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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Probably because the head spooks understand how the world works Trump didnt and doesnt realpolitk it mostly depressing and disgusting but the idea that today will be mostly like yesterday and tomorrow in fear of being worse.

Trump didnt want that Reagun and Maggie decided to go for a win in the cold war regardless of cost and did.
Trump has no overall plan or ideology cares little for the world ripped up the iran dea when it was working betrayed the kurds annoyed most of his allies attempted to cosy up to north korea and Russia and got little out of either.

The American empire my be shite but the chinese version would be the same but on fire russia's empire is gone its as likey to come back as the British
Probably because the head spooks understand how the world works Trump didnt and doesnt realpolitk it mostly depressing and disgusting but the idea that today will be mostly like yesterday and tomorrow in fear of being worse.

Trump didnt want that Reagun and Maggie decided to go for a win in the cold war regardless of cost and did.
Trump has no overall plan or ideology cares little for the world ripped up the iran dea when it was working betrayed the kurds annoyed most of his allies attempted to cosy up to north korea and Russia and got little out of either.

The American empire my be shite but the chinese version would be the same but on fire russia's empire is gone its as likey to come back as the British
It's because the head spooks hated having Trump as their C-in-C, because they saw him as an obstacle to their plans for war in Syria, Ukraine and Iran.
Probably because the head spooks understand how the world works Trump didnt and doesnt realpolitk it mostly depressing and disgusting but the idea that today will be mostly like yesterday and tomorrow in fear of being worse.

Trump didnt want that Reagun and Maggie decided to go for a win in the cold war regardless of cost and did.
Trump has no overall plan or ideology cares little for the world ripped up the iran dea when it was working betrayed the kurds annoyed most of his allies attempted to cosy up to north korea and Russia and got little out of either.

The American empire my be shite but the chinese version would be the same but on fire russia's empire is gone its as likey to come back as the British
That's the sort of dangerous thinking that could end up with Martians speaking French
Probably because the head spooks understand how the world works Trump didnt and doesnt realpolitk it mostly depressing and disgusting but the idea that today will be mostly like yesterday and tomorrow in fear of being worse.

Trump didnt want that Reagun and Maggie decided to go for a win in the cold war regardless of cost and did.
Trump has no overall plan or ideology cares little for the world ripped up the iran dea when it was working betrayed the kurds annoyed most of his allies attempted to cosy up to north korea and Russia and got little out of either.

The American empire my be shite but the chinese version would be the same but on fire russia's empire is gone its as likey to come back as the British
Agree with all but the assessment of Russia and frankly amazed that anyone would believe that
Their every strategy having failed, the Never Trumpers now seem to be calling for a pre-emptive coup, emergency suspension of civil liberties, cancellation of election, or something equally drastic and horrible. This doesn't look good. People in power tend to take their cue from nutty neo-cons like Robert Kagan, writing in Friday's Wapo. He's talking about a possible Trump election victory:

"Are we going to do anything about it? To shift metaphors, if we thought there was a 50 percent chance of an asteroid crashing into North America a year from now, would we be content to hope that it wouldn’t? Or would we be taking every conceivable measure to try to stop it, including many things that might not work but that, given the magnitude of the crisis, must be tried anyway?"

the Never Trumpers now seem to be calling for a pre-emptive coup, emergency suspension of civil liberties, cancellation of election, or something equally drastic and horrible.
So ... calling for the Democrats to do what Trump's going to do (with your full approval?) if he gets in. The bastards that's so unfair :mad:
It's looking more and more like the neo-cons are preparing Americans for some kind of pre-emptive extra-judicial action to stop Trump's election, which they now view as "increasingly inevitable" (Robert Kagan in Friday's WaPo).

Today it's the NY Times turn, but they're not very good at it. They're trying to scare their liberal readership with the awful prospect that Trump might pull out of NATO! I don't think that's going to galvanize the masses:

This is looking really bad now. Another top neo-con weighs in, David Frum in the Atlantic--which is dedicating its entire next edition to Apocalypse Trump. Kagan and Frum are among the leading neo-cons, the prime architects of the Ukraine and Syria wars, and men who know how to get things done. I bet they're going to pull some kind of stroke soon:

The prime architects of the war in Ukraine are Putin and his cronies.

Is Frum a Putin ally, or a Rhino?

Kagan and Frum are neo-cons out of think-tanks line the PNAC and the AEI. They are the most fanatical of the Never Trumpers, and they are the people who run the Biden admin. They are also the people who provoked the war in Ukraine. Here is Kagan's wife doing her thing in Kiev, 2014:

I'm not a fan of the likes of Frum and Kagan but they hardly 'run the Biden admin'.

The prospect of a second Trump administration is terrifying to me, and clearly to large numbers of Americans, so is a perfectly legitimate topic for media columns - I really don't get how that translates into some kind of shadowy plot from neocons to stop democracy. Barely any more believable than a new drop from QAnon.
Kagan and Frum are neo-cons out of think-tanks line the PNAC and the AEI. They are the most fanatical of the Never Trumpers, and they are the people who run the Biden admin. They are also the people who provoked the war in Ukraine. Here is Kagan's wife doing her thing in Kiev, 2014:

PNAC is pretty much dead and buried and the war in Ukraine was "provoked" by Putin and co.

Frum is a Republican, so is he a Rhino or a Kremlin Republican?
Frum is a Republican, so is he a Rhino or a Kremlin Republican?

There's no such thing as a Rhino. Frum is a neo-con: that means he hates-Putin and wants to overthrow him, so that the USA can overthrow Assad and then the Ayatollahs before they get a nuke. This is a matter of great urgency for them, they feel that they cannot risk any delay.

The neo-cons hate Trump, since he is not on board with their PNAC agenda, and they will do literally anything to prevent him winning the election. They've tried just about everything legal already. From the tone of the last week's press, it seems likely that they're now preparing to take another route.
There's no such thing as a Rhino. Frum is a neo-con: that means he hates-Putin and wants to overthrow him, so that the USA can overthrow Assad and then the Ayatollahs before they get a nuke.

The neo-cons hate Trump, since he is not on board with their PNAC agenda, and they will do literally anything to prevent him winning the election. They've tried just about everything legal already. From the tone of the last week's press, it seems likely that they're now preparing to take another route.
And are the PNACs in the room with you now, phil?
There's no such thing as a Rhino. Frum is a neo-con: that means he hates-Putin and wants to overthrow him, so that the USA can overthrow Assad and then the Ayatollahs before they get a nuke.

The neo-cons hate Trump, since he is not on board with their PNAC agenda, and they will do literally anything to prevent him winning the election. They've tried just about everything legal already. From the tone of the last week's press, it seems likely that they're now preparing to take another route.
You do realise it isn't 2003 anymore, right?
You do realise it isn't 2003 anymore, right?

Kagan and Frum (and their mates) have been around since then and, as you see, they're still around now. As I say, the problem facing them--the last problem as they see it--is the prospect of a nuclear weapon controlled by the Ayatollahs. They see that as what they call "an existential threat," not without reason tbh. They'll be around until they achieve their objectives.
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