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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

You are quite insane. There is really no point in furthering this. I shall leave you to bleat on about nets, or lies, or whatever distasteful rubbish you wish.

Did what you wanted to once you realised the trap you' landed yourself in. Didn't want to fight your way out, just shut your eyes pretended it didn't happen.
You are quite insane. There is really no point in furthering this. I shall leave you to bleat on about nets, or lies, or whatever distasteful rubbish you wish.

The conclusion I am taking away from this thread so far is that Cynthia McKinney feels that there are some elements of the "official" 9/11 story that need re-investigation, but she doesn't share all of your beliefs, for example that the fall of the World Trade Center towers was the result of a controlled demolition.

Have I got that right?
Ask Away weirdo

Leaving aside the petty insult: On a few occasions I've asked you to state your political alligiences, not to catch you out or smear them every time I disagree with you, but out of genuine curiousity.

So, if you could briefly and fairly clearly outline what they are I'd be much obliged.
The conclusion I am taking away from this thread so far is that Cynthia McKinney feels that there are some elements of the "official" 9/11 story that need re-investigation, but she doesn't share all of your beliefs, for example that the fall of the World Trade Center towers was the result of a controlled demolition.

Have I got that right?

I see her as more toward the Jersey Girls School than the Alex Jones / Webster Tarpley School (although even Jones can be suprisingly opaque on detail behind the bluster). The Official School prefer to paint all the former as latter for reasons of simplistic stereotyping.

There is a wide spectrum of beliefs between "everything the official story says is unquestionably and completely true" and "it was Cheney et al working on behalf of the lizards". That obvious truth doesnt suit a lot of this planets more clunky and hotheaded thinkers.
Honest answers: You think I'm a bit of a nob. You give lots of people a hard time. You appear to be every bit as arrogant as you appear to suppose me to be. But this is the internet and appearances can be deceptive.

Are you following / do you have an opinion on the Peoples Alliance that grew out of the Wigan Community Action Party?
You are quite insane. There is really no point in furthering this. I shall leave you to bleat on about nets, or lies, or whatever distasteful rubbish you wish.

You actually typed this without a hint of irony, didn't you?

Do you really not get this Jazzz? Are you really that far gone :(

I'm no fan of Butchers, but he's right. You should be hanging your head in shame.
BA - 10: Jazzz - -10000

Perhaps he needed it simplifying to 'Have you heard CM say that 9/11 was a false flag operation, or is she on the record as having said this?'

Are you still there Jazz? Can you answer this question directly?
Honest answers: You think I'm a bit of a nob. You give lots of people a hard time. You appear to be every bit as arrogant as you appear to suppose me to be. But this is the internet and appearances can be deceptive.

Are you following / do you have an opinion on the Peoples Alliance that grew out of the Wigan Community Action Party?

Not really tbh The CAP showed you could leave labour and still be a cohesive group without linking up with the sects at at least - how much that cohesiveness was due to being councillors and wishing to maintain local personal influence i don't know. Some of their people seemed very high-handed and arrogant around the time of the Tony Ward getting hammered.

I think their agenda was local elections are the end point of their activity rather than elections being a minor tool used to increase community confidence for other wider goals. Happy to hear any other info though.
A) Are you [butchersapron] in the IWCA?

B) Why do you constantly need to be a sarky pants?

A) Is just a cover for doing nothing.

B) You've got to be a pure council communist you know. Class struggle? Pah, no way!

BTW Butch - you're name on U75 does not sit well with the IWCA, it is a huge contradiction. Your name should be 'a handful of local areas IWCA':eek::D
Were you in Paris last year when leading activists of the 9/11 truth movement met up over a weekend (including Cynthia McKinney)? Are you friends with Annie Machon and Ian Henshall? Why the HELL do you think you better appreciate all this than I do?

Given the shit Annie Machon pushed in the Mail about Tony Benn, Jack Jones and the KGB, real red-baiting scummy Daily Mail bollocks, I would hope no progressive person is friends with Annie Machon.

Still, at least Ian Henshall makes a good copy of coffee. Providing he is in a sort of Gareth Hunt role, he is relatively harmless.
Jazz isn't a progressive person. He's a 'truth seeker' and has provided website links to a variety of dodgy characters including neo-nazis, holocaust deniers when offering 'evidence' in a variety of arguments as wide ranging as 9/11, vaccines being a fraud and more dangerous than the illness and the conspiracy to keep the benefits of colloidal silver secret. Oh, and mercury in fillings causing ME.
The conclusion I am taking away from this thread so far is that Cynthia McKinney feels that there are some elements of the "official" 9/11 story that need re-investigation, but she doesn't share all of your beliefs, for example that the fall of the World Trade Center towers was the result of a controlled demolition.

Have I got that right?


The last presentation by reinvestigate911.org to the House of Commons centred on the proof of explosive demolition, and Neils Harrit spoke. It is no longer a source of contention within the 9/11 Truth Movement. We all know they blew it up.

There is no question over whether Cynthia McKinney accords with the rest of us here.

Of course, her line is to ask questions to uncover the truth.
I've always thought there's something very strange about 9/11, but what you and the other conspiracy theorists ask us to believe would require an even bigger suspension of logic ...
Yes there is jazzz - there is a huge question over just that, and it's one that you cannot answer - as established last night. At least not without inventing stuff and falling back on i know people and have talked to them (which on further investigation, you don't/didn't). For shame. Is thisreally the standard of critical investigation we deserve? Shut up and believe me.
Perhaps he needed it simplifying to 'Have you heard CM say that 9/11 was a false flag operation, or is she on the record as having said this?'

Are you still there Jazz? Can you answer this question directly?
That's a different question, which I have already answered. As the political face of the 9/11 Truth Movement it is not for her to commit to any theory of what happened but to seek to uncover the truth.
That's a different question, which I have already answered. As the political face of the 9/11 Truth Movement it is not for her to commit to any theory of what happened but to seek to uncover the truth.

No you didn't. What you mean is that you have zero evidence that she believes this but you're going to force it down her throat and pretend that she believes it - on the basis of you going to paris and not meeting her.
There is no question over whether Cynthia McKinney accords with the rest of us here.

Of course, her line is to ask questions to uncover the truth.

So she's never said she thought 9/11 was an inside job, but she's the political face of a movement that believes 9/11 was an inside job, and you know she agrees with you deep down, because she's telling you what she *really* thinks via T-shirt...
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