Check your privet hedge
I think humans by their very nature over empathise , and have always find the killing of animals at some level problematic, otherwise we wouldn't have all the ritual we see around slaughter, or indeed the psychic toll on slaughterhouse workers. The modern consumer doesn't have to worry about this, the trauma is taken on elsewhere. I don't see the end of capitalism meaning the end of industrialised production of food, but given wages would disappear what would be the motive to spend all day killing animals?
Humans have created rituals over various significant phases of life, death and birth. Without particular details it doesn't seem very convincing. The one in many cultures where a boy transitions to a man with his first kill of a dangerous animal doesn't fit very well, but I'll confess 'availability bias' there. Re: slaughterhouse workers - yeah, combining the face to face with industrialisation in killing isn't good psychologically. We've also managed to make indoor work in climate-controlled offices psychologically intolerable for many, though, so our gift for turning things to shit seems quite flexible.
I see what you mean about modern slaughterhouses not keeping going without the wages, but it raises the question of who is going to spend all day picking fruit for no money.