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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

No you didn't. What you mean is that you have zero evidence that she believes this but you're going to force it down her throat and pretend that she believes it - on the basis of you going to paris and not meeting her.
Have you actually watched a single one of her speeches yet? :rolleyes:
The last presentation by reinvestigate911.org to the House of Commons centred on the proof of explosive demolition, and Neils Harrit spoke. It is no longer a source of contention within the 9/11 Truth Movement. We all know they blew it up.

So how did the CIA or whomever sucessfully wire at least 2 fully occupied office buildings? When did they start this process?
The ones in which you, with your vast experience of them, cannot find her even once saying that 911 was a false flag operation?

So you haven't watched a single speech of hers, and yet you continue to assert that you might better know than me what her (barely disguised) private thoughts on the matter are. Pathetic!
So you haven't watched a single speech of hers, and yet you continue to assert that you might better know than me what her (barely disguised) private thoughts on the matter are. Pathetic!

I note the 'might' - you have nothing. If you did have, you'd have used it. I'm on very safe ground here

The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.
So you haven't watched a single speech of hers, and yet you continue to assert that you might better know than me what her (barely disguised) private thoughts on the matter are. Pathetic!

Can you read anybody else's thoughts or just hers?
But Jazz, you clearly stated earlier in the thread that she has said that 9/11 was a false flag operation. Many people have asked you to provide proof of this, and you've failed to do so, and have just done your usual thing of dodging the question. Saying 'She doesn't believe the 9/11 commission' and 'She thinks that 9/11 was a plot by the USG' are two very, very different things.

I mean if she's never said it, why not just say 'Yeah, I was wrong' instead of this wibbling bollocks about 'Well she supports reinvestigating 9/11' - I support reinvestigating 9/11, but that doesn't mean I think it wuz the CIA wot dun it.
Jazzz, please can you point me to a link where I can watch one of these speeches you mention where she talks about 9/11 being a false flag operation, and/or the controlled destruction of the towers?

As you are heavily involved in and familiar with this stuff I'm sure you can appreciate that it will take you a fraction of the time to find them than it would take me.

The last presentation by reinvestigate911.org to the House of Commons centred on the proof of explosive demolition, and Neils Harrit spoke. It is no longer a source of contention within the 9/11 Truth Movement. We all know they blew it up.

Just like you guys were convinced the pentagon was hit by a missile.

Hypothetically what kind of explosives. Are you guys still call thermite an explosive? Or was it super nano thermite?
Jazzz, I just listened to that short speech you linked to earlier and I didn't once hear her say "9/11 was an inside job" or "9/11 was a false flag terror operation by the C.I.A." Perhaps you could link to a speech where she says this? Or a passage of text written by her where she makes one or both of these statements?
Jazzz, please can you point me to a link where I can watch one of these speeches you mention where she talks about 9/11 being a false flag operation, and/or the controlled destruction of the towers?
Why are you still confused? I have not said that she specifically and unambiguously mentions that 9/11 was a false flag operation. Indeed, I have been very careful to point out that as the political face of the movement, this is not for her to say. It is for her to call for a proper investigation. Nevertheless, it is certainly the case that she believes it. I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

Let's give you some quotes though, seeing as posters seem to be too lazy to check her out. (3:50 +)

How can we sustain the injuries about what happened on September 11 and not ask any questions about what happened on that day? How can we invest as a country trillions of dollars in a military and defence infrastructure, and it failed four times on one day? And then the explanation that they give us is that 'they hate us because we are free'?

I thought that the failure of the Bush administration to protect the American People on September 11th in of itself constituted high crimes and misdemeanours.

Note how the 'in of itself' suggests possibilities of scenarios far worse than the most gross criminal negligence.
So from the endless hours of McKinney speeches you must have seen, out of those hundreds of thousands of words you've heard say, the only ones that indicate she actually agrees with you are "in of itself"?
So from the endless hours of McKinney speeches you must have seen, out of those hundreds of thousands of words you've heard say, the only ones that indicate she actually agrees with you are "in of itself"?
No, they are all in perfect accordance.

The last presentation by reinvestigate911.org to the House of Commons centred on the proof of explosive demolition, and Neils Harrit spoke. It is no longer a source of contention within the 9/11 Truth Movement. We all know they blew it up.

There is no question over whether Cynthia McKinney accords with the rest of us here.

Of course, her line is to ask questions to uncover the truth.

Why are you still confused? I have not said that she specifically and unambiguously mentions that 9/11 was a false flag operation. Indeed, I have been very careful to point out that as the political face of the movement, this is not for her to say. It is for her to call for a proper investigation. Nevertheless, it is certainly the case that she believes it. I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

Let's give you some quotes though, seeing as posters seem to be too lazy to check her out. (3:50 +)

Note how the 'in of itself' suggests possibilities of scenarios far worse than the most gross criminal negligence.


- She believes it was a false flag operation

- But does not say this in public.

Have I got it right now?
Nevertheless, it is certainly the case that she believes it. I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

McKinney's not been shy about suggesting that Bush ignored warnings of the attacks so he could make some money so it's not like she's following some truth-seeking code of neutrality.

It seems like the conspirazoids are so happy to have her around that they'll ignore the fact that she doesn't actually believe "9/11 was an inside job." The faction who believe the Twin Towers were destroyed by weapons from space probably listen to her talk and think "yep, Cynthia's definitely with us, she just can't say it out loud..."
It seems like the conspirazoids are so happy to have her around that they'll ignore the fact that she doesn't actually believe "9/11 was an inside job."

You will find absolutely no quote of hers that in any way accepts the official story, to any degree.

- She believes it was a false flag operation

- But does not say this in public.

Have I got it right now?

And Jazzz believes this because

- he believes it

- watching her speeches, he's seen signs that she believes it too, including the telling use of "in of itself"

- Cynthia would never betray him
You will find absolutely no quote of hers that in any way accepts the official story, to any degree.

Don't start this devious dishonest crap again - not accepting the official story is not the same a saying that 911 was a false flag operation. Have some decency.
The thing is, that for reasons I can't say in public, Jazzz actually doesn't believe in all this conspiracy stuff at all. He can't say this in public either, but I do know some people, who went to the same meeting as him (although I can't say any more about that in public), and other stuff, and for these reasons I am totally sure that's what he really believes, even though he will obviously not say this himself, but you just have to trust me on this.
Jazzz said:
I have been very careful to point out that as the political face of the movement, this is not for her to say.

So the political face of your movement cannot publicly state what the movement truly believes.

Wow, just wow.
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