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Donald Trump protest in central London, Friday 13th July

oryx to much time spent on here, on other sites they are calling the people on it tramps and scum , all sorts
250,000- v 60 mill plus in country, not really is it. its the London middle class elite what ive seen.
And some of the interviews omg, done themselves no favours surely some will admit that, many did not even know why they where there !
750,000 marched against the Iraq war over a period, still went ahead under Labour Blair did it not.
The stuff on Khan and his balloon are in full swing, its pathetic.
Plus it was a friday-long week end and all that.
Ive also seen the pick pockets had a field day today, maybe fake new, maybe not.
who knows nowadays.

Protests have been around the country.

Scotland has piped up. Lumping them in with London will get you a frown up there.

The rest of your post is waffling.
Protests have been around the country.

Scotland has piped up. Lumping them in with London will get you a frown up there.

The rest of your post is waffling.

All yours is
Scots who cares what they do, im AOBS :D
(argh got yer licle likes off yer fwiends)
Piss Poor turnout, nothing to see here
Yes, but as has been said its a lot easier to make money when you have someone who generates hours of stories just by his tweets. If they were actual propaganda outlets they'd spend money actually going after him, rather than just lazily and endlessly repeating what he has said and then having talking heads discuss how bad it is.

He's so good at shooting himself in the foot and coming out with contentious statements and policies they don't need to go after him though. He's his own worst enemy.

But the daggers will be out during election time.
So, is anyone else on this?

We're assembled at the Parliament Square end of Whitehall. Looks like the Tommy lot are further up on the other side of the Cenotaph. Something of a stalemate ATM...
Best thing for it 500 For the Pro Trump bit at US embassy grew to 2000 in Trafalgar according to Standard.... The only way they will get media cover age is it kicks off. I'd let it damp squib
trumpshit.jpeg ytcfo.jpeg

Have we had the 12 July leader comment in The Scotsman:
A denunciation of Donald Trump - The 45th president is an appalling human being
Donald Trump, due to arrive in the UK later today, is a racist, a serial liar, and either a sex abuser or someone who falsely brags about being one in the apparent belief that this will impress other men in a metaphorical “locker room”.

To take each of these charges in turn, when black American football players protested against police shootings of innocent people of colour by refusing to stand for the national anthem, Trump said the players “maybe ... shouldn’t be in the country”.

And when white supremacists, neo-Nazis and armed militia groups demonstrated in Charlottesville, Virginia, over plans to remove a statue of a Confederate general – and a counter-protester was killed and others injured as a car was driven deliberately into them – Mr Trump claimed there were “very fine people” on both sides.

Trump persistently pushed the lie that Barack Obama, the first African American president, was not born in the US.

He has called for “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, claimed Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminals, said Nigerians would never go back to “their huts” after seeing the US and described African countries, along with El Salvador and Haiti, as “s***holes”.

Trump also argued that an Indiana-born judge handling a lawsuit against ‘Trump University’ was biased against him and unfit to take the case because he was a “Mexican”.

One of Trump’s favourite pastimes is decrying “fake news”.

But, according to one count by The Washington Post, the president lies an average of 6.5 times a day. The New York Times has also tried to make a definitive list of his numerous falsehoods.

In May, Rex Tillerson, sacked as US Secretary of State in a Trump tweet, warned: “If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom.”

Before his presidency, Trump was recorded saying he was able to grope women whenever he liked because “when you’re a star they let you do it”.

When the tape emerged, Trump said his boast was untrue and just “locker room” talk. And when several women came forward to say he had done this to them, he insisted they were lying.

So, as British politicians hide their distaste in an attempt to get a much-needed post-Brexit trade deal, we should all remember what kind of man Trump really is.
Now the Stand Up to Racism roadshow has arrived so we can be lectured at by (I assume) the SWP approved speakers, including David Lammy...
He's so good at shooting himself in the foot and coming out with contentious statements and policies they don't need to go after him though. He's his own worst enemy.

But the daggers will be out during election time.

Of course they need to go after him, but they need to do it properly and not in the self-enriching way that they have been.

Everything that is highlighted by the media as wrong about Trump - the sexism, the racism, the rudeness, the vulgarity, the inhumanity of his (and the GOPs) policies - are things that are at best surprising to noone (given that even a two second glance at him would probably tell you what he is) and at worst actively appeal to some sections of his support. What is worse is that by focusing on it all day every day it makes things that were already demonstrably ineffective at dealing with him even less so, especially at election time. However to not fill the airwaves with outrage about him would mean that they would have to spend money finding other things to fill the airwave - like actual news (eg the murder of more than a hundred people across Pakistan yesterday, about which we heard nary a peep) or things about him that would actually damage him.
Best thing for it 500 For the Pro Trump bit at US embassy grew to 2000 in Trafalgar according to Standard.... The only way they will get media cover age is it kicks off. I'd let it damp squib
The Welcome Trump one was a diversion; there were a few thousand in and around Trafalgar Square before 2pm (where they should not have been according to the cops, who put a Section 12 on, but nothing happened about it) who then moved down Whitehall. The Welcome Trump lot (a couple of hundred at most I'd say) dribbled in well after everyone else was there.

It's a bit hard to judge numbers without going round every pub in the area and counting them. Not wanting to play up to stereotypes or anything but all the Free Tommy demos either have loads of people who just never leave the pub, or they get waylaid by a pub on the way there or while actually marching. Like I say, I'd estimate a few thousand though. Didn't see any Generation Identity for a change.

eta: the cops will probably use the ignoring of the Section 12 as a reason to impose further restrictions on future demos, which will of course get broadcast over YouTube and Twitter as the establishment suppressing free speech.
I live close to Prestwick Airport. Depressing number of friends jerking off over Air Force One landing there. :( I wonder how politically engaged folk actually are... (Oh, and most of these friends are female btw.)
The Welcome Trump one was a diversion; there were a few thousand in and around Trafalgar Square before 2pm (where they should not have been according to the cops, who put a Section 12 on, but nothing happened about it) who then moved down Whitehall. The Welcome Trump lot (a couple of hundred at most I'd say) dribbled in well after everyone else was there.

It's a bit hard to judge numbers without going round every pub in the area and counting them. Not wanting to play up to stereotypes or anything but all the Free Tommy demos either have loads of people who just never leave the pub, or they get waylaid by a pub on the way there or while actually marching. Like I say, I'd estimate a few thousand though. Didn't see any Generation Identity for a change.

eta: the cops will probably use the ignoring of the Section 12 as a reason to impose further restrictions on future demos, which will of course get broadcast over YouTube and Twitter as the establishment suppressing free speech.

To be fair I've spent a considerable time on demos going to the pub over the years. Just saw this which to be frank has played on my mind

Is the demonstrator saying he'd shag Khan if he was a woman ?
To be fair I've spent a considerable time on demos going to the pub over the years. Just saw this which to be frank has played on my mind

Is the demonstrator saying he'd shag Khan if he was a woman ?
Er, yeah, I saw that one too and I was a bit “not sure you’ve entirely thought the exact meaning of this through”. There were a few other inflatable/balloon/Sadiq Khan japes, as promoted by notable anti establishment figure *checks notes* Michael Fabricant MP.

(Tbh their willingness to sack off going on a march to just sit about getting pissed is one of their more humanising characteristics.)
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