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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Not at all. Some of this is stuff out of control in the US. People's careers have been destroyed for questioning whether someone with a penis and testicles might not be a woman. The lengths to which affirmative action has been taken in some cases politically and commercially is questioned by many. It goes on.

I'm not going to get in to either a race or gender discussion but the point is that far left attitudes have pissed people off in the US to the extent that they're now going the other way and electing a rapey racist as their President.
I don't buy this line. Trump's election in 2016 wasn't based on these things. It was more to do with a feeling that there was a political elite that didn't give a fuck about certain groups who felt they were struggling - combined with a big vote from the rich who just wanted tax cuts. It will be much the same people voting for Trump now as voted for him in 2016 and 2020. And there are plenty of 'traditional' r/w reasons why they might do so - he cut taxes on the rich when in power, he slashed environmental legislation, he promoted ultra-conservative judges leading to the overturning of Roe vs Wade. His achievements from a traditionally conservative point of view were considerable, so why not have him in again to do more of the same?

I don't think it's logical for poorer people to vote for someone like Trump. But it wasn't logical in 2016 either.
Not at all. Some of this is stuff out of control in the US. People's careers have been destroyed for questioning whether someone with a penis and testicles might not be a woman. The lengths to which affirmative action has been taken in some cases politically and commercially is questioned by many. It goes on.

I'm not going to get in to either a race or gender discussion but the point is that far left attitudes have pissed people off in the US to the extent that they're now going the other way and electing a rapey racist as their President.
Too true, and not forgetting all those liberal loony lefties who are calling gay and transgender people pedophiles with an increase in murders :mad:

ah no that's that's the ultra-loony right wingers isn't it :confused:
It's a backlash against the left and the gobsmacking wokery that's pervaded the US, particularly around gender and Middle Eastern politics. A lot of folk have had enough,

Woukd this be a backlash against US continuing to send arms to Israel while it is leveling Gaza, killing hundreds of women and children on a daily basis and condemning over a million to conditions of starvation, with the few voices against it are hounded as anti-semitic? Or backlash against something else pervading the US?
It's a backlash against the left and the gobsmacking wokery that's pervaded the US, particularly around gender and Middle Eastern politics. A lot of folk have had enough, and this is the result. The fact that people are voting for a sex offending racist isn't because they appreciate sex offending racists. It's because nobody else is offering a solution; and the fact that the left are unable to provide credible opposition shows that it's their fault.

Gets popcorns and comfy chair.
Too true, and not forgetting all those liberal loony lefties who are calling gay and transgender people pedophiles with an increase in murders :mad:

ah no that's that's the ultra-loony right wingers isn't it :confused:

See? This is such a typical leftie response. "Ahhh, but what about the right?"

I mention people questioning the gender of people with male genitalia, and the response is 'well the right call them paedos!' Absolutely zero reflection, just an immediate deflective attack on an irrelevance.
In the US they call them liberals but here they are the politics of the hard left, aren't they?

They most certainly are on these boards.
I don’t think so. I think what you’re referring to, what you’re calling “affirmative action” and “extreme wokeness” (and I disagree with your terminology and classification), is not at all “hard left”, but is, rather, associated with a civil society hegemony both here and in the US.

That’s quite aside from whether “wokeness” (respecting other people?) is a good thing or not.
See? This is such a typical leftie response. "Ahhh, but what about the right?"

I mention people questioning the gender of people with male genitalia, and the response is 'well the right call them paedos!' Absolutely zero reflection, just an immediate deflective attack on an irrelevance.
See? This is such a typical rightie response. "Ahhh, but what about the lefties?"

A thread on Trump about to turn the US fascist and start turning on anyone who doesn't agree with him and the response is "well the left is insane for wanting equal rights for minorities. Absolute zero reflection, just an immediate deflective attack on an .....

errm killing gay and transgender people as pedophiles is an ... irrelevance? :facepalm:

I know you don't believe half of this Spy but you can be an utter tosser at times.

If you think the left has the upper hand in the US you've swallowed the same Fox News pill as the trumpies.
Spymaster you should have a read of this:

Social science researcher happens to spend a few years researching in rural Wisconsin in the lead up to 2016, which completely leads her to see what’s coming and why. It has elements of what you’re saying but you’ve missed the bigger picture, in short.
Reasonable positions that get taken to extremes which is the speciality of the far left. Extreme affirmative action; bonkers gender politics that see academics and perfectly reasonable people losing their careers when challenged; de-banking people whose political opinions are deemed "incorrect", etc etc
Woke has been twisted, these days it's basically stuff that the right doesn't like.

Trans people and issues, representation of black, brown and LGBT people. Is almost like a code, if you see comments online about films/television shows with the above people in it, right wing will flood comments sections and call it woke.

Woke actually means being aware of historical and current inequalities and discrimination.

Lead Belly was one of the first to use the term , as caution black people to stay woke - as in be aware of the areas you're passing through back in segregation times.

Those who use it now are not aware of the meaning and use it to denigrate equality, LGBT rights and anything they deem a threat to hetero-normative or white supremacy.

A Harvard professor, Claudine Gay, was forced to resign recently because of her position on the current conflict in Gaza.

Is she one of the academics you mean?
Ironically, much of the culture wars nonsense that is called 'wokery' by one particular side is arguably itself a distraction to which conservative-leaning types should remain 'woke'. This is particularly true in the US. Making an issue out of such non-issues as Drag Queen Story Time, for example.

However, on its own as a centre-point to a campaign, this stuff doesn't actually play that well. DeSantis is finding that out.
"Woke" has been subverted by the right wing, and the far right, to the point it's been rendered useless, as "politically correct" was in its time. The Daily Mail suggested that Gladiators was "woke" for not including cheerleaders, for one very recent, parochial example.

What we should be concerned about is book banning and abortion restriction, and the increasing influence of Christian Nationalists. Instead the far/right have taken control of the narrative by making society scared of sex education.

I don't listen to Trump supporters, including on this thread, for very good reasons.
"Woke" has been subverted by the right wing, and the far right, to the point it's been rendered useless, as "politically correct" was in its time. The Daily Mail suggested that Gladiators was "woke" for not including cheerleaders, for one very recent, parochial example.

What we should be concerned about is book banning and abortion restriction, and the increasing influence of Christian Nationalists. Instead the far/right have taken control of the narrative by making society scared of sex education.

I don't listen to Trump supporters, including on this thread, for very good reasons.

Woke just replaced social justice warriors which replaced pc which replaced loony left and right on etc.

It's the perfect distraction, as you say, from the issues that the right are pushing.
It's a good way to identify twats, tbf. Anyone who ever said 'it's political correctness gone mad' non-ironically was a twat. Similarly we now have basically anyone using the term 'woke' as an insult.

We should reclaim it.

'You're extreme woke, you are.'

'Oh you think so? Thanks, that's really kind of you.' :)
Let's keep the fight to the one thread, shall we?

Edit> Krtek's losing his shit with me on the BD thread and trying to cross thread beef it.

I posted on and began this thread, ya dope.

If you can't say anything constructive, you should take a breather and chill...

Woke just replaced social justice warriors which replaced pc which replaced loony left and right on etc.

It's the perfect distraction, as you say, from the issues that the right are pushing.

but it isn't, there is a legion of rightwingers who are truly motivated by it.

just in general, may i repeat, there is no materialist explanation for trump. the further down the income scale you go, the higher the percentage of biden voters.
Tbh the sort of people who obsessively complain over how woke everything's gotten and how cancellation's the greatest threat of the era really just need to get their shit together and find some perspective. Disney including the occasional trans background character and a handful of Twitter types telling on people to their bosses really isn't making the sort of grand social impact they think. It's also pretty hypocritical given the events of the last three months where that "people are losing their jobs" line somehow missed all the folks getting blacklisted for supporting Palestine.
channel 4 had some Trump voter state that Jan 6th was set up by the FBI :rolleyes: 😢.

you have the Dems doing centre right poltics and GOP doing some weird drugs and ranting at the mirror:eek: which would be fine but the world doesn't really need irrational poltics in charge of the worlds economy
Tbf it won't be the loons who get put in charge of economic policy, they're just riled for votes and occasional useful idiot roles. It's the competent bastards a rank or two below Trump and his circus who you need to watch out for.
Tbf it won't be the loons who get put in charge of economic policy, they're just riled for votes and occasional useful idiot roles. It's the competent bastards a rank or two below Trump and his circus who you need to watch out for.

And should one of the less messianic loons get the presidency (unlikely) they could cause far more havoc, being that wee bit more competent.
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