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Donald Trump protest in central London, Friday 13th July

Now, boys and girls, can we start selling mini versions so we can all have one, and use the cash to fund more protests of whatever worthwhile sort, please?
A mini Trump blimp outside half the houses in the UK would be lovely.
Rejected. Hey, let's make part of the protest about environment and climate change. Hey, let's distribute loads of bits of pointless plastic.
This, really. There is so much wrong with Trump that it's easy to forget what's wrong with him. It's almost like some sort of Jedi mind trick. Unless you take time out to think about all of his appalling policies individually they can quickly become one big GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! which helps no one, and which seems to be happening in some parts.

That’s so true. If a journalist from Breitbart stopped me today and asked me why I was marching against Trump I’d probably be like ‘eeeeeeerm....’ and then they’d add that response to a video compilation entitled “leftard demonstrators DESTROYED on Trump” or something.
A bit livelier and younger than the Newcastle one at least.

I'm not against protesting trump per se - I have good memories of some protests against Bush Jr 15 years ago and our mate Ross (RIP) mooning at Bush's car as the motorcade left Easington (and him not getting arrested!) - and I don't think that everything always has to have brilliantly worked out politics.

But for places where Trump isn't visiting (so no chance he'll see it or it'll disrupt anything) it just frustrates me that so many people and energy goes into protests which basically just make the people who go (including any fash that turn up) feel better about themselves for turning up. No union participation, no attempt to site the protest somewhere that had resonance for solidarity on one of the specific issues (whether climate change or migrant rights or misogyny or whatever) or god forbid might disrupt anything, nothing that addresses the causes of trump or systemic problems that he is a symptom of, and lots of placards referencing orange wotsits rather than the horror of babies in cages.
That’s so true. If a journalist from Breitbart stopped me today and asked me why I was marching against Trump I’d probably be like ‘eeeeeeerm....’ and then they’d add that response to a video compilation entitled “leftard demonstrators DESTROYED on Trump” or something.
I must say, when you see news coverage you do really, really hope that whoever is interviewed has given some thought to what they're about to say. We could do without the left's version of Muslamic rayguns.
A bit livelier and younger than the Newcastle one at least.

I'm not against protesting trump per se - I have good memories of some protests against Bush Jr 15 years ago and our mate Ross (RIP) mooning at Bush's car as the motorcade left Easington (and him not getting arrested!) - and I don't think that everything always has to have brilliantly worked out politics.

But for places where Trump isn't visiting (so no chance he'll see it or it'll disrupt anything) it just frustrates me that so many people and energy goes into protests which basically just make the people who go (including any fash that turn up) feel better about themselves for turning up. No union participation, no attempt to site the protest somewhere that had resonance for solidarity on one of the specific issues (whether climate change or migrant rights or misogyny or whatever) or god forbid might disrupt anything, nothing that addresses the causes of trump or systemic problems that he is a symptom of, and lots of placards referencing orange wotsits rather than the horror of babies in cages.

Or that Obama/Clinton bring their own set of horrors to the table but get ignored. No protests for them.
A bit livelier and younger than the Newcastle one at least.

I'm not against protesting trump per se - I have good memories of some protests against Bush Jr 15 years ago and our mate Ross (RIP) mooning at Bush's car as the motorcade left Easington (and him not getting arrested!) - and I don't think that everything always has to have brilliantly worked out politics.

But for places where Trump isn't visiting (so no chance he'll see it or it'll disrupt anything) it just frustrates me that so many people and energy goes into protests which basically just make the people who go (including any fash that turn up) feel better about themselves for turning up. No union participation, no attempt to site the protest somewhere that had resonance for solidarity on one of the specific issues (whether climate change or migrant rights or misogyny or whatever) or god forbid might disrupt anything, nothing that addresses the causes of trump or systemic problems that he is a symptom of, and lots of placards referencing orange wotsits rather than the horror of babies in cages.
It's an odd one. With Bush there was a specific anti-war focus, the Trump stuff doesn't have that. But on the other hand he really does just represent what is shit with the world, in that sense protesting against Trump is a protest against all the stuff people say the prptests should actually be about, but it isn't made explicitly so sort of gets lost. I'm really mixed in my feelings about these.

But I don't see what's wrong with people feeling better about themselves. Isn't that a good (if minor) thing? Espically as it may encourage some to get involved in other stuff, or step up their activity in other things. Isn't this the same for a lot of demonstrations? They function as a sort of group bonding / moral raising exercise?
I'm going. I'm sorry if that doesn't meet the full approval of those staking out urban's social / politicial / moral highground but there we are. fwiw I largely agree with crossthebreeze but that doesn't change that today, right now, Trump is here and that needs shouting about.

as I write the last 24hours of coverage is dominated by the protest, and it's not in full flow yet.

He's said he feels unwelcome in London, that's a good enough reason.

Or that Obama/Clinton bring their own set of horrors to the table but get ignored. No protests for them.
But I can understand why someone would come out to protest Trump but not Obama - Trump has crossed so many lines from the "depressing horrors of capitalism as usual" to "WTAF is he doing" - and thats even the way he presents himself, and how he's been presented in the media.
But I can understand why someone would come out to protest Trump but not Obama - Trump has crossed so many lines from the "depressing horrors of capitalism as usual" to "WTAF is he doing" - and thats even the way he presents himself, and how he's been presented in the media.

Regarding Obama’s administration I was thinking of the carpet bombing via drone in the Middle East which to me seems less humane than putting children in cages (which he also did btw).
Or that Obama/Clinton bring their own set of horrors to the table but get ignored. No protests for them.

Because the media told everyone they were ok - the people that own the media have told everyone Trump isn't, because he isn't their man, so Trump must be protested against. A generalisation obvs, but there you go.
But I can understand why someone would come out to protest Trump but not Obama - Trump has crossed so many lines from the "depressing horrors of capitalism as usual" to "WTAF is he doing" - and thats even the way he presents himself, and how he's been presented in the media.
You wouldn't protest Obama's campaign of drone assassination?
You wouldn't protest Obama's campaign of drone assassination?
erm of course i would and I actually did - i can just see why people who are less political or more liberal or less aware of the horrors of the world than your or me might come out and protest Trump but not Obama. I don't think there not being big protests against Obama negates big protests against Trump. But I am critical of the content of some of the anti-trump protests and how they are organised.
All presidents are part of a shitty system, but some presidents are shittier than others - Trump appears to be getting a much worse reception than even Richard Nixon did in 1969, newscaster here refers to "obviously friendly crowds."

Not sure how many protesters were around, apart from these two:

erm of course i would and I actually did - i can just see why people who are less political or more liberal or less aware of the horrors of the world than your or me might come out and protest Trump but not Obama. I don't think there not being big protests against Obama negates big protests against Trump. But I am critical of the content of some of the anti-trump protests and how they are organised.
and also think that protesting visiting US presidents is not the thing that'll change stuff for the better
I must say, when you see news coverage you do really, really hope that whoever is interviewed has given some thought to what they're about to say. We could do without the left's version of Muslamic rayguns.

It's a strange experience having a mic shoved under your nose. Your brain can turn to goo and clearly intelligent people can struggle or meander incoherently. Unless you're used to speaking and confident with it.
I must say, when you see news coverage you do really, really hope that whoever is interviewed has given some thought to what they're about to say. We could do without the left's version of Muslamic rayguns.

Tbh there was the same level of idiocy representing the ‘left’ on a lot of the 90s RTS type protests, TV news crews would always zoom in on the most spaced out pink dreadlocked twat for a vox pop, usually of the ‘I just want to party, man’ variety. It made good telly and reinforced prejudices I guess, just like the Muslimic rape gang bloke.
West Sussex MP says Donald Trump is 'always welcome in Worthing' during UK visit

When I spotted that headline, I thought fuck you Bottomley, then I read his comment on why...

I originally invited him so he could come to the Islamic Society to see that people who are Muslic and Islamic are like people who are Christian and have no religion. They look after each other and do the best they can for people around them.

...and considered changing my attitude, just for a moment, but no, fuck you Bottomley.
Only if you think the problems we face aren’t systemic. Which they are.

am torn both ways on this, but my teen girls don't even want to hear - they're off to our local protest ( which will prob be tiny / awk / v liberal ) , cos they think Trumps' a creepy as fuck , dangerous, racist , mysogo w*nker , end off.

They get that there's a bigger picture, I've drummed into them re: Obomber's actual record etc, but they're talking about here, now, doing something, and that's all good imo.
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That’s so true. If a journalist from Breitbart stopped me today and asked me why I was marching against Trump I’d probably be like ‘eeeeeeerm....’ and then they’d add that response to a video compilation entitled “leftard demonstrators DESTROYED on Trump” or something.
Not a fan of the fuck you breitbart scum one-liner then
i can just see why people who are less political or more liberal or less aware of the horrors of the world than your or me might come out and protest Trump but not Obama.

If they're gonna be on the demo there's yer chance - go and educate them, comrade.
It is the the ascendancy of liberal identity politics, facilitated with the resources of groups like the SWP(they still have lots of money) trustafarians, etc. A major industrial dispute on the scale of the Miners Strike getting support like they did , is now very unlikely or even on the scale of the 400,000 on the TUC anti-austerity march in 2012..
Ive been in Parliament Sq, a load 30 or so Generation bods and free Tommy lads have just turned up and acting up.

Walked through there at about 2pm (mainly to get a picture of the blimp for my mum) and there was no sign of any of that lot.
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