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Major Incident in Nottingham - 13th June 2023

So the appeal has failed. He'll serve out his time in hospital rather than prison. I can imagine the families are a bit pissed off about that.
The review into the sentence was held by the Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales (Baroness Carr), Lord Justice Edis and Mr Justice Garnham.

In summing up their conclusion, Baroness Carr said:

"Had the offender not suffered the mental condition that he did, the sentencing judge would doubtless have been considering a whole life term.

"But neither the judge nor this court can ignore the medical evidence as to the offender's condition which led to these dreadful events or the threat to public safety which the offender continues to pose."
So the appeal has failed. He'll serve out his time in hospital rather than prison. I can imagine the families are a bit pissed off about that.
on S37 / S41 in a high secure hospital ...

have you even been on a low secure Psych ward ? never mind Medium or High Secure ?
An indefinite hospital order is in some ways harsher than a prison sentence.
indeed it is , as somewhat arbitrary decisions can be made before someone is allowed ot present to the MHA Commissioners , rather than applications for parole being as of a right after the tarriff is completed and then ona regualr time frame after
Perhaps. But the level of planning he put into it does suggest he was off sound mind. As does the AG's judgment that the sentence was too lenient. The families must be furious.
this comment makes it quite clear you have little understanding of the workings of the mind of someone who is severely mentally ill
I have a son. I'd be furious. They're right. The system is flawed.

do you understanstnad the concept of mens rea

do you understand what an indefinite hospital order is ? do you understand what S 37 and S 37/41 of the Mental health act are about ?

for someone on an S37/41 order a review by the Minitry of justice must take place before a discharge application can be made whether via the Commissioners or via the Responsible Clinician
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