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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

Except that isn't true, is it. :p

Even if you are as thick as two planks, you can know that because he stopped his 'back of the net' self-applauding and instead just resorted to angrily repeating himself over and over again. (Of course, now I've pointed out his oversight, don't be surprised if he remembers it)

sorry claphamboy! maybe next thread. ;)

If it weren’t for the rule about call-out threads I would post a poll to see what everyone thinks, I think I can predict the result, but it would be pointless, as you would never accept the result, because only you know the truth.

BTW is your real name Rodney?
All leading politicians know how important body language is. Or indeed, what it means to wear a t-shirt associated with a cause. Or even just to hang out with someone publicly.

Can anyone decode Mr Skysplitter's body language-T-shirt-hanging-out-with message in this photograph? The slogan on the white hoodie appears to be very important.


Do you have a quote, youtube clip or similar where CM specifically states she suspects some degree of "inside job". I would be very interested to see it and am not trying to catch you out. I accept she may be over cautious in public statements, but nonetheless...

I think that you can now safely take his ignoring your question as a firm no taffboy...
I've just been skim-reading the thread where Jazzz got his arse kicked into outer orbit by the architect; the experience was made all the more amusing with the knowledge that Jazzz actually believes he won that argument. :facepalm: :D
I've just been skim-reading the thread where Jazzz got his arse kicked into outer orbit by the architect; the experience was made all the more amusing with the knowledge that Jazzz actually believes he won that argument. :facepalm: :D
Well, you can add another Thread of Win to that one.

I'm beginning to think that a special exception to the callout rule should be made to enable a "Jazzz gets pwned again" sticky to be created. I think we're going to need it.
I've just been skim-reading the thread where Jazzz got his arse kicked into outer orbit by the architect; the experience was made all the more amusing with the knowledge that Jazzz actually believes he won that argument. :facepalm: :D
As if that thread can be 'skim-read'! hahaha.
As if that thread can be 'skim-read'! hahaha.

It can be skim-read enough to see the outcome, if you start a few pages from the end, loving the way you slopped-off in a self-delusional puff of smoke BTW. :D
I'm reading it now, just got up to rory's fantastic post #685 and am going to have to leave it there for today. Suffice to say i've rarely seen such a walloping, and apparently i've not even got to the really good stuff yet...
I'm reading it now, just got up to rory's fantastic post #685 and am going to have to leave it there for today. Suffice to say i've rarely seen such a walloping, and apparently i've not even got to the really good stuff yet...

Keep going and you'll see clear evidence of a controlled demolition.
I expect Jazzz has retreated into his customary victimhood - the place where he "gets attacked for being right". And he will probably tremblingly point at the somewhat victorious tone being taken here.

If he does that, he needs to remember that he has - quite rudely and patronisingly - demonstrated how far he's prepared to compromise his own integrity in order to "prove" a usually tangential and near-irrelevant point because he's been caught out lying. Nor is it the first time. And, no doubt, he'll come back in time and present his usual revisionist spin on it, claiming to have won, and continuing to insult those with whom he debated by slanting and deliberately misrepresenting them and their words.

When that happens, he will no doubt again be outraged that nobody is prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt or take his words as anything other than possibly yet another way of weaselling out of telling the truth.
Oh there's plenty more for you yet :D
I'm working my way steadily through that thread, and it's comedy gold. Reading the twisting and turning that's going on there, in the light of the recent goings-on on this thread, it's clear that Jazzz hasn't learned anything from that, or any other interaction on Urban.

And it is his outraged splutterings at how people so foolishly fail to take his words on trust that are (inadvertently) the most amusing. It is as if he drove into Urban in a small yellow car, in fits and starts, with little explosions and puffs of smoke, where it stops, all the doors fall off, and the horn emits a plaintive comedy parp as the car expires. Jazzz steps out, puts his foot in a bucket of whitewash, and staggers around amusingly, splattering himself with whitewash, before treading on a rake with his other foot, causing it to swing up and hit his shiny red clown nose, which makes a honking noise before exploding. Reaching for a handkerchief to wipe off the soot, Jazzz is dismayed as what emerges from his pocket is a string of brightly-coloured handkerchiefs, which seem to go on for ever. Eventually he gives up, and wipes his nose on a yellow one, from which a chicken escapes, sits on his head and lays an egg.

At which point, he looks around at his audience, frowns, pulls himself up to his full height and demands: "And what are you bastards laughing at? Take me seriously, dammit!" :mad: before pouring custard down his own trousers.
All leading politicians know how important body language is. Or indeed, what it means to wear a t-shirt associated with a cause. Or even just to hang out with someone publicly. When you see Cynthia McKinney travelling vast distances so she can hang out with a man that the rest of the peace movement didn't want to know about - what does that tell you? What is it about Splitting the Sky that made her travel to Canada? It's really not very difficult.

Anyone who thinks Cynthia McKinney accepts a word of the official story is basking in delusion.
Interesting comment jazzz, the bit i bolded. What does it mean to publically hang out with holocaust deniers and neo Nazis?
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