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March for Palestine 14th & 28th October 2023

Sorry I missed this. Been working today. Glad I went to the last two.

Good to see others went.

And thanks to posters for the photos

I'm also surprised ( in good way) that the turn out has been so high when these demos are being held every week.
I'm not surprised. Every week the situation is worse and the anger is spreading.

I can't do next week. Sadly there will probably still be a need for one. More than ever.
I was listening to the guy whose head of PSC talk about the marches. He said he's in contact with people in Palestine and it means a lot to them to see people across the world on demos. He said the solidarity from people in other countries does mean something.
I saw that. Interesting juxtaposition of tourists and baton wielding police too
I was right next to it. Looked like it might turn nasty at one point. Coppers looked scared, which is when they are dangerous. They managed to get him onto the side street to take him away, which you can just about make out in the first half-second of my rubbish second-long video. It was at that point that it became clear that they'd just arrested one person. At first I'd assumed it was much bigger than that.
I happened to be in London at the weekend for other reasons, and prioritised getting down to the UFFC demo, cos that seemed like an event where one face more or less might make more of a difference, and also cos I don't feel hugely optimistic about either but the idea of a demo in London having some impact on the Met's behaviour seems more plausible than a demo in London having any impact on the IDF. When the UFFC got to Downing Street I peeled off to find the Palestine demo - wanted to try and join up with the TU or the Jewish bloc, and as it happened I think I found the march more or less right as the Jewish bloc was going past (I think, might also have been just that there were loads of Jews all over the place). Saw someone spraying some Free Palestine graff in broad daylight, which feels a bit more up-for-it than most to A-to-B demos, but for obvious reasons waited until they'd finished to get any photos. Good level of support from people in buildings and so on going past.
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