The anti-Semitism is structural. It is an essential part of it. They just use different words, but the structure of anti-Semitism is there plain as day.
anti-semitism is in the structure?
We can't suspect a clandestine group is trying to stitch things up or that people are misled without it being anti-semite / Jewish? Leaving aside the obvious mis-use of the term "anti-semite", that's just bizzare.
Or are you saying that is an anti-semite case with stuff built around it to mislead us into thinking it is anglo american empire, skull and bones, MIC, masons or some other unJewish entity. Clever disguise stuff, like something could be something it isn't so long as some one says so, or it is alledged to be in the subtext. Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Seeing as a lot of the occult stuff goes back to ancient Sumeria I suppose they were really jews and I should pretend to hate them and then cover it up (apart from in the subtext of course).
Most of the first part of that film targets the iconography of orthodox "Christianity". But christians are jews, everyone knows that. It's in the subtext.
Obviously no one can comment on banking without it being a subtextual attack on the Jews, Marx especially hated Jews. That was in the subtext too.
The banks do nothing wrong and anyone who says different hates Jews. That's good to know.
911 - none of the CTers ever cite Masonic stuff, MIC or various intelligence agencies. They may say that stuff but actually they mean Jews. They say something very different from what they mean and expect us all to pick up on it.
Obviously any criticism of the Israeli state or Mossad is almost as bad as wanting to do the holocaust over again. Milliband the jew hater, that's what we should call him after he told them off over the assassination / passports thing.
People who sympathise with Palestinians - they hate Jews too, especially in the subtext. They dont have to say it when someone else can make it up on their behalf.
A very common theme of CTers is the link between nazis and aspects of modern US government via Paperclip etc and behaviour in South America through The School Of The Americas. What they must really mean is that the nazis were jews. in the subtext.
I used to think "10 steps to a fascist America" by Naomi Wolf and "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein were among the best and most accessible of anti-right wing texts of the last few years. That was before people here helped me see the light. As attacks on statists clampdowns and capitalist exploitation they are probably just another bunch of sub-text attacks on Jews. Oh how Ms Wolf and Ms Klein must hate Jews, maybe even as much as Chomsky.
Icke and others seem to think Queen Elizabeth is a shape shifting lizard or something. Must mean "jewish" - could be the German blood I suppose. Yeah - the queen is actually Jewish, anyone will tell you that.
Gosh this is fun, we can make up any amount of unmitigated paranoid horseshit.