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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

Quite, I didn't realise the extent of his dogma though. I mean that statement is one of the most dogmatic and ridiculous i've ever heard on urban75.

There's an epic thread where a genuine architect with a specialisation in high rise building construction, came on here, and quietly and calmly tore Jazzz to shreds, in the most comprehensive pwnage in the history of Urban. If you ask Jazzz however he claims he won the debate.
Quite, I didn't realise the extent of his dogma though. I mean that statement is one of the most dogmatic and ridiculous i've ever heard on urban75.

He's made much the same statement about all sorts of other things ... colloidal silver, vaccines, MS self-diagnosis, the list goes on.
Hold tight mate, i think/hope Cynthia`s speech from Monday night will be on the internet soon, so you can learn for yourself what her views are.
:facepalm: Straight out of the conspiraloon playbook.

Earth to Mike Desantos: I think I can safely speak for most of the sane universe when I say that "we" don't want to waste minutes of our lives wading through yet another conspiraloon puff piece on YouTube. If you want us to be interested in what went on, tell us, fuck all this "see for yourself" bollocks, because you know we're not going to fall for that.

Or be happy to be ignored, marginalised and/or laughed at every time you try to advance another silly theory backed up by a bunch of fruitloops mouthing it off on YouTube.
There's an epic thread where a genuine architect with a specialisation in high rise building construction, came on here, and quietly and calmly tore Jazzz to shreds, in the most comprehensive pwnage in the history of Urban. If you ask Jazzz however he claims he won the debate.

There's an epic thread where a genuine architect with a specialisation in high rise building construction, came on here, and quietly and calmly tore Jazzz to shreds, in the most comprehensive pwnage in the history of Urban. If you ask Jazzz however he claims he won the debate.
It's funny how 8den keeps clinging on to this, mentioning it at every opportunity.
What!? :eek::facepalm:

You sound as dogmatic as a creationist. Can you really not see how ridiculous your statement is? It literally translates thus:

"I believe it so it must be true, if any investigation doesn't reach the same conclusion as my belief, despite the evidence, it's not true because it doesn't correspond with my position."

No, you don't understand logic.

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job, and I am quite certain of that. The investigation will simply be the due process of nailing the culprit.

You are quite free to disagree with my position - that's fine. It's your business. But given that you know my position, it makes no sense to quiz me about an outcome I am claiming is impossible. Now is that quite clear enough for your tiny mind?
No, you don't understand logic.

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job, and I am quite certain of that. The investigation will simply be the due process of nailing the culprit.

Brilliant. So it's a witchhunt then. There are 150 communists in the state department, now lets go and get them.

You are quite free to disagree with my position - that's fine. It's your business. But given that you know my position, it makes no sense to quiz me about an outcome I am claiming is impossible. Now is that quite clear enough for your tiny mind?

If the evidence is so irrefutable, why bother with the investigation, why does Mc Kinney hide her support for the inside job part? And what exact evidence do you have?
What's Cynthia McKinney's?
She's a politician. You might not get a straight answer. But I guess she might say something like:

"If it turns out that no-one had anything to hide, then I will eat my hat! We already know that there was the most catastrophic failure of our trillion-dollar defense system, and yet people were only promoted! The evidence already documented proves that criminal orders were given to deny us our defences. The evidence for the impeachment of Bush, and Cheney, and Rumsfeld, is already there! So, who was to blame, and what happened?"
Also look up what 'due process' actually means.

I've often thought it'd be fun for Jazzz and his ilk to be accused of a crime and tried in a court of law, that followed their own standards of evidence, burden of proof and due process.
She's a politician. You might not get a straight answer. But I guess she might say something like:

"If it turns out that no-one had anything to hide, then I will eat my hat! We already know that there was the most catastrophic failure of our trillion-dollar defense system, and yet people were only promoted! The evidence already documented proves that criminal orders were given to deny us our defences. The evidence for the impeachment of Bush, and Cheney, and Rumsfeld, is already there! So, who was to blame, and what happened?"

Ah so thats a good reason to set up an investigate, she wants one and she'll admit she was wrong if the thousands of man hours and millions of dollars spent in the investigation we'll be left with the satisfaction that an obscure US politician goes "ooopphs I was wrong".

Incidentally why exactly does an insignificant little speck like you Jazzz have evidence that makes you so self assured that it was an inside job, but the political figurehead of your movement can't even admit that this something she even considers?
Ah so thats a good reason to set up an investigate, she wants one and she'll admit she was wrong if the thousands of man hours and millions of dollars spent in the investigation we'll be left with the satisfaction that an obscure US politician goes "ooopphs I was wrong".

Incidentally why exactly does an insignificant little speck like you Jazzz have evidence that makes you so self assured that it was an inside job, but the political figurehead of your movement can't even admit that this something she even considers?
There's no question of it being like that. Should you ask Cynthia McKinney if she thinks an inside job was possible, there is no way she would deny it.

However, look how you refute your own point! You find Cynthia McKinney's position (as I suggest it) so much more reasonable, and then you wonder why, as a politician, she takes it!
There's no question of it being like that. Should you ask Cynthia McKinney if she thinks an inside job was possible, there is no way she would deny it.

Unless it was publicly with a recording device. :facepalm:

However, look how you refute your own point! You find Cynthia McKinney's position (as I suggest it) so much more reasonable, and then you wonder why, as a politician, she takes it!

Jesus you demented fuckwit. If both yourself and Cynthia are part of a movement that has irrefutable proof of an inside job, why would she not make it part of her campaign. She's at the lunatic fringe of politics, if this evidence existed it would make people flock to her campaign.

Incidentally why haven't you revealed this evidence anywhere, yourself?
No, you don't understand logic.

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job, and I am quite certain of that. The investigation will simply be the due process of nailing the culprit.

You are quite free to disagree with my position - that's fine. It's your business. But given that you know my position, it makes no sense to quiz me about an outcome I am claiming is impossible. Now is that quite clear enough for your tiny mind?

C:facepalm:pt:facepalm:in F:facepalm:cep:facepalm:lm strikes again.
Unless it was publicly with a recording device. :facepalm: ?
No, incorrect.

Jesus you demented fuckwit. If both yourself and Cynthia are part of a movement that has irrefutable proof of an inside job, why would she not make it part of her campaign. She's at the lunatic fringe of politics, if this evidence existed it would make people flock to her campaign.

Incidentally why haven't you revealed this evidence anywhere, yourself?
I have. I've spent hours doing it. But nevertheless it is debatable, and it is wise for politicians to stick to facts that are unquestionable, when they are likely to come under tremendous pressure.

McKinney is not at any extreme 'fringe'. That, dear 8den, is why you are all falling over yourselves to distance her from the rest of the 9/11 truth movement. It bothers you all immensely. This is obvious.
No, incorrect.

I have. I've spent hours doing it. But nevertheless it is debatable, and it is wise for politicians to stick to facts that are unquestionable, when they are likely to come under tremendous pressure.

But you're saying that 9/11 was an inside job is an unquestionable fact, you claim this politician thinks that fact is unquestionable, so why can't you provide a single link where she says this in public?
:facepalm: Straight out of the conspiraloon playbook.

Earth to Mike Desantos: I think I can safely speak for most of the sane universe when I say that "we" don't want to waste minutes of our lives wading through yet another conspiraloon puff piece on YouTube. If you want us to be interested in what went on, tell us, fuck all this "see for yourself" bollocks, because you know we're not going to fall for that.

Or be happy to be ignored, marginalised and/or laughed at every time you try to advance another silly theory backed up by a bunch of fruitloops mouthing it off on YouTube.

You telling me you wouldn`t watch perhaps the most powerful and important political speech of the year – you`ve better things to do with your life. This woman of courage and integrity – who has put her neck on the line fighting against oppression and war – is dismissed and insulted as a fruitloop and conspiraloon. Shame on you. I would like to compare your record fighting injustice with hers.
There's an epic thread where a genuine architect with a specialisation in high rise building construction, came on here, and quietly and calmly tore Jazzz to shreds, in the most comprehensive pwnage in the history of Urban. If you ask Jazzz however he claims he won the debate.

I don't think I've read that thread. Any chance of a link, for me and others who might have been ignorant of Jazzz's capacity for revisionism?

I don't care much for butchers' style of operating on here, but the careful deconstruction he's done of the way Jazzz so often lies has been textbook, and very illuminating. That's probably been helped by the way in which Jazzz has so obligingly though unwittingly assisted in the process.

I'll be interested to see how the architect thread compares...

Not that it'll do any good - as you say, Jazzz will simply claim to have won the debate here, too.
It's funny how 8den keeps clinging on to this, mentioning it at every opportunity.

You've disgraced yourself on this thread, Jazzz.

I know how slippery and evasive you can be, but I couldn't see that much in the OP to be evasive about. Butchersapron clearly did, and pursued a particular line of enquiry. I still have no idea what the significance of that line of enquiry was, but it was clearly very relevant and pretty significant, judging by all the twisting and turning you have done, and the strenuous efforts you have made to avoid giving straight answers to his questions.

I don't know what the facts of this whole business (no, don't send me off on some fucking prisonplanet link to "find out for myself"), but I do know that you have come across as someone being deeply evasive, and with plenty to hide, here.

A few nasty jibes at anyone who attempts to point out other examples, as you have done here, isn't going to go ANYWHERE in undoing the damage that you've done to yourself by this demonstration of your disdain for truth. Call yourself a "truther"? Har.
Pigs fly. You present an impossible scenario.

So, there we have it. You will not be satisfied with any investigation, no matter how impartial and rigorous it may be, unless it agrees with your predetermined beliefs.

You don't care for evidence or debate, you have nothing more than a position of blind faith.

Utterly pathetic.
Ta. Anyone remember if it was Tony Gosling* interviewing WR in the first post?

*Peddler of the protocols of the elders of zion and who has, incredibly, been commissioned to write the NUJs handbook on dealing with terrorism.

edit: no it wasn't.
I started at the back and found this about 80 posts in, buried under an avalanche of fela's mirrors:

TheArchitect said:
Just to add to that recap, waaay back in the distant throes of this thread old Jazzzz was asked to sustantiate and support his case that there was incontrovertable proof that the US Government organised the death of 3,000 of its own men, women, and children in the WTC/Pentagon Attack.

Now you might foolishly assume that anyone accusing others of such a heinous crime might have looked into it before arriving at a conclusion. You'd be wrong.

Jazz claimed that there was proof from the firefighters themselves that there were only small fires. We proved this wrong.

Jazz claimed that the buildings fell at near free fall speed. We proved this wrong; in fact they were slowed by over 25% due to the resistance of the lowe structure.

Jazz claimed that the core columns would have stood without the outer structure, because they had a safety factor of 600%. Not only did we prove this wrong, but it turned out that he'd plucked the 600% figure out of thin air.

And so on.

But of course there was no telling Jazz. Apparently he knows more about structures than everyone else; me, structural engineers, NIST, the lot. Apparently there's nothing wrong with making up figures off the top of your head. And so on.

I confidently expect a rerun from the fool. Prepare to be dazzled by the Black Night once again.

Tee hee hee
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