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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March

These ones, you responded last time with shouting that you have met (did you actually meet CM? i'm not sure that you did)

Have you any supporting evidence for this definitive claim? Anything at all?

In what way is she the political face of the truth movement?
In what way is she the political face of the truth movement?

She is a politician, ex-congresswoman and currently standing for the Green Party

She is part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, campaigning at events like this one

This question is much like asking, can you prove a elephant is an elephant? It just IS.
Look, were you at the meeting?
No - Were you

Were you in Paris last year when leading activists of the 9/11 truth movement met up over a weekend (including Cynthia McKinney)?
No -were you?

Are you friends with Annie Machon and Ian Henshall? Why the HELL do you think you better appreciate all this than I do?

Leave this appeal to authority to one side for now, at least until the above is clarified. This Paris meeting is prime for unpicking - were you there jazzz - in Paris?
She is a politician, ex-congresswoman and currently standing for the Green Party

She is part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, campaigning at events like this one

This question is much like asking, can you prove a elephant is an elephant? It just IS.

Thank you for answering the convenient party of my question. Here it is again in full:

Have you any supporting evidence for this definitive claim? Anything at all?

In what way is she the political face of the truth movement?

The important part was the first part. Please answer it.
Did you meet CM in Paris Jazzz?
No. I missed the dinner with her on the Friday night, she wasn't at the strategy meeting on the Saturday, I heard her speak on the Saturday night of course, then I skipped the march into Paris on the Sunday.
She is a politician, ex-congresswoman and currently standing for the Green Party

She is part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, campaigning at events like this one

This question is much like asking, can you prove a elephant is an elephant? It just IS.

BTW, that's a snakes get out, just ignoring the real question. Shame on you.
No - Were you

No -were you?

Leave this appeal to authority to one side for now, at least until the above is clarified. This Paris meeting is prime for unpicking - were you there jazzz - in Paris?

Yes, yes, yes. You really are a little slow ain'tya.
No. I missed the dinner with her on the Friday night, she wasn't at the strategy meeting on the Saturday, I heard her speak on the Saturday night of course, then I skipped the march into Paris on the Sunday.

So, your personal communication that she believed 911 was a false flag operation took place when? Did it take place? Have you
Look, were you at the meeting? Were you in Paris last year when leading activists of the 9/11 truth movement met up over a weekend (including Cynthia McKinney)? Are you friends with Annie Machon and Ian Henshall? Why the HELL do you think you better appreciate all this than I do?

:D :D
No you can't. As you've just failed to show.
okay, you aren't going to get it. I have explained everything to you fully. Clearly, you aren't actually interested in what McKinney believes - it's not as if you have heard her speak ever, or even looked up such a speech on youtube.

I have wasted quite enough time on this silly game
Hang your defeated head in shame. You made an arse out of yourself by claiming to have contacts that you did not and made claims for others that you could not back up - then you tried to get out of it by silly embarrassing games. Grow up. If even thick fucks like me can catch you...
Hang your defeated head in shame. You made an arse out of yourself by claiming to have contacts that you did not and made claims for others that you could not back up
What a load of crap! Please stop lying. I have been entirely honest about my contacts, I am on very good personal terms with Annie (who organised Vers la Verite in Paris) and Ian (who runs reinvestigate911.org and Monday night).

As for what Cynthia believes about 9/11, I have given you the truth, if you want to stick to the absolute letter of her public pronouncements, that's your business. But she is NEVER going to say she accepts the official story - she knows it is a load of nonsense.
What a load of crap! Please stop lying. I have been entirely honest about my contacts, I am on very good personal terms with Annie (who organised Vers la Verite in Paris) and Ian (who runs reinvestigate911.org and Monday night).

As for what Cynthia believes about 9/11, I have given you the truth, if you want to stick to the absolute letter of her public pronouncements, that's your business. But she is NEVER going to say she accepts the official story - she knows it is a load of nonsense.

There's a large gap between her saying that she doesn't believes the official story and you saying for her that she thinks it's a false flag operation. It's a gap that you're filling with lies that you can't support - you've already fucked this up once, you want to do it again. OK.

Why is she covering it up jazz? What's wrong with her?
What a load of crap! Please stop lying. I have been entirely honest about my contacts, I am on very good personal terms with Annie (who organised Vers la Verite in Paris) and Ian (who runs reinvestigate911.org and Monday night).

As for what Cynthia believes about 9/11, I have given you the truth, if you want to stick to the absolute letter of her public pronouncements, that's your business. But she is NEVER going to say she accepts the official story - she knows it is a load of nonsense.

Oh yeah, aside form winding you up, you're a disgusting model of dishonesty, lies, and filth. You're rotting.
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