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Major Incident in Nottingham - 13th June 2023

So sad. I was driving through the city centre yesterday, past Notts train station at around 5:30, just before a torrential downpour/storm hit. I caught a glimpse in my eye of a huge outdoor club event which was, I assumed, an end of year student party. It looked great fun, banging house music, people jumping up & down etc, but I couldn't help thinking that it was all about to be ended by that storm and a little bit of Schadenfreude, because I couldn't be there. And today, it's really saddened me to think that one minute they could be there having the time of their lives and the next minute, gone!!! Life's so precious.
R.I.P. to them all.

Edited to add- it turns out that they were at that party, so part of me feels glad that they had a great time at that point.
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We’re watching it at the moment. I think we’re on series 3. Not really got much clue what’s going on but the tall bloke is horrid.
I think I had to watch the last two episodes a couple of times to figure it all out.
Apparently the police are doing more research into the suspects background (mental health assessment, internet logs, hard drives, full property search and interviewing people who know him) before considering exactly how to proceed with charges
4am midweek seems an odd time for a terrorist attack as you’d think the aim would be to maximise casualties and there’d be few folk around even in a busy 24 hour neighbourhood such as an area with lots of students.

it did bring into focus a few times I would be getting food / walking back at that time from a student night out twenty or so years ago. Which seems to be what the two named victims were doing at the time of the attack.
The time seemed odd to me as well. But perhaps he's not very good at being a terrorist, or was feeling shy, as one might when embarking on a new occupation.
It's an odd time for whatever it is. Assuming he didn't intend to specifically target the two he stabbed, it's not generally a popular time for murdering people at random. For one thing, there might be the odd person about, but there might not be, or they'd be too far away for you to approach them easily.
Even with MH episodes there are patterns. I tend to think that most if not all killings are MH episodes, if that phrase does have an actual meaning; if there is any ideology attached, it is secondary, just a way of dressing it up.
Even with MH episodes there are patterns. I tend to think that most if not all killings are MH episodes, if that phrase does have an actual meaning; if there is any ideology attached, it is secondary, just a way of dressing it up.

It is more than likely extreme mental health and not gang related imo. Therefore there is no "right time" is there?

He could have been coming down from a heavy drug binge and suffering from extreme paranoid psychosis or schizophrenia at that time. More than likely considering the fact that apparently the police are assessing his mental health before doing a full interview.
Even with MH episodes there are patterns. I tend to think that most if not all killings are MH episodes, if that phrase does have an actual meaning; if there is any ideology attached, it is secondary, just a way of dressing it up.
Once you're going down that path why stop there? Why not attribute all forms of interpersonal violence and abuse to mh episodes? Why not just put all behaviour down to mental health - bought a twix not a kit kat, sure there's something going on there
It's just kind of sinking in to me now how surreal the day was. Mass sirens going off in all directions during the early hours (I was awake early so heard and saw loads from my high up city centre flat) all the road closures and like Danny says one life should not matter more than the other but two really bright students with promising futures ahead of them just seconds away from their homes? Just terrible I feel like crying 😭

There's other things that are really upsetting me about this but I will not post them out of respect for the victims.
It's just kind of sinking in to me now how surreal the day was. Mass sirens going off in all directions during the early hours (I was awake early so heard and saw loads from my high up city centre flat) all the road closures and like Danny says one life should not matter more than the other but two really bright students with promising futures ahead of them just seconds away from their homes? Just terrible I feel like crying 😭

There's other things that are really upsetting me about this but I will not post them out of respect for the victims.
Warm wishes Sam. It's very upsetting when stuff like this happens in your own locality ;)
It's just kind of sinking in to me now how surreal the day was. Mass sirens going off in all directions during the early hours (I was awake early so heard and saw loads from my high up city centre flat) all the road closures and like Danny says one life should not matter more than the other but two really bright students with promising futures ahead of them just seconds away from their homes? Just terrible I feel like crying 😭
I think it’s only natural to feel that way, but especially when it’s happened right on your doorstep.

I felt similar when I lived in Reading and there was a terrorist attack that killed 3 people in the Forbury (park in the centre of town that everyone in Reading would have spent time in).

It felt horrifying and invasive as I’d until that point associated that sort of thing with Other Places and not where I lived - silly of course. It shattered me as I think it did for many in the town. It was one of the reasons that contributed to me leaving the town for good a few months later.
In the news now. Apparently he had tried to break into a care home before going on his spree but failed. I dread to think what would have happened if he had been successful.
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