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Boycotting products etc from Israel to help stop the genocide in Palestine 2024

Which is something that really shouldn't be tolerated as much as it is. It's anti-social and just plain dickhead behaviour.
It's why I've had them muted since they admitted as much in the Brewdog thread. I get that there's a difference between "self styled wom" and "disruptive troll", but all the same. He admitted in the BD thread that he doesn't like them, he just likes winding up posters, and if that's his pattern throughout, I don't get why I should read their "contributions".
had not see the posts on this thread

what a cunt AA really is
His antisemitism initially cropped up when he was Count Cuckula, surprised he lasted as long as he did. There really needs to be an expulsion of any and all antisemites.

Anyways, have been boycotting Israeli products for twenty years. Every little helps.
Surely this is illegal?

The first 3 digits of the EAN code are the country of registration of the manufacturer, not necessarily the site of production.

Not to say there isn’t some shenanigans going on - would have been useful to see the older packaging.
How about boycotting smart phones that have components sourced from the DR Congo?
I bought a Fairphone when I next replaced my phone after watching Blood in the Mobile.

Of course, there's no such thing as a completely ethical product, because capitalism. But they're arguably the most ethical phone on the market. They have a transparent supply chain, don't buy rare earth metals from companies that use child labour in mining operations, use factories in China that pay workers fairly. The phones are repairable and recyclable to the greatest extent possible.
Certainly not because the nuts happened to come from Israel. If I was convinced that the farmer of the nuts was involved in nafarious practices I might think twice but otherwise I'd buy the best value nuts.
I thought the problem was that it was impossible to distinguish? I thought the problem was that when buying Israeli produce you had no way of telling whether the produce was grown in Israel or in settler farms in the Palestinian Occupier Territories, because there was no distinction in the labelling? The only to guarantee that you weren't buying produce from illegally occupied land was to boycott all Israeli produce.

Of course, it's your prerogative to say in the absence of proof the farmer's involved in nefarious practices you'll buy whatever represents the best value to you.

Similarly, it's the prerogative of others to say that if it can be proven that the produce hasn't been produced as a result of the farmer's nefarious practices, then they'd rather play it safe and not take the risk of financially supporting an illegal occupation and so would chose to buy produce from an alternative source.
I bought a Fairphone when I next replaced my phone after watching Blood in the Mobile.

Of course, there's no such thing as a completely ethical product, because capitalism. But they're arguably the most ethical phone on the market. They have a transparent supply chain, don't buy rare earth metals from companies that use child labour in mining operations, use factories in China that pay workers fairly. The phones are repairable and recyclable to the greatest extent possible.
Have been considering getting one for a while. Did you get the 4 or the 5 and eagerly await your feedback. :thumbs:
Bit difficult to boycott Google, though actually I have stopped using Chrome since I found out that that it collects data on users but FYI:

I have also ducked out of using Google and also Amazon.

"Project Nimbus is a controversial $1.2 billion cloud computing and AI agreement between the Israeli government and two tech companies: Google and Amazon. Reports in the Israeli press have previously indicated that Google and Amazon"
Bit difficult to boycott Google, though actually I have stopped using Chrome since I found out that that it collects data on users but FYI:

Could this have the potential to be a game changer? I would like to think so:

If its JVL etc then probably not frankly, they don't have much credibility in the jewish community tbh. I would watch what's happening in some synagogues though. A lot of people are disgusted by Israel's actions to say the least but it's still a minority position to call for an all out boycott of it.
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Depends on what you mean by the Jewish community.

In South London I've met some JVL who are in the local branch of the PSC.

They are anti Zionist Jews. Which is perfectly respectable position to have. And used to be decades ago the the standard position.

One I chatted to used to belong to Matzpen.

It's not that the political outlook of anti Zionist Jews lacks credibility its that it is minority position. Which is different.

I do think those Jews who never had strong belief in Zionism and as Jews do not support a State built on expulsion of Palestinians should have their views treated with respect.

Given that a hard line Zionist government has been elected to run Israel and has no problem with what its doing to Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank perhaps these Jews lacking credibility might have a point.
As far as boycotts go Id rather it be the big issues and not guilty tripping people into minor stuff like dates.

That is:

End all sales of military equipment to state of Israel. End all licences to let companies in UK sell to Israel.

End all or any kind of military support to Israel

Bin the Roadmap

Have a read its truly offensive imo.

As UK has vote on Security Council. A veto vote. UK to stop using it to back up Israel.

UK also could join with SA in the genocide case.

On the rest of it. Cultural / educational stuff etc I'm not so sure about. Not all Israelis are hardline Zionists.

It's the big stuff like end diplomatic support/ stop all arms sales/ no UK government Road Map bollocks.

If Israel wants to defend itself it can do so. Without UK support.
Late to the party and sorry to piss on your chips, but the blurb says...
View attachment 431479
I failed my geography A level, but I don't think the Dead Sea is in the UK
I did wonder how Sasaferrato found it so easily when I had been looking for ages. Shame as it really really benefits me. But I won't be buying anymore fir the foreseeable future.

Serves me right for thinking Sasaferrato knew better than me. I shall have more faith in myself.
I did wonder how Sasaferrato found it so easily when I had been looking for ages. Shame as it really really benefits me. But I won't be buying anymore fir the foreseeable future.

Serves me right for thinking Sasaferrato knew better than me. I shall have more faith in myself.
In all fairness to Sas, the listing does say...


It's only when you read the blurb that the truth comes out. I imagine it was packed in the UK
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