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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Tbh the sort of people who obsessively complain over how woke everything's gotten and how cancellation's the greatest threat of the era really just need to get their shit together and find some perspective. Disney including the occasional trans background character and a handful of Twitter types telling on people to their bosses really isn't making the sort of grand social impact they think. It's also pretty hypocritical given the events of the last three months where that "people are losing their jobs" line somehow missed all the folks getting blacklisted for supporting Palestine.
The anti-woke brigade have taken a tune from the Keir Starmer playlist on this. The people being blacklisted for supporting Palestine are antisemites. Not enough of them are losing their jobs.

I was listening to a podcast a few weeks ago that was ostensibly about cancel culture in the US and I became very confused at one point when the discussion turned to Gaza. I had assumed they were referring to pro-Palestinians being cancelled, then I eventually twigged that they were actually saying that it wasn't safe for Jews in US colleges at the moment with all the unchallenged antisemitism flying around. Antisemitism has been weaponised in many different ways recently, but using it as a means to attack the 'woke' is one of the stranger ones.
Tbf it won't be the loons who get put in charge of economic policy, they're just riled for votes and occasional useful idiot roles. It's the competent bastards a rank or two below Trump and his circus who you need to watch out for.
Steven Miller being among the very worst of them.
His "informal economic adviser" is Stephen Moore, a man steeped in background roles from being the research director of Ronald Reagan's privatisation thinktank, through the Cato Institute and a highly impactful campaign to take control of the GOP fundraising reins in the early 2000s. He was talking about going after Republicans in Name Only back in the 90s. Wall Street Journal, Heritage Foundation, Trump 2016 - that's the danger man. Committed, capable and more than willing to quietly get shit done while Trump and The Loonspuds are causing a daily scene of chaos in the media.
It's a backlash against the left and the gobsmacking wokery that's pervaded the US, particularly around gender and Middle Eastern politics. A lot of folk have had enough, and this is the result. The fact that people are voting for a sex offending racist isn't because they appreciate sex offending racists. It's because nobody else is offering a solution; and the fact that the left are unable to provide credible opposition shows that it's their fault.

*shakes fist at woke

the GOP was full of racists, Christian Fundy and people look for a race war long before people started going on about wokery

trump was a reaction to having a black president and still in the throws of the right reaction to it
*shakes fist at woke

the GOP was full of racists, Christian Fundy and people look for a race war long before people started going on about wokery

trump was a reaction to having a black president and still in the throws of the right reaction to it
+ Hillary Clinton winning the Dem ticket
Honestly it's a bit bonkers to talk about "backlashes against woke" as though it's a legitimate response to over the top demands if you put it in the context of the previous century, during which multiple examples of mass right-wing hysteria took place against every single attempt at or manifestation of social change of any sort using precisely the same excuse. Like this has been gone through over and over again, there is no pace of change or form of politeness or logical argument that social conservatism will accept, it just doesn't want the thing to happen, period.
A Harvard professor, Claudine Gay, was forced to resign recently because of her position on the current conflict in Gaza.

It wasn't even due to her personal position on Gaza - a coalition of student groups posted a letter blaming Israel's policies for the Hamas attack. According to this report, "within days, students affiliated with those groups were being doxxed, their personal information posted online. Siblings back home were threatened. Wall Street executives demanded a list of student names to ban their hiring. And a truck with a digital billboard — paid for by a conservative group — circled Harvard Square, flashing student photos and names, under the headline, “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites.”

Claudine Gay and two other university presidents were called to testify before Congress about antisemitism, and Gay and the president of Pennsylvania University were forced out of their jobs after they waffled a little bit about free speech when they answered a question about "calls for genocide against Jews," with the alleged "calls for genocide" being slogans used by protesters like "There is only one solution: intifada, revolution."

They later clarified their positions with lengthy, apologetic statements but politicians from both parties still called for their removal. Doesn't exactly sound like out-of-control "wokery" on Middle East issues to me
Not at all. Some of this is stuff out of control in the US. People's careers have been destroyed for questioning whether someone with a penis and testicles might not be a woman.
It's a lovely narrative, but I'd be sceptical that this happens very much in Iowa.

Of course, there's also nothing in particular to stop people being afraid of things that are not happening.
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Tbf it won't be the loons who get put in charge of economic policy, they're just riled for votes and occasional useful idiot roles. It's the competent bastards a rank or two below Trump and his circus who you need to watch out for.
the problem is the "competent bastards" aren't actually that competant and some of Trump's places in Congress are fucking loons Marjorie Taylor green for example.
Not at all. Some of this is stuff out of control in the US. People's careers have been destroyed for questioning whether someone with a penis and testicles might not be a woman. The lengths to which affirmative action has been taken in some cases politically and commercially is questioned by many. It goes on.

I'm not going to get in to either a race or gender discussion but the point is that far left attitudes have pissed people off in the US to the extent that they're now going the other way and electing a rapey racist as their President.

you been watching fox news as well :hmm:
Spymaster you should have a read of this:

Social science researcher happens to spend a few years researching in rural Wisconsin in the lead up to 2016, which completely leads her to see what’s coming and why. It has elements of what you’re saying but you’ve missed the bigger picture, in short.

Not just him, we all have been asleep at the wheel, it seems :oops:

Trump returns from the Iowa caucuses for a defamation lawsuit bought against him by one of rape victims. He will lose the case, like he always does.

Wonder what the human dogshit who voted for him in Iowa will make of it? Three reactions I predict. First will be clueless idiots who don't even know about it. Second there will be people who will know and like that he raped her, it will be part of the reason they support this bastard. Third there will be the loons who think she's a 'deep state' actor or some other deranged bullshit. All scum, every last one of them.
Trump returns from the Iowa caucuses for a defamation lawsuit bought against him by one of rape victims. He will lose the case, like he always does.

Wonder what the human dogshit who voted for him in Iowa will make of it? Three reactions I predict. First will be clueless idiots who don't even know about it. Second there will be people who will know and like that he raped her, it will be part of the reason they support this bastard. Third there will be the loons who think she's a 'deep state' actor or some other deranged bullshit. All scum, every last one of them.
I'd reckon the largest constituency is "know but don't care because they like his political agenda."
without going.to much into it any teacher who works in a state funded school in the USA who get sacked because their brought their religious and or bigoted views into the class room and blame wokeness for getting the bullet

fuck em

separation of church and state was a founding principle
of the country..
Sorry people, I lost it there for a while. :(

We have a right wing (Democrat) government and a far-right and fundamentalist christian (Republican) opposition with utter right-wing loons in charge of southern states all imposing austerity on a population that by-and-large isn't earning enough in the first place but they get to finance the billionaires who pay proportionally less tax than working people.

And right wing and far-right-wing judges in the Supreme Court appointed by Trump legislating against women in favour of rapists and pedophiles. And right-wing media and social media that are agitating for a pogrom of refugees and the left in general when trump gets back in. And a right-wing and far-right-wing police force that takes out their hatred by arresting and beating up minorities.

And a right-wing health service that's driven by profit and screwing over poor people who overwhelmingly get ill because of none of their fault. And right wing and far-right billionaires financing violent far-right groups and fundamentalist christians so they can ban books they don't like and take over the education system to push insane fundamentalist christian "morality".

.. and breathe ...

It's a fucking right wing paradise over there. All the things they think a society should be right there and visible.

But the righties maintain that the problems are actually the left's fault because a few of the people being discriminated perhaps against go too far against the people discriminating against them. :rolleyes:
just in general, may i repeat, there is no materialist explanation for trump. the further down the income scale you go, the higher the percentage of biden voters.
That's a pretty strange statement from someone who calls themselves a socialist. (And the second sentence rather implies there is a material factor present).

If 30-40 years of neoliberalism, the decline of union members, worsening condition of workers, levelling off or even reduction in mortality age of certain groups does not effect people's politics then what the hell does.
I mean the whole bloody basis of socialism is that the relationship between capital and labour is key in capitalism. If you're going to claim that the pattern of the class war over the last 40 years is completely irrelevant to the appeal of populism then you need to start thinking about what you mean by socialism.
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called to testify before Congress about antisemitism, and Gay and the president of Pennsylvania University were forced out of their jobs after they waffled a little bit about free speech when they answered a question about "calls for genocide against Jews," with the alleged "calls for genocide" being slogans used by protesters like "There is only one solution: intifada, revolution."
They walked into the trap set for them. The reason they waffled about free speech is that in the face of claims that they are censoring conservative speech on campuses, they settled on a lawyerly formulation that speech is free but conduct is punishable. They were then presented with a hypothetical piece of anti-Semitic speech, and were jumped on when they fell back on the same formulation.
hmm regardless of trump atm and arguing about neoliberalism

forgetting the achievement of neoconservatism and the right evangelistic right who managed finally after 50 years to overturn roe vs wade would be a disservice to the way trump won in iowa
it was not the normally working man walking in the snow to vote for trump in the lowest turn out for the event in years

it was the bible bashers

as always the thing that might fail trump in this election round is what will make it start off so well

just appealing to the crazies
de-banking people whose political opinions are deemed "incorrect",

oh had not seen this

get your tongue out of Farrages arsehole mate :D

jesus talking about american politics and bring up debanking when the brought in section 28 in florida and in texas you can be arrested for taking a women out of the state to visit an abortion clinic
they set up a grass up line for women who you are lead to believe may have an abortion and restricted health services to the point ...
a women could die on the table whilst a doctor or nurse spend the required time to find out if they are going to be arrested for medical action

damn evil lefties canceling things
No he's right, some of the people involved in the January 6th coup attempt also lost their business accounts.

Goddamn woke banks, not wanting to continue doing business with insurrectionists trying to overturn a democratic vote!
Do you think it's just him?

re read my post about what they brought into states of america

debanking farage for paying off his fucking mortgage to the point where he dropped below the minimum deposited requirement for keep his bank account open in a posh bank

is very fucking different from being debanked, keep this level amount of money in your account or we will close it ..

drops below "well my fucking rights have been taken away"

making that a comparison of what been brought into some states of the usa after the defeat of roe vs wade makes your comparison of the two a fucking embarrassing
re read my post about what they brought into states of american

debanking farage for paying off his fucking mortgage to the point where he dropped below the minimum deposited requirement for keep an bank account open in a posh bank

if very fucking different from being debanked

and what been brought into the states after the defeat of roe vs wade makes your comparison of the 2 fucking embarrassing

Forget Farage. It's happened to hundreds of organisations and individuals. Read something other than the Guardian.
forget the example you brought into the discussion :hmm:

how about forget anyone's opinion who is old enough to remember section 28 being implemented by thatcher , old enough to see it repealed and is to stupid to see a dog whistle from the right when they talk about which bathrooms, sports and fucking pronouns fella

the second place finisher has a don't say gay bill implemented and was not see as extreme enough for the people who turned up in Iowa
tbh spy not going to get into smallest detail arguing with you at this time on a tuesday
you meant Farage and we both know it

the culture war shite in america is a different level than what happening in the uk atm

comparing the too is nonsensical .. as america is on the tipping edge of a full blown fascist taking over

and you arguing about rich cunts having to find another bank account and dick head christains not moving with the times

Phils back in feb feel free to come back in and support him when he returns
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