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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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At the moment Trump's talk of CLinton stealing the election with the help of the media and "international bankers" means he's now just pivoted appeal only to the alt and far right.
Max Spiers, 39, was found dead on a sofa in an apartment in Warsaw, Poland, where he was due to give a talk about UFOs and other conspiracy theories.

Friends claimed he died after he “vomited a black liquid” and supporters have called for an inquiry into his death.
At the moment Trump's talk of CLinton stealing the election with the help of the media and "international bankers" means he's now just pivoted appeal only to the alt and far right.
But talk about the MSM and the bilderburgs and hidden hands rigging the system appeal to all sorts of people, not just the far right, I think Trump has probably found support using this 'outsider' angle also from people who don't fit your portrait.
butchersapron - while we're on the subject of all things conspiraloon, do you know a good source debunking Antony C. Sutton's claims about Western-USSR links?

(for those of you watching at home, Sutton was a very special loon who believed that USSR was a gigantic false flag run by . . . the West itself. Well there's more to it than that, but you get the broad strokes there, I think).
But talk about the MSM and the bilderburgs and hidden hands rigging the system appeal to all sorts of people, not just the far right, I think Trump has probably found support using this 'outsider' angle also from people who don't fit your portrait.

I'd agree with that to a degree. Post 9/11 in the Bush years, alot of left wing people went full kool aid on conspiraloon stuff. But generally the audience that is appealed to by this sort of rhetoric are this disadvantaged far right.
The loons are currently on Radio Four - I think I can hear Eddie Mair struggling to contain his mirth...

The bloke was, simply, mental.
They interviewed his friend on Radio 4 on the PM programme. The guy reckoned he himself was in danger and his recent sickness on a flight was due to him having been secretly poisoned with multiple snake venoms. I was a bit surprised that the BBC ran the piece as if they were speaking to someone who wasn't a few steel girders short of a fireworthy skyscraper.
They interviewed his friend on Radio 4 on the PM programme. The guy reckoned he himself was in danger and his recent sickness on a flight was due to him having been secretly poisoned with multiple snake venoms. I was a bit surprised that the BBC ran the piece as if they were speaking to someone who wasn't a few steel girders short of a fireworthy skyscraper.
It got weirder and weirder what with extra terrestrials and other planes of being until Eddie Mair sent him up rotten with that sotto voce: And then what happened? I don't know how he managed not to guffaw. I expect there will be complaints.
butchersapron - while we're on the subject of all things conspiraloon, do you know a good source debunking Antony C. Sutton's claims about Western-USSR links?

(for those of you watching at home, Sutton was a very special loon who believed that USSR was a gigantic false flag run by . . . the West itself. Well there's more to it than that, but you get the broad strokes there, I think).
I've not read any Sutton directly, whilst being aware of his claims regarding US investment in the early USSR - which i think is a pretty unspectacular claim - of the type like the same USSR training and arming the Wermacht in the same period, or elements of German capital simultanteously funding various far right groups. I wasn't aware he had expanded this into the larger claim that you outline. It is a common understanding amongst the historical ultra-left thought that the situation post-war was mutually beneficial fake opposition - which didn't help those killed in the proxy wars really being dead mind. Sutton though, is now forever in the loons clutches.
How is that even possible? Wait, I know the answer. Fools and money etc.

But wait. Why hasn't this story been covered up by the media?

I checked out, briefly, some his comments on youtube hoping for some insightful info on our bankster overlords and their nefarious ways, but honestly, the guy just rambled on, he even sounded drunk, slurring his speech, and couldn't put a coherent argument across about anything. He should have gone into politics.
I've not read any Sutton directly, whilst being aware of his claims regarding US investment in the early USSR - which i think is a pretty unspectacular claim - of the type like the same USSR training and arming the Wermacht in the same period, or elements of German capital simultanteously funding various far right groups. I wasn't aware he had expanded this into the larger claim that you outline. It is a common understanding amongst the historical ultra-left thought that the situation post-war was mutually beneficial fake opposition - which didn't help those killed in the proxy wars really being dead mind. Sutton though, is now forever in the loons clutches.
Oh, he went Full Loon alright.

"In 1973, Sutton published a popularized, condensed version of the sections of the forthcoming third volume relevant to military technology called National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union after which he was forced out of the Hoover Institution"

Antony C. Sutton - Wikipedia
Oh, he went Full Loon alright.

"In 1973, Sutton published a popularized, condensed version of the sections of the forthcoming third volume relevant to military technology called National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union after which he was forced out of the Hoover Institution"

Antony C. Sutton - Wikipedia
Would explain why i only see him being quoted/used by certain types today. A quick check on who has mentioned him on here reveals one hardcore conspiracy type who was always banging on about international bankers, one open racist and dr jazzz (combining the first two in one package) pretending to have read one of his books. A couple of one hit wonder loons passing through as well.
Thread on the Paris attacks just got closed by FridgeMagnet because a conspiraloon appeared promising to reveal who really dunnit and everyone had run out of patience with him.

Fridge said that recent political changes have reduced the need for such action to be taken (closing threads due to the appearance of such theorisers).
What political changes are these? Looks to me like the opposite is true, if anything the political climate right now is more fertile ground for such hypotheses than ever. See for instance the Trump.
TBH, I think the "getting better" bit was probably fairly unique to Urban. I quite regularly run up against conspiraloons on Facebook, and it doesn't seem to have abated. I think they're more cautious about giving it the full-on remote control laserdrone nanothermite 9/11 bollocks, but they're still in there with the usual guff around Big Pharma, and it's only when a couple find each other that they start riffing on the whole "skyscrapers can't fall DOWN, stoopid" gig.

Scratch 'em and they show themselves - you only have to post even a slightly moderate or non-committal comment on their Big Reveal (who, moi?), and they kick straight off into the OPEN YORE IYES babble.
TBH, I think the "getting better" bit was probably fairly unique to Urban. I quite regularly run up against conspiraloons on Facebook, and it doesn't seem to have abated. I think they're more cautious about giving it the full-on remote control laserdrone nanothermite 9/11 bollocks, but they're still in there with the usual guff around Big Pharma, and it's only when a couple find each other that they start riffing on the whole "skyscrapers can't fall DOWN, stoopid" gig.

Scratch 'em and they show themselves - you only have to post even a slightly moderate or non-committal comment on their Big Reveal (who, moi?), and they kick straight off into the OPEN YORE IYES babble.
I mean that there was a point post when the rule was posted when it simply wasn't necessary to have to moderate on that basis. I don't think that any of the reasons why people are attracted to this stuff went away. Perhaps there just weren't any appropriate focus points for a few years, for the sort of people who tend to visit Urban.
I would have thought that with europhysicsnews.org declaring the collapse of the WTC an open scientific question urban75 might wish to reevaluate this rather subjective criteria of censorship
I think you probably know that's being disingenuous.

Anyway, this is the europhysicsnews.org comment on the matter:
NOTE FROM THE EDITORS This feature is somewhat different from our usual purely scientific articles, in that it contains some speculation. However, given the timing and the importance of the issue, we consider that this feature is sufficiently technical and interesting to merit publication for our readers. Obviously, the content of this article is the responsibility of the authors.
You are not covering yourself in glory, here.

ETA: not to mention committing the Conspiraloon Faux Pas of endlessly decrying Big Science, and then happily clothing yourself in [what you think is] scientific respectability when you think it suits you to.
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