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March for Palestine 14th & 28th October 2023

The problem with the left not seeing that Jewish people in the UK might feel unsafe is that their cause is taken up exclusively by the right, e.g.:

Although this is mainly a problem for the left I suppose.

the titan Andrew neil :hmm: of Gbnews fame

The response from his victim to both the section in Baddiel's book and the apology that he had to wait for around 30 years ago means that I'll have to find another writer, preferably more suitably qualified, to read up on the subject matter.
I think the classic UK text on left antisemitism is meant to be Steve Cohen's That's Funny, You Don't Look Antisemitic; as more recent stuff goes, I've had Dan Randall's Confronting Antisemitism on the Left on my to-get-around-to-read-at-some-point list for ages. Of the two writers, I'm much more familiar with Randall than with Cohen, but I'm sure that both are much more principled and intelligent than Baddiel, which is still such a low bar that it feels like I'm insulting them by saying it. As for Baddiel's book on how to not be a racist, I'll get around to reading that once I've finished Bernard Manning on anticolonial struggle and Roy Chubby Brown on fourth-wave feminism.
this is the same time as the united friends and family campaign march. is that still going ahead?
Looks like it, as far as I can see - UFFC don't seem to be super social media heavy, which may be a good thing, but I can't find any cancellation notice, and Netpol and Grenfell United have both posted plugging it this week.
To summarise: the point that you were making, which you feel Pickman's missed, is that the cause of "Jews" is being taken up exclusively by the right, yes? Do you have anything to say about the above-mentioned Israel solidarity rally where Andy Burnham and Bev Craig spoke at? Or the statements by Unite and Unison on the conflict? Do you think that they're also uncaring and offputting to Jews? Or are you just going to carry on ignoring them and pretending you live in a world where a few plucky Telegraph writers are the only people brave enough to criticise Hamas?
The Community Security Trust recorded spikes in anti-semitic incidents during Cast Lead and Protective Edge. Sadly it's inevitable that they would be spiking particularly hard now. I don't see any particular reason to think that this is happening because people are encouraged by Hamas or because of shows of solidarity with Palestine when there's a much more simple explanation - inexcusably misdirected anger at the events in Gaza.
this is the same time as the united friends and family campaign march. is that still going ahead?
Oh, new update from the campaign:
To commemorate our loved ones United Families and Friends Campaign will be marching as we always do on the last Saturday in October (28th). Due to the Palestine Solidarity, and other demo's on Saturday, UFFC will meet as usual at south side Trafalgar Square 12pm, march to Downing Street and finish at 2pm. BLMUK will form part of a bloc at the Palestine march to remember those who have died in state custody, and demand justice from the British state that profits from the colonisation of Palestine and the indiscriminate murder of the Palestinian people.
Reel News reportage

Just watched this. Caught the TU side of it I missed.

Also footage of Apsana Begum MP speaking. It was so crowded I didnt make it to hear speakers.

She is a very good speaker. Brave of her to speak given in theory Starmer lot have directed MPs and Cllrs not to attend any demos.

The woman from Jewish Voice for Labour said they had had to drop their rule that one had to be a member of Labour party to belong as so many Jewish members had been expelled from the party. Or left due to Starmer.

So the rooting out of anti semitism is going well.

I wish they had got more voices of Joe public on the march. The bulk of march was Id say angry people of middle eastern background. Perhaps not everyone wanted to be on camera in that way. Given the atmosphere in this country.

Or if not get people to speak showed more of the overall people on march.

Thanks for posting this up.
Took a video to capture the scale, probably the biggest demo I've seen in Newcastle before.

Someone trying to get a chant going "resistance is justified / when Palestine is occupied" but the crowd aren't having at and chanting "ceasefire


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Saying in the news that the man arrested is alleged to have assaulted a copper.

ITV even incorporated it into its headline. :rolleyes:
BBC news (on the radio) made sure that the "fact" that 1 copper allegedly had to be taken to hospital was front and centre of the reporting of the march.
can see the papers and bravermans reaction coming tomorrow

time to crack down on violet anti semetic protesters :(
Blink and you'll miss it. This is him being led to a police van. Banner in the way. You can hear about half of 'Shame on you'.


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Hard to say how big this was compared to last week as they were different routes. This route had wide roads all the way around. But it was as big or a bit bigger, I'd say.

The emphasis has definitely changed since a fortnight ago. Not that it wasn't urgent two weeks ago, but it feels immediately urgent now. The message was simple. Cease Fire. Stop bombing babies. Now! Plus 'Sunak/Starmer/Biden/Netanyahu Shame on you/Is a wanker' chants, which are new, and a lot more banners against the British government. These are additions to the '1,2,3,4...' chant, which is still there, but has got longer.
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