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Donald Trump protest in central London, Friday 13th July

Because the media told everyone they were ok - the people that own the media have told everyone Trump isn't, because he isn't their man, so Trump must be protested against. A generalisation obvs, but there you go.
Trump isn't the media's man? You must be joking. Mainstream media adore him, and the money he makes them.
Walked through there at about 2pm (mainly to get a picture of the blimp for my mum) and there was no sign of any of that lot.

Blimp was only up for two hours, we also missed it. Free Tommy crowd currently holed up in the Silver Cross pub just off Traf Sq - one of them just received a punch in the chops for his troubles - sadly the puncher got nicked :(
Trump isn't the media's man? You must be joking. Mainstream media adore him, and the money he makes them.

The MSM attack him all the time, I watch a lot of CNN and they still haven't got over his win. He might give them a lot to talk about and you might think that makes them a lot of money if people tune in to listen, but that means their listening to him being attacked which is what you're supposed to listen to, but he's not the choice of the people that own the media.
The MSM attack him all the time, I watch a lot of CNN and they still haven't got over his win. He might give them a lot to talk about and you might think that makes them a lot of money if people tune in to listen, but that means their listening to him being attacked which is what you're supposed to listen to, but he's not the choice of the people that own the media.

Perhaps not, but they do like the amount of work / clicks (and therefore money as CRI said) he generates for them. As a source of "news", Trump is unrivalled - you can (and CNN do) fill a 24 hour rolling news service just with stories he has created.
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The MSM attack him all the time, I watch a lot of CNN and they still haven't got over his win. He might give them a lot to talk about and you might think that makes them a lot of money if people tune in to listen, but that means their listening to him being attacked which is what you're supposed to listen to, but he's not the choice of the people that own the media.

Well, certainly not CNN, but Fox?
Perhaps not, but they do like the amount of work / clicks (and therefore money as CRI said) he generates for them. As a source of "news", Trump is unrivalled - you can (and CNN do) fill a 24 hour rolling news service just with stories he has created.

make my living off the evening news
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry

Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry

Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em all around

We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
Who comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry

Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry
Perhaps not, but they do like the amount of work / clicks (and therefore money as CRI said) he generates for them. As a source of "news", Trump is unrivalled - you can (and CNN do) fill a 24 hour rolling news service just with stories he has created.

But the news isn't there to entertain you it's there to formulate your world view. And they're very happy to report on all the protests, because you have to believe he's a wrong'un, so if you have a vote you don't vote for him again.
It was absurdly huge - pretty much filled the whole route from Portland Place to Parliament Square, and densely packed too. Larger than the women’s march after Trump was elected which was a good half a million I’m told. Probably younger on average than many marches but still a very broad range of people.

I didn’t see any counter protestors (apart from the odd random nut) but it would have been hard to. Any organised attempt to disrupt it would have been ridiculous anyway.

The women’s march one at 12 was big but just normal demo big, 50K or so - still impressive given the earlier start and the relative lack of publicity.
What's the point of demonstrating against Trump? There's every bloody point

All That Is Solid ...: Donald Trump Protests: What's the Point?

Is there a point? Among those for whom Donald Trump is a pretty repulsive figure, then the answer is obvious. Simultaneously for the minority who don't think antagonising Trump, a man with a notoriously fragile ego along with a dainty set of hands, is a good idea then no, there shouldn't be any protesting. If you don't respect the man then at least respect the office, so goes the argument. And then there are the somewheres-in-the-middle who greet his "working" visit to the UK with indifference, or can't see any point in taking to the streets. Well, the protesters are right and the naysayers, whether they instinctively recoil from extra-parliamentary politics or go by the world-weary cynicism of the sofa, are wrong.

Protesting against Donald Trump sends a message. One of the predicted consequences of Trump's presidency is the attempt to normalise the abnormal. All capitalist societies (and all class societies, for that matter) are based on conflict. This means at any one time, tensions are in friction, classes and fractions of classes face off, and pathologies of violence, physical and symbolic, tear at, rip up, rework, and reweave the social fabric. Trump's presidency is an attractor and condenser of backward and declining forces who were/are attracted to him because he offers a simple analysis that makes sense of their own predicament, and whose political obscenities mark him out as someone and something different to what went before. If he refuses to abide by the etiquette of polite liberal society, if that makes him an outcast and a renegade then perhaps he will follow through with all the other outrageous, anti-globalist, anti-immigrant postures he's taken up.
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Exactly, hence I mentioned those that 'own' it. They use it as propaganda to perpetuate their business.

Yes, but as has been said its a lot easier to make money when you have someone who generates hours of stories just by his tweets. If they were actual propaganda outlets they'd spend money actually going after him, rather than just lazily and endlessly repeating what he has said and then having talking heads discuss how bad it is.
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