal immigrants from Mexico are criminals. So if you want to convict him of racism, you'll need to show that this isn't true. Good luck with that.
Nope, he made the statement and you're supporting it so you have to provide the figures. I've already shown a graph that disproves it which you've conveniently ignored. Good luck with that.
You're not thinking about this logically. Your logic has been occluded by your visceral hatred for Trump as a person.

Trump wasn't claiming that Mexicans commit a disproportionate amount of crime. He was claiming that a significant proportion of Mexican illegal immigrants are criminals.

But the MSM deliberately and maliciously misrepresented his statement as racist, and millions of twits were fooled.
Fuck's sake. Just his phrase 'bad hombres' was fucking racist. Just that on its own. And if you can't see that then you are the 'twit'.
There was nothing racist there either. He didn't say all Mexicans were bad hombres, he said that many of the Mexicans sneaking across the Rio Grande are bad hombres.

These supposedly racist comments are actually good examples of how the MSM twists and distorts Trump's words to smear him.
There was nothing racist about that comment.

Trumpists always do this garbage.

Racist comments aren't racist in their world.

No matter what examples, citations, links, evidence is given... it's all MSM deep state twisting the dear leader's words.
Because he was asked about illegal immigration from Mexico.

He claimed that many illegal immigrants from Mexico are criminals. So if you want to convict him of racism, you'll need to show that this isn't true. Good luck with that.
'illegal entry' into is a criminal offence in the US. So they're all criminals.
Why do you defend Trump Dwyer? Actually, I'm not interested.

He was claiming that a significant proportion of Mexican illegal immigrants are criminals.

You've now used 'many' and 'significant'. Useless, general undefined words that aren't even true. The vast majority of Mexican migration to the USA is economic. Until the last few years, those returning home outweighed those leaving. You say you live there. You should know this. Why would criminals return home? People migrate for money and return home when they have made money. This is a long established trend.

I don't doubt you know what maquiladores are. Foreign companies that set up just over the border, often literally a stone's throw over the border. Then manufacture with cheap labour before selling their goods elsewhere. Where's your ire for these companies? Why do you think these companies are even allowed to behave like this?

But you'd rather go down rabbit holes and defend Trump. You make me puke.
stop fueling the war in Ukraine and so on.
"Stop fueling the war" = "let Russia win the war"

I don't see why hoping for a victorious imperialism from the most reactionary anti-democratic government in Europe should be a goal of the left? Should be quite the contrary.

A break up of NATO, which American withdrawal could lead to, would be a disaster for the European continent. Russian conquest of Ukraine with support from a far-right US government and from China would almost certainly lead to an invasion of the Baltics by 2030 which would draw in Poland and become a major conflict. It is a nightmare scenario. Not sure what you think is gained by it.
Nope, he made the statement and you're supporting it so you have to provide the figures. I've already shown a graph that disproves it which you've conveniently ignored. Good luck with that.

I don't think you understand.

Trump was not claiming that Mexicans commit a disproportionate amount of crime. So your graph is irrelevant to any evaluation of his claim. Do you understand that?
"Stop fueling the war" = "let Russia win the war"

I don't see why hoping for a victorious imperialism from the most reactionary anti-democratic government in Europe should be a goal of the left? Should be quite the contrary.

A break up of NATO, which American withdrawal could lead to, would be a disaster for the European continent. Russian conquest of Ukraine with support from a far-right US government and from China would almost certainly lead to an invasion of the Baltics by 2030 which would draw in Poland and become a major conflict. It is a nightmare scenario. Not sure what you think is gained by it.

Perhaps this isn't the place to debate the benefits of NATO.

Suffice it to say that abolishing NATO has for many years been among the most treasured goals of the European Left. Now a viable political candidate shows every sign of being about to abolish NATO. And how does the European Left react? In a foolish and irrational manner, which is determined entirely by their visceral hatred of Trump as a person.

I think the Left ought to take a pause and think this through properly.
This is typical of these boards. Phil is correct in most of what he's saying but because it's not on to post anything non-derogatory about Trump (or Phil, for that matter), you're all tying yourselves up in woke-lefty knots.

It's fun to watch. :)
You don't feel that what Trump said about Mexicans is racist Spy?
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Perhaps this isn't the place to debate the benefits of NATO.

Suffice it to say that abolishing NATO has for many years been among the most treasured goals of the European Left. Now a viable political candidate shows every sign of being about to abolish NATO. And how does the European Left react? In a foolish and irrational manner, which is determined entirely by their visceral hatred of Trump as a person.

I think the Left ought to take a pause and think this through properly.
If only the European left was more supportive of lying white supremacist rapists who call the left vermin and to be crushed.
I don't doubt you know what maquiladores are. Foreign companies that set up just over the border, often literally a stone's throw over the border. Then manufacture with cheap labour before selling their goods elsewhere. Where's your ire for these companies? Why do you think these companies are even allowed to behave like this?

I don't doubt you know what maquiladores are. Foreign companies that set up just over the border, often literally a stone's throw over the border. Then manufacture with cheap labour before selling their goods elsewhere. Where's your ire for these companies? Why do you think these companies are even allowed to behave like this?

I know exactly why they're allowed to behave like that.

The maquiladoras (sic) were set up because of NAFTA, which Trump wants to rescind. So if your heart truly burns with outrage over the maquiladoras, you ought to support Trump. But you don't. Why not? Could it be that your righteous indignation over the maquiladoras has been so to speak trumped by your passionate, MSM-induced hatred for Trump as a person?
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