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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

I simply answer the questions put to me, and show my opinion of nonsense put my way. As I do now. :rolleyes:
Har. The first statement in there is patently false, so that's not too much incentive to take any of the rest of it all that seriously...

This is now getting into lie territory. I was giving you the benefit of the honest mistake before. You are lying. Shut the fuck up, liar.
You're very touchy about lying, aren't you, Jazzz? I suppose you'd have to be, what with you being a crusader for the truth, and all...
No, you said she'd said it, then when you were challenged on it you backtracked into your fantasy world where you can read the minds of others and know what they're thinking.

You've been exposed as a serial liar on these threads before Jazz, and this one is no different. You failed to give a direct answer to a simple question, and instead created a whole fantasy world where you believe you know what someone else is thinking, depsite them having never told you.
No, you said she'd said it, then when you were challenged on it you backtracked into your fantasy world where you can read the minds of others and know what they're thinking.
Where did I say such a thing? quote please.

Perhaps you are just deeply confused.

What is this utter rubbish? My reply to this question came in post 24 because dear Teuchter, I am not the only person on the thread. It was

which is exactly the reply you suggest. This is Kafkaesque.

Fair enough, that is true. You answered BA's question, which wasn't quoted in your response, which is probably why I missed it. I guess I was concentrating on your obfuscative reply to me in post 22, at the time.
You were there though - can't you just say yes she believes it was a false flag operation, or no she doesn't?

Of course she does, I can tell you that with certainty. However, as she is the political face of the truth movement she may have to limit her pronouncements to what is proved and questions.

Ah no, apparently you didn't. For which I apologise accusing you of. You've just spent the whole thread claiming that you know she believes it, even tho she hasn't said so.
But Obama is black, so he too must know of the conspiracies and lies, just the same as Cynthia. So does that mean she's a liar and phoney too?

Weird comment kyser.

Obama is a puppet of the Establishment, Cynthia isn`t.
That`s the fundamental difference here. It`s pretty straightforward.
Weird comment kyser.

Obama is a puppet of the Establishment, Cynthia isn`t.
That`s the fundamental difference here. It`s pretty straightforward.

How do you know CM isn't an establishment puppet? How do you know that, by perpatuating bullshit conspiracy theories she's actually ensuring that the real truth is never revealed by endlessly sidetracking any chance of a real investigation of it, because she hangs out with people like jazz?

You don't. You only have her public image to go by. Perhaps she's one of those people described by the Soviets as 'usful idiots'.
For people who make such a huge deal out of someone supposedly quoting someone as saying something they hadn't actually said - you guys might want to take greater care over that yourselves.
Right so we are to listen to someone's personal viewpoint on a loon site called "Truth Dig" and take it as absolute fact?

Why is it all conspiranoids say things like "You should listen to this" and then link to some unsubstantiated bullshit that could've been written by anyone. Also, why the tagling "Independent thinking" when you exhibit absolutely nothing of the sort?

Edit: In fact, skim reading that reveals absolutely nothing at all. It says literally three things:

1. Obama is a supporter of big business
2. Voting achieves nothing
3. We must build a socialist movement

You seem astounded enough by these revelations to post them on a message board, as if no one anywhere else has thought of these things.

This thread is about the Cynthia McKinney meeting. I reported one aspect of her speech.
It`s particularly important for black people to speak against Obama, because as Cynthia said, it can be difficult for whites to criticise him because they get accused of being racist.

I`m not astounded by anything, i just seem to recall that there were/are quite alot of Obama supporters on this forum, so just trying to point people to an interesting article by a former Obama supporter. As far as i`m aware the author of this piece isn`t what you would term a `conspiranoid` , but just a nice liberal. I think you`re the one being paranoid here :)
For people who make such a huge deal out of someone supposedly quoting someone as saying something they hadn't actually said - you guys might want to take greater care over that yourselves.
Jazzz to engine room: "OK, I want ten litres a minute of outraged indignation. And I want it FROTHY!! Make it happen!"
i just seem to recall that there were/are quite alot of Obama supporters on this forum

Yeah, a great many of them black, and some of whom made fairly oblique references to racism when Butchers (among others) expressed scepticism about the credibility of 'change is coming, change that comes in the night, change you can't see' rhetoric. For some, his colour was never an issue - he was always going to be a party creature, it's how he got to the point of nominaiton and election as POTUS.
Obama has been slightly less of a let down than I thought, but he is still a banker puppet. Race has nothing to do with it other than being an empty distraction for his cheerleaders and more loony opponents. The only option for leftists is to attack him from the left rather than get dragged down with him or let the right pull the narrative even further away.
I`m not astounded by anything, i just seem to recall that there were/are quite alot of Obama supporters on this forum, so just trying to point people to an interesting article by a former Obama supporter. As far as i`m aware the author of this piece isn`t what you would term a `conspiranoid` , but just a nice liberal. I think you`re the one being paranoid here :)

How have you decided there's lots of Obama supporters on here? You've been here five minutes. I'd say there's a lot of people who see him as the lesser of two evils, me included, I certainly don't support him or see him as being even remotely radically different from any previous president, I suspect that's the view point of most people on here.

I didn't say the author was a conspiranoid, I said you are. As I pointed out, the article was far from interesting or revealing. The stuff written in that article has been largely discussed here if you bothered to look. One person changed their mind about Obama and wrote about it on a meaningless website, and?
New video from last week:

Cynthia McKinney Meets Splitting the Sky at University of Calgary's Peace Consortium

John "Splitting the Sky" (Dacajaweiah) Boncore is the man who was arrested for trying to arrest George W. Bush last year.


John's own website describes him as "the man, the legend, the truth".

So not a rampant egotist using this as a platform for self publicity then.
Actually some black people, notably the Black Agenda Report and others, expressed a lot of scepticism about Obama ...
New video from last week:

Cynthia McKinney Meets Splitting the Sky at University of Calgary's Peace Consortium

John "Splitting the Sky" (Dacajaweiah) Boncore is the man who was arrested for trying to arrest George W. Bush last year.

More fucking videos :facepalm:

So why's he called "Splitting the Sky", then? (and no, don't send me another fucking YouTube link). Is it because he does really, really noisy farts, or something?
All some posters here can do is make derogatory comments about a Native American who has spent his life fighting against tyranny and racism.

John Boncore was born in Buffalo, New York on January 7, 1952. His Mohawk name, Dacajeweiah, translated into English means "Splitting the Sky".
He was the only man convicted as a ringleader of the infamous 1971 Attica State Prison rebellion in upstate New York, in the course of which 43 inmates were killed. He was listed by former UN Ambassador Andrew Young of the Carter administration as the number one political prisoner in the USA in 1975.

Splitting the Sky founded an organization to unite all Indigenous Peoples into a great confederation called the League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations of the Western Hemisphere (LISN). In 1995 he was the Sun Dance Chief at Gustafsen Lake, British Columbia, during the Gustafsen Lake Standoff, which was precipitated by a rancher who attempted to evict the Sun Dancers from what he claimed was his property. The incident turned into a major protest against the occupation of unceded native land. Splitting the Sky was an outspoken critic of the government's handling of the incident and was among those who raised the question of so-called "Aboriginal Title" under international law. Specifically, aboriginal title is enshrined under the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which is validated as an aboriginal right in section (35) of the Canadian Constitution.

In his autobiography, Splitting the Sky exposes the racist and imperialist agenda of settler governments in Turtle Island (North America).


If you don`t have the courage to listen to the important message of Splitting the Sky and Cynthia McKinney -and have no constructive comments to make - then this thread is obviously isn`t for you.
In his autobiography, Splitting the Sky exposes the racist and imperialist agenda of settler governments in Turtle Island (North America).

Self Published autobiography. Thats the important part, the mark of a rampant egotist.

If you don`t have the courage to listen to the important message of Splitting the Sky and Cynthia McKinney -and have no constructive comments to make - then this thread is obviously isn`t for you.

So Cynthia Kinney the self styled spokesperson for 9/11 who won't come out and publically admit she thinks 9/11 is an inside job, meets a man who tries to arrest George W Bush in Canada, ignoring the fact that there's no Canadian Warrant for Bush, so there's nothing to arrest him for.

He's now being charged an this is hilariously Splitting the Sky talking about his own testimony at his ow trial

Certainly the turning point of the day came when STS took the stand to testify in his usual flamboyant, surprising and erudite manner.

Self important delusional wanker.
If you don`t have the courage to listen to the important message of Splitting the Sky and Cynthia McKinney -and have no constructive comments to make - then this thread is obviously isn`t for you.
Thanks for the biog. That's much more like it, and far more useful (and interesting) to me than endless links to videos.

But I must - again - challenge your assumption that my unwillingness to follow your links is indicative of a lack of courage. As I have explained, I have rarely found watching these videos to be worth the time spent doing so. I've also pointed out before where you make these enormous assumptions about people's motives - a post which you evidently saw fit not to respond to, even though you're repeating the same mistakes here.

Furthermore, yesterday, I was posting during a break at work, and YouTube and the other streaming video sites are blocked from there, as they are for quite a few people on Urban. So by insisting that watching video is the only way to get the information, you're effectively making your case unavailable to anyone in the same position.
As I have explained, I have rarely found watching these videos to be worth the time spent doing so.
So, why are you here? Please don't bother. I have no hope that you are going to make useful contributions. The ones you have made so far have been truly abysmal. So let's stop wasting each other's time.
Independent, Monday 15th March

Cynthia McKinney: Leaders' lack of respect for rule of law makes us all victims of 9/11

The war on terror did not go away with George Bush. When President Barack Obama came to power there was so much hope, but as the US Green Party presidential candidate I did not share it.

I heard candidate Obama's speeches and knew that he would be a War President. What I did not realise was the extent to which the policies of President Obama would mirror those of his predecessor, including the renewal of the Patriot Act and commission of war crimes. Sadly, President Obama's Justice Department is now in US courts defending the criminal acts of the Bush administration.

In his State of the Union address to the nation, President Obama defended war, erosion of civil and human rights, creation of the police state, ignoring the US Constitution and the norms of international law, by invoking the tragedy of 11 September, 2001. Tony Blair also leaps to his own criminal defence by invoking 9/11.

All of us in the peace community, who stand for justice and human dignity, have become victims of 9/11. Those of us who expect our national leaders to promote respect for the environment are now victims of 9/11. Survivors of those who are now dead from the prosecution of these wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and elsewhere around the world are now victims of 9/11. And the mothers and fathers, siblings and family of the too many dead soldiers are now counted among the victims of 9/11. And sadly, the entire global community that expects national leaders to respect the rule of law and tell them the truth are now victims of 9/11.

Everyone now knows that the Bush administration did not tell the truth about many things, including the Iraq war and 9/11. The leaders of the 9/11 Commission told us that. Why must the world continue to live inside a lie? I remain hopeful that we will learn the truth because more and more people around the world are demanding it.

Cynthia McKinney served in the US Congress for 12 years and was the 2008 Green Party nominee for President of the United States. She now serves as a juror on the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation's Russell Tribunal on Palestine

www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com; more information on 9/11 at www.reinvestigate911.org

No, you are by persisting in your moronic pursuit of CD and similar bollocks.

You have no actual proof of anything, beyond links to YouTube videos saying the same thing, and examining each other's evidence. And a spokesperson who either won't say what she really believes (which puts her in the realm of ordinary politician), or doesn't believ it

Just out of interest, where can I find out how your marry band of idiots think the WTC were wired with explosives without anyone noticing, and over what time frame did it happen?
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