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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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And worst of all he can see them from his golf course :mad:
When President-elect Donald J. Trump met with the British politician Nigel Farage in recent days, he encouraged Mr. Farage and his entourage to oppose the kind of offshore wind farms that Mr. Trump believes will mar the pristine view from one of his two Scottish golf courses, according to one person present.

The meeting, held shortly after the presidential election, raises new questions about Mr. Trump’s willingness to use the power of the presidency to advance his business interests.
Source: NYT

e2a: not even president yet and already interfering in foreign energy policy.
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Oh well, if "computer scientists" say it then case proven.

Usual crap journalism that gives no details of the claim. But I will bet now this amounts to nothing.

Yeah - no mention on any other news site, but I didn't think the Indie was that poor. Sounds like they are clutching at straws.
Yeah - no mention on any other news site, but I didn't think the Indie was that poor. Sounds like they are clutching at straws.
It links to where they got it from in the article and here's a load of others reporting it from the same source it seems. High powered people and institutions like that don't let their name be used by accident. Many of them quote from a statement from the group - which i can't yet find in full and now suspect is sloppy reporting.
My bet is that there will be no serious challenge to the official vote, for this reason: the Democratic party has not been interested in making sure that African-American voters actually get to vote. Why should it be interested in defending anyone else's vote?

The fact that they allowed the idiocy of electronic (and hackable) voting to take hold in the first place shows they're not interested.
It links to where they got it from in the article and here's a load of others reporting it from the same source it seems. High powered people and institutions like that don't let their name be used by accident. Many of them quote from a statement from the group - which i can't yet find in full and now suspect is sloppy reporting.
No details in that original source either, other than the fact that votes are 7% lower in some counties than others. That's a totally meaningless statistic without a tonne of other stats to back it up. What is the complete dataset of electronic voting versus non-electronic voting? In any random set, you can cherry-pick a sample that will look odd in isolation. What other factors may affect the demographics in those counties? What is the variance of voting across counties? We can't tell anything from the source.
It links to where they got it from in the article and here's a load of others reporting it from the same source it seems. High powered people and institutions like that don't let their name be used by accident. Many of them quote from a statement from the group - which i can't yet find in full and now suspect is sloppy reporting.

I only looked on the BBC frontpages, Guardian and Telegraph - I would have thought it worthy of such...
Here's an odd thing: the Independent appears to have done a copy & paste job from the original article. But in the original, the word "counties" is consistently spelled correctly, and yet in the Independent article one of them has mysteriously becomes "countries" instead.
No details in that original source either, other than the fact that votes are 7% lower in some counties than others. That's a totally meaningless statistic without a tonne of other stats to back it up. What is the complete dataset of electronic voting versus non-electronic voting? In any random set, you can cherry-pick a sample that will look odd in isolation. What other factors may affect the demographics in those counties? What is the variance of voting across counties? We can't tell anything from the source.
I'm sure you're right about all that, my post wasn't intended to suggest any defence of the claim - rather, that the big names publicly attached will have be there on purpose. Some political pressure game is being played here.
I'm sure you're right about all that, my post wasn't intended to suggest any defence of the claim - rather, that the big names publicly attached will have be there on purpose. Some political pressure game is being played here.
Yeah, I'm sure you're right about that too.

Difficult for Clinton, though, after all the fuss made about how Trump should accept the result of the election come what may. For her to do what she accused him of planning to do would not sit well.
The Independent website is almost totally unusable for me. The lag between trying to scroll and actual scrolling is about 10 seconds.
At work, I have a thin client. Lots of websites are totally ill-equipped for that. If not on the work computer, I am probably on an iPad and it is shit on that as well.
Quite. Who is supposed to have rigged it? A political establishment that wanted a Clinton win?

I think the idea is a political establishment based overseas.

The impact of this, if it has legs, is not just about getting the verdict overturned. It's also going to be about its place in the news cycle, with talking heads constantly arguing in front of the public about whether their election was stolen from them, the consequent disillusionment and, potentially, governmental paralysis.
I think the idea is a political establishment based overseas.

The impact of this, if it has legs, is not just about getting the verdict overturned. It's also going to be about its place in the news cycle, with talking heads constantly arguing in front of the public about whether their election was stolen from them, the consequent disillusionment and, potentially, governmental paralysis.
Which isn't a rigged election. To me at least a rigged election implies one fixed by the people currently in power.
Yeah - no mention on any other news site, but I didn't think the Indie was that poor. Sounds like they are clutching at straws.
The Indy is currently full of clickbait for those desperate for reassuring articles that will tell them Brexit and trump won't happen. Definite attempt to cash in on that link hungry market
The Indy is currently full of clickbait for those desperate for reassuring articles that will tell them Brexit and trump won't happen. Definite attempt to cash in on that link hungry market

The indy has sunk so low lately it's now doing listbait and gifs. It's a poor shadow of what it once was.
Donald Trump is poised to eliminate all climate change research conducted by Nasa as part of a crackdown on “politicized science”, his senior adviser on issues relating to the space agency has said.

Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding in favor of exploration of deep space, with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century.

This would mean the elimination of Nasa’s world-renowned research into temperature, ice, clouds and other climate phenomena. Nasa’s network of satellites provide a wealth of information on climate change, with the Earth science division’s budget set to grow to $2bn next year. By comparison, space exploration has been scaled back somewhat, with a proposed budget of $2.8bn in 2017.

Bob Walker, a senior Trump campaign adviser, said there was no need for Nasa to do what he has previously described as “politically correct environmental monitoring”.

“We see Nasa in an exploration role, in deep space research,” Walker told the Guardian. “Earth-centric science is better placed at other agencies where it is their prime mission.

Trump to scrap Nasa climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’
White high schoolers in Miss. put noose around black student’s neck and ‘yanked,’ NAACP says

A group of white high school students in Mississippi placed a noose around a black student’s neck and “yanked backward,” according to an NAACP leader, who described the incident Monday and demanded that federal authorities treat it as a hate crime.

The black student, a sophomore football player at Stone High School in Wiggins, Miss., was in a locker room on Oct. 13 when as many as four white students tossed a rope around his neck and pulled it tight, Mississippi NAACP President Derrick Johnson said in a news conference Monday.

“No child should be walking down the hall or in a locker room and be accosted with a noose around their neck,” Johnson said. “This is 2016, not 1916. This is America. This is a place where children should go to school and feel safe in their environment.”


Initially, the Stone County Sheriff’s Department discouraged the student’s parents from filing a police report because one of the white students’ parents is a former law enforcement officer, Johnson said.

Sheriff’s Capt. Ray Boggs disputed that account, saying he told Stacey Payton, the mother, that filing a criminal case could stir resentment among some students and bring her son troubles at school, according to the AP.

There will be lots more of this - both attacks on minorities, disabled and LBGT folks, and shite responses from the authorities if they dare make a complaint.
Myron Ebell will be in charge of the messaging on climate so while Trump will be all over the place at the moment the "house message" will be the Competitive Enterprise Institute style message, to ensure the easily dismissed "its a hoax" is put on the back burner and the more defend-able "I am not a scientist but" or variations there off. The message will be that yes its real, but we do not know how serious it will be and if we have enough information to act. Obfuscation and kicking into the long grass.

Possibly a big showey "investigation into malpractice in climate science" like the House Committee on Energy and Commerce investigation 2005 that was critical in promoting the Hockey Stick Controversy or the Attorney General of Virginia's climate science investigation (2010-2012) that was little more than a fishing expedition for access to emails. Something along these lines to keep "doubt" in the public eye.

One thing you would expect is a big push for funding CCS for coal.
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