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Anti-Racist Counter Demos Summer 2024

Yes, numbers about right, though probably 400 plus in Newgate when I left about 40 mins ago. I'll do a report when not on phone but the anti fash demo was pretty much what you'd expect for an SWP dominated event.
Actually, not much to add to that: it was an SWP thing. The crowd wasn't that impressive for a major city - say 400 - even if it was 10x the fash numbers. Perhaps people coming out in the week reduced today's numbers. It had an SWP + liberal/hippy vibe in that there were loads of SWP printed placards, along with homemade 'we are all human' type things. The hippy vibe was also there with some communal singing about love. Don't want to be too cynical, it was fine as a liberal counter to the fash and there was plenty of decent content in the speeches, particularly about Palestine. But then the likes of Yvonne Ridley as well. :(

However, there was no engagement with the fash, who could have easily been run out of town. Not necessarily by giving them a kicking, which certainly wasn't where this crowd was at, but just taking the space from them - as was the original intention. That's the problem with this kind of strategy, even though the fash numbers were pitiful, they weren't actually defeated today.
Actually, not much to add to that: it was an SWP thing. The crowd wasn't that impressive for a major city - say 400 - even if it was 10x the fash numbers. Perhaps people coming out in the week reduced today's numbers. It had an SWP + liberal/hippy vibe in that there were loads of SWP printed placards, along with homemade 'we are all human' type things. The hippy vibe was also there with some communal singing about love. Don't want to be too cynical, it was fine as a liberal counter to the fash and there was plenty of decent content in the speeches, particularly about Palestine. But then the likes of Yvonne Ridley as well. :(

However, there was no engagement with the fash, who could have easily been run out of town. Not necessarily by giving them a kicking, which certainly wasn't where this crowd was at, but just taking the space from them - as was the original intention. That's the problem with this kind of strategy, even though the fash numbers were pitiful, they weren't actually defeated today.
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Some youtube news person wandering between the two sides and doing interviews in Newcastle.

Thankfully you can skim through it should you wish to watch any of it.

If you’re active where you are there will already be WhatsApp groups. If you’re not, ask someone who is.
I absolutely support anti racism. I am sick and tired of criminal immigrant rape gangs targeting white children and the police protecting them. It's like the UK has given migrants a welcome basket with get out of prison free cards. I am sick of the money spent on the criminal migrants.DEPORT EVERY CRIMINAL MIGRANT IMMEDIATELY! If the did that, the migrant population would shrink by over half.

UK cops are nothing more than taxpayer funded security to protect criminal migrants from their victims.
I absolutely support anti racism. I am sick and tired of criminal immigrant rape gangs targeting white children and the police protecting them. It's like the UK has given migrants a welcome basket with get out of prison free cards. I am sick of the money spent on the criminal migrants.DEPORT EVERY CRIMINAL MIGRANT IMMEDIATELY! If the did that, the migrant population would shrink by over half.

UK cops are nothing more than taxpayer funded security to protect criminal migrants from their victims.
Oh get to fuck you dull stupid racist whining windbag
You rage idiots are funny. You dress like retards, smell badly, and so damn physically fragile. You break way too easily. I enjoy watching your clothes get folded with you in them.
Your post amounts to no more than support for more Jeffrey Donaldsons and kincoras. You opposition to rgs seems to be on the basis of national origin than actual opposition to rape or paedophilia. Strange how many on the 'patriotic' right are that way inclined.
I want all rapists dead. The subject is related to racism so I addressed it WITHIN THE SCOPE OF RACISM.
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