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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

The thing is, that for reasons I can't say in public, Jazzz actually doesn't believe in all this conspiracy stuff at all. He can't say this in public either, but I do know some people, who went to the same meeting as him (although I can't say any more about that in public), and other stuff, and for these reasons I am totally sure that's what he really believes, even though he will obviously not say this himself, but you just have to trust me on this.

As the Urban face of the movement, it's not for him to say what he actually believes - although he made it plain what his beliefs are by his use of "and so forth" in that thread he got shamed on in Tucson.
This is all so simple. You won't find William Rodriguez, another leading campaigner, specifically stating that 9/11 was an inside job either! Although he not only has the t-shirt, he has one of my t-shirts! And you can expect Cynthia to have one of mine too after the next print run.
This is all so simple. You won't find William Rodriguez, another leading campaigner, specifically stating that 9/11 was an inside job either! Although he not only has the t-shirt, he has one of my t-shirts! And you can expect Cynthia to have one of mine too after the next print run.

Conclusive proof.
So if she doesn't say it in public why are you berating people for not going and listening to her speeches? They would be wasting their time.
It is for a full, independent investigation with access to all the records and witnesses to establish what happened on September 11th. This is the political campaign.
So, I should only say anything that I have 'conclusive proof' of?

You most certainly should keep your mouth shut when making claims that other people:

"thinks 911 was a false flag operation?"

And a as a general rule, yes, you should. You really really should.
This is all so simple. You won't find William Rodriguez, another leading campaigner, specifically stating that 9/11 was an inside job either! Although he not only has the t-shirt, he has one of my t-shirts! And you can expect Cynthia to have one of mine too after the next print run.

In his lawsuit, Rodriquez made hundreds of allegations including allegations that the Twin Towers were destroyed by means of "controlled demolitions;" that members of the FDNY were ordered, on instructions of the CIAe, not to talk about it; that the FDNY conspired with Larry Silverstein to deliberately destroy 7WTC; that projectiles were fired at the Twin Towers from “pods” affixed to the underside of the planes that struck them; that FEMA is working with the US government to create “American Gulag” concentration camps which FEMA will run once the federal government’s plan to impose martial law is in place; that phone calls made by some of the victims, as reported by their family members, were not actually made but were "faked" by the government using "voice morphing" technology; that a missile, not American Airlines Flight 77, struck the Pentagon; that United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down by the U.S. military; that the defendants had foreknowledge of the attacks and actively conspired to bring them about; that the defendants engaged in kidnapping, arson, murder, treason, conspiracy, trafficking in narcotics, embezzlement, securities fraud, insider trading, identity and credit card theft, blackmail, trafficking in humans, and the abduction and sale of women and children for sex. In his Complaint, Rodriquez also alleged that he "single-handedly rescued fifteen persons from the WTC".

You most certainly should keep your mouth shut when making claims that other people:

"thinks 911 was a false flag operation?"

And a as a general rule, yes, you should. You really really should.

So you give me this lecture, and you wonder why Cynthia McKinney might believe that Bush & Co committed the crime of 9/11, and yet fail to say so. Brilliant!

As the Urban face of the movement, it's not for him to say what he actually believes - although he made it plain what his beliefs are by his use of "and so forth" in that thread he got shamed on in Tucson.

Also when he used the word "notwithstanding" in an interview back in 2008.
It is for a full, independent investigation with access to all the records and witnesses to establish what happened on September 11th. This is the political campaign.

But that isn't what you want, is it?

Let's suppose such an investigation came back with the conclusion that the 9/11 attacks were instigated by islamic terrorists, and that the towers fell due to being hit by two large aircraft almost fully loaded with fuel.

What would you, and your merry band of truth seekers, say then?
But that isn't what you want, is it?

Let's suppose such an investigation came back with the conclusion that the 9/11 attacks were instigated by islamic terrorists, and that the towers fell due to being hit by two large aircraft almost fully loaded with fuel.

What would you, and your merry band of truth seekers, say then?
Pigs fly. You present an impossible scenario.
Pigs fly. You present an impossible scenario.

So you and your twoof seeking pals will only be satisfied if a full independent investigation confirms that 9/11 was a false flag operation? If that's the case why bother campaigning for an investigation? What if the investigation came back saying it was Islamic terrorists, presumably you'd cry yet another conspiracy and accuse it of whitewashing? Even though it's independent, correct?
So you and your twoof seeking pals will only be satisfied if a full independent investigation confirms that 9/11 was a false flag operation? If that's the case why bother campaigning for an investigation? What if the investigation came back saying it was Islamic terrorists, presumably you'd cry yet another conspiracy and accuse it of whitewashing? Even though it's independent, correct?

No, you do not understand the point. Suppose I tell you that pigs fly. "nonsense" you say. But then I go, "aha! What if you were to see a flying pig tomorrow, what would you say then?"

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job and any proper investigation will reach the same conclusion. So you can't ask me to consider a hypothetical position that I am saying is impossible.
No, you do not understand the point. Suppose I tell you that pigs fly. "nonsense" you say. But then I go, "aha! What if you were to see a flying pig tomorrow, what would you say then?"

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job and any proper investigation will reach the same conclusion. So you can't ask me to consider a hypothetical position that I am saying is impossible.

What's Cynthia McKinney's?
No, you do not understand the point. Suppose I tell you that pigs fly. "nonsense" you say. But then I go, "aha! What if you were to see a flying pig tomorrow, what would you say then?"

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job and any proper investigation will reach the same conclusion. So you can't ask me to consider a hypothetical position that I am saying is impossible.

So basically saying no evidence can be presented to dissuade you of your opinion.

Wow see Jazzz see that is dogma, thats not someone who's a free thinker, and a skeptic.

No, you do not understand the point. Suppose I tell you that pigs fly. "nonsense" you say. But then I go, "aha! What if you were to see a flying pig tomorrow, what would you say then?"

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job and any proper investigation will reach the same conclusion. So you can't ask me to consider a hypothetical position that I am saying is impossible.

'but then i go' - that's your case in full. Bizarre and so un-rigorous that it shames us both to call it a 'position.'
My position is that 9/11 was an inside job and any proper investigation will reach the same conclusion. So you can't ask me to consider a hypothetical position that I am saying is impossible.

What!? :eek::facepalm:

You sound as dogmatic as a creationist. Can you really not see how ridiculous your statement is? It literally translates thus:

"I believe it so it must be true, if any investigation doesn't reach the same conclusion as my belief, despite the evidence, it's not true because it doesn't correspond with my position."
You have clearly demonstrated the mindset of someone simply not worth engaging with. Reading that statement you made should make anyone think twice about engaging with you ever again, on anything relating to this subject, except with a few :facepalm:
What!? :eek::facepalm:

You sound as dogmatic as a creationist. Can you really not see how ridiculous your statement is? It literally translates thus:

"I believe it so it must be true, if any investigation doesn't reach the same conclusion as my belief, despite the evidence, it's not true because it doesn't correspond with my position."

Is this the first time you have met Jazzz?
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