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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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That's cos the guy who made it is a massive cunt - a right wing 'libertarian' who thinks tax is theft etc. He even says at the start that the anti-vaxination stuff is 'socialist' and those who engage with it are railing against a 'capitalist conspiracy' - which is completely upside down.

It's amusing that he goes on about them being ant-science too cos he's an anti-psychiatry type who's referenced texts produced by the church of $cientology to support his irrational beliefs.

Obviously the anti-vaxination types are moronic cunts but this kermit the frog soundalike cunt is just as bad.
That's cos the guy who made it is a massive cunt - a right wing 'libertarian' who thinks tax is theft etc. He even says at the start that the anti-vaxination stuff is 'socialist' and those who engage with it are railing against a 'capitalist conspiracy' - which is completely upside down.

It's amusing that he goes on about them being ant-science too cos he's an anti-psychiatry type who's referenced texts produced by the church of $cientology to support his irrational beliefs.

Obviously the anti-vaxination types are moronic cunts but this kermit the frog soundalike cunt is just as bad.

He may well be (I never picked up on the libertarian stuff btw), still, the video very accurately shows why herd immunisation is important. Stopped clock, once a day, etc etc.

It also kind of fits into the starting point of the thread, being that a small margin of the left seems to be well "conspiracy theory" like, homing in on these idoit fallacies. "It's BIG PHARMA" "Its the evil BANKING JOOOOOOZ", and seems to have quite a noisy voice, which is then exploited by right wing cunts that go "AHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THESE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST DOLTS... "

(the right do the same with climate change denial ... ironic innit.)

I went down to occupy at the beginning, and towards the end, and by the end of it it was fucking EMBARRASSING. I had to run away (I think most sensible people did).
Anyone going on about "big pharma" and "banking joooz" is right wing by definition. There was a large right wing element to Occupy.
It also kind of fits into the starting point of the thread, being that a margin of the left seems to be well "conspiracy theory" like, homing in on these idoit fallacies. "It's BIG PHARMA" "Its the evil BANKING JOOOOOOZ", and seems to have quite a noisy voice, which is then exploited by right wing cunts that go "AHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THESE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST DOLTS... "


they're not on the left. in fact these types of movements promote fascist theories about the nature of society and what its "foremost problems" are and fascist solutions to those problems.

the EDL wouldn't be allowed on a left wing demo, if you're going to have no platform why the fuck are these people tolerated?
Anyone going on about "big pharma" and "banking joooz" is right wing by definition. There was a large right wing element to Occupy.

However for a lot of young people who are just getting politically involved this may be one of the first sources of "alternative" politics they come into contact with.
Was there? Ask them, and they'll tell you they're left wing. Which is annoying.

Fascist movements have always adopted the appearance and the language and often some of the theories of the left.

Bring down the system!


"Germans! Give your answer to the system! Elect Hitler!"


"Workers of the mind and hand! Elect Hitler!"


"5,600,000 demand work! The need of the unemployed is the need of the whole people!"
Big pharma means you're right wing? In what regard?
People on the left tend to have a thought out critique of the pharmacy industry, which is basically a critique of capitalism in general. There's a big strand in American conservatism and conspiraloon stuff that sees "big pharma" not as capitalist business but as a conspiracy to poison people. Tends to go along with anti vax stuff, belief in stuff like colloidal silver and a support for cottage industry as opposed to big business, traditional gender roles, homesteading, distrust of big government, anti communism etc. The Telegraph comments pages are full of these people.
People on the left tend to have a thought out critique of the pharmacy industry, which is basically a critique of capitalism in general. There's a big strand in American conservatism and conspiraloon stuff that sees "big pharma" not as capitalist business but as a conspiracy to poison people. Tends to go along with anti vax stuff, belief in stuff like colloidal silver and a support for cottage industry as opposed to big business, traditional gender roles, homesteading, distrust of big government, anti communism etc. The Telegraph comments pages are full of these people.
OK, just checking. Now put down that Ronnie Laing book and medicate your patients, nurse!
He may well be (I never picked up on the libertarian stuff btw), still, the video very accurately shows why herd immunisation is important. Stopped clock, once a day, etc etc.

It also kind of fits into the starting point of the thread, being that a small margin of the left seems to be well "conspiracy theory" like, homing in on these idoit fallacies. "It's BIG PHARMA" "Its the evil BANKING JOOOOOOZ", and seems to have quite a noisy voice, which is then exploited by right wing cunts that go "AHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THESE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST DOLTS... "

(the right do the same with climate change denial ... ironic innit.)

I went down to occupy at the beginning, and towards the end, and by the end of it it was fucking EMBARRASSING. I had to run away (I think most sensible people did).

Yeah I get that - wasn't really having a dig at you using the video, I just really hate that ignorant, sneering cunt :D
I really should get around to reading some of his stuff these days. What's your top recommendation?
In terms of books, I've read "Madness Explained" which is very interesting but quite technical in places in terms of talking about stats. I'm currently reading "Doctoring the Mind" which is a more popular account. He's written quite a few research papers too. I like John Read too, he's a New Zealand psychologist doing work on trauma and psychosis.
At this point you could say "no true Scotman". I hate the term "left" and "right". They are really fucking unhelpful.
you just have to look at things critically and use your brain. you're right about the occupy stuff. there was a massive contingent of that sort of thing in occupy. don't tar everyone with a critique of capitalist society with that brush though.
What's unhelpful about them?

I don't think they say very much tbh. economically? socially?
Ask the general public what it means to be left or right and I don't think you'll ever get a single matching answer.

Anyway, here's the latest shit from my anti-vax friend (who I see less and less of a friend) on a 25 comment thread, about monsanto and GMO:

i really feel like ranting about the ignorance shown by the gay marriage supporters but i shan't as i'll be called an obnoxious heathen and probably banned from FB for pointing out the (not so) obvious
I'm bisexual so shouldn't be posting that here as I have tutors etc but whatever. i don't give two hoots about marriage equality but i do give a shit about misdirection and people being willfully blind to the fate of their nations, their children and their own health based on being politically correct. I have no qualms about who loves/marries who, not my place to judge that BUT it is my place to point out that those who are happy clapping this gobshite are missing out on why the equality stuff has been thrown in to the spotlight. Sorry if this offends you but you're not likely to see it even after me explaining the obvious, but i hope that your support for this created issue makes you feel better about the laws you helped to pass while doing so.
yeah agreed, and a lot just do as they are told/expected. I just fight for what is rightfully mine. The little bits on race/gender/sexuality are irrelevant in comparison to be honest and I'm more concerned for my child than myself.

fro my perspetive if i had known my country was going to do that, I would be non stop badgering about it not happy clapping and sharing the same image everyone else was to look morally adequate. You do what you like with the gay stuff but my opinion remains.

And then it goes on, and on, and on, and oooooon......
you just have to look at things critically and use your brain. you're right about the occupy stuff. there was a massive contingent of that sort of thing in occupy. don't tar everyone with a critique of capitalist society with that brush though.

Yeah I totally don't. Justsayin that there are a fuckton of people that do. A cunt is a cunt, I don't care how he chooses to label himself. Unless they're Tory. Then they're deffo a cunt. :D
Agree that the terms "left" and "right" are sometimes unhelpful but anyone going on about "banking jews" - well, can not see how this is not progressive (for lack of a better word)?

Trying to imitate a critique of capitalism/a workers' movement is nothing new for the "revolutionary right", have a look at the posters I put above.
Yeah I totally don't. Justsayin that there are a fuckton of people that do. A cunt is a cunt, I don't care how he chooses to label himself. Unless they're Tory. Then they're deffo a cunt.

A tory that pretends to be left wing and masks their toryism in left wing pro w/c clothing though, they need to be exposed.
I don't think they say very much tbh. economically? socially?
Ask the general public what it means to be left or right and I don't think you'll ever get a single matching answer.

Anyway, here's the latest shit from my anti-vax friend (who I see less and less of a friend) on a 25 comment thread:




And then it goes on, and on, and on, and oooooon......
She appears to be on the right to me. The conservative right I was on about earlier. Anti equality, concerned with fate of the nation etc. The sort of person who would swing to fascism if push came to shove.

The left in contrast has an economic analysis and talks about class not nation.
She appears to be on the right to me. The conservative right I was on about earlier. Anti equality, concerned with fate of the nation etc. The sort of person who would swing to fascism if push came to shove.

The left in contrast has an economic analysis and talks about class not nation.

You'd say so... but guess how she defines herself.... and with all honesty too.
That's cos the guy who made it is a massive cunt - a right wing 'libertarian' who thinks tax is theft etc. He even says at the start that the anti-vaxination stuff is 'socialist' and those who engage with it are railing against a 'capitalist conspiracy' - which is completely upside down. It's amusing that he goes on about them being ant-science too cos he's an anti-psychiatry type who's referenced texts produced by the church of $cientology to support his irrational beliefs. Obviously the anti-vaxination types are moronic cunts but this kermit the frog soundalike cunt is just as bad.

As I said above, I couldn't make it very far through that vid, so thanks for enduring it so the rest of us didn't have to :)

I did notice the "anti-vaccination is socialist" trip, just, but my reaction was more physical than intellectual - like when someone's running their nails down a fucking blackboard.

Another example, if we needed one, of how my enemy's enemy is not automatically my friend...
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