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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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i hope you're making sense to yourself, phil, cos you're making precious little to me.

Of course not Pickers.

Actually I'm feeling a bit cruel now. Why shouldn't old Pickers work off his guilt as he damned well sees fit eh what? He's not a bad old stick, and none of the decent chaps believe what that ghastly little fag Ponsonby-Smythe said about what him and the beak got up to after rugger practice.

Of course not Pickers.

Actually I'm feeling a bit cruel now. Why shouldn't old Pickers work off his guilt as he damned well sees fit eh what? He's not a bad old stick, and none of the decent chaps believe what that ghastly little fag Ponsonby-Smythe said about what him and the beak got up to after rugger practice.


sleep it off Phil.
phils got a novel take on what to do when you've dug yourself into a huge hole, he's aware enough of the problem to stop digging downwards, instead he randomly strikes out sideways, regardless of the obvious danger of unsupported horizontal tunnels collapsing on the person digging them.
Fuck's sake. It's not a novel take on anything. He spouts nonsense so that people will come and tell him that it's nonsense so that he can spout more nonsense in return and get you all going some more. It's all highly amusing to watch, but really, get a grip people.
Exactly what piece of evidence are you looking for. What would satisfy you. Photos of bits of the plane, with their serial numbers on them, and a log book linking them to the AA77? Is that it? Exactly?
congratulations! You got there :D

Failing that, simply official confirmation that some piece - ANY PIECE! - of one of the four aircraft had been positively identified.

It's not rocket science, as I have shown, it is utterly routine crash investigation.

After all, there were 400 tons of airplane on 9/11.

Where did it all go? :confused:

Particularly, say, the engines, wings, and tail of flight 77. None of them went in to the Pentagon. So they really have to be outside it. But no.
So what happened to this one then?

I find it difficult to believe that urban has still got the stamina to argue the toss over holograms and suchlike.
Particularly, say, the engines, wings, and tail of flight 77. None of them went in to the Pentagon. So they really have to be outside it. But no.
After being free to peddle your conspiracy stories here in thousands of unedited posts for over eight years, why do you think that barely a soul believes a word of your barking theories?

Why is that, do you think? Is it because we're all stupid sheeple and only you and your fellow bunch of unqualified, DVD-shifting Troofers can see through the haze of government lies?
congratulations! You got there :D

Failing that, simply official confirmation that some piece - ANY PIECE! - of one of the four aircraft had been positively identified.

Jazzz you're claimed that all the forensics evidence could have been faked, what possible reason would have to believe you, when you say that you'd be satisfied by a log book with serial numbers? You'd just claim that was faked also.

It's not rocket science, as I have shown, it is utterly routine crash investigation.

Nothing about 9/11 was routine you ninny.

After all, there were 400 tons of airplane on 9/11.

Where did it all go? :confused:

Are you talking about all four planes or a specific crash?

Particularly, say, the engines, wings, and tail of flight 77. None of them went in to the Pentagon. So they really have to be outside it. But no.

The wings were made of Aluminium and filled with jet fuel

So you're saying the engines of the plane werent found at the pentagon?



:facepalm:H Jazzz.


But I guess those pesky faeries planted all of the above when they were scattering body parts around.
But I guess those pesky faeries planted all of the above when they were scattering body parts around.
You would have thought people might have spotted these mystery agents wandering about busily distributing body parts seeing as something rather noticeable had just happened in the area.

The most amazing thing is that almost all of the people on the flight were positively identified by a team of forensic pathologists, odontologists, a forensic anthropologist, DNA experts, investigators and support personnel, which means they would have had to have been taken off the plane, killed, burnt, sliced and frazzled and then sent to the crash scene quicker than the plane could get there itself.

Any idea how that remarkable feat might have been achieved, Jazzz?

What some experts have called "the most comprehensive forensic investigation in U.S. history" ended Nov. 16 with the identification of 184 of the 189 who died in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon.

A multidisciplinary team of more than 50 forensic specialists, scientists, and support personnel from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, with headquarters at Walter Reed, played a major role in Operation Noble Eagle investigations, officials said.

Many of the casualties were badly burned and difficult to identify, an official said. Of the 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were passengers on American Airlines Flight 77. Only one of those who died made it to the hospital. The rest were killed on site, and for some, only pieces of tissue could be found.

AFIP's team of forensic pathologists, odontologists, a forensic anthropologist, DNA experts, investigators, and support personnel worked for over two weeks in the mortuary at Dover Air Force Base, Del., and for weeks at the DNA lab in Rockville, to identify the victims of the attack.

"Our staff represented every branch of the service," said AFIP Director Navy Capt. Glenn N. Wagner. "We also received tremendous support from the doctors, nurses, and technicians stationed at Dover who participated in the investigation."

Jazzz you're claimed that all the forensics evidence could have been faked, what possible reason would have to believe you, when you say that you'd be satisfied by a log book with serial numbers? You'd just claim that was faked also.
Even if it is true, which it isn't, it's completely beside the point.

Forging evidence is difficult. It leaves a trail. There are very few people with full knowledge of the plot. They cannot get the vast majority of people under them to lie and cheat. They can order them to NOT investigate, to ignore stuff, to bluster and destroy evidence. But getting them to forge evidence and flat out lie - that's far harder.

So to accomplish the deception what is necessary is to let the crime happen, then remove the evidence which would settle the issue against you. You avoid create things that when properly analysed prove a case against you.

So you're saying the engines of the plane werent found at the pentagon?
May I repeat - NO PIECE of aircraft has been identified as coming from flight 77. I thought you'd got that by now.

The problem with the engines is the lack of holes going in. If there is no hole in the wall for them, then they must have been outside. But they certainly were not. To avoid that, one must ascribe to the 'magic wings' theory where the wings (and fantastically heavy engines) do not crash into the wall, but fold up and enter through the same tiny hold as the nose of the aircraft.

But I guess those pesky faeries planted all of the above when they were scattering body parts around.
It is also possible that the body parts were not scattered around, but simply introduced along the way to the DNA identification labs, and the investigation arranged so that that may be got away with. As you recall, most of the bodies were from Pentagon Staff.

A fact which I think phildwyer will appreciate about those staff - they were the bookkeepers and financial auditors, low ranking. Why did the terrorists go to the trouble to target low-ranking auditors instead of the other side of the Pentagon - easier to hit - which had the top brass in it?

Consider that only the day before, September 10th, Rumsfeld had had to admit that $2.3 TRILLION had vanished from the Pentagon's accounts (normally that news would have been released on a Friday to best bury it, instead it came on the Monday) :hmm:
The problem with the engines is the lack of holes going in. If there is no hole in the wall for them, then they must have been outside. But they certainly were not. To avoid that, one must ascribe to the 'magic wings' theory where the wings (and fantastically heavy engines) do not crash into the wall, but fold up and enter through the same tiny hold as the nose of the aircraft.
magic wings?

wtf do you expect to happen when the centre of a plane stops suddenly because it's smashed into a wall, while the engines on the plane want to keep going because they've not yet hit the wall? The engines are attached to the wings, which in turn are attached at one end to the plane, and at the other to nothing, therefore the engines momentum will pivot them around the point where the wings join the plane, meaning the engines would be expected to swing in towards the middle front of the plane before hitting the wall.

no magic involved
It is also possible that the body parts were not scattered around, but simply introduced along the way to the DNA identification labs, and the investigation arranged so that that may be got away with. As you recall, most of the bodies were from Pentagon Staff.
Wrong, as usual. 184 of the 189 people who died in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon were identified, which means a minimum of 59 were from the passengers.

Feel free to explain how their DNA and tissue got to the scene if not by the aircraft which smashed into building at high speed. Thanks.
There are very few people with full knowledge of the plot.

You know, given the level of mendacity, expertise, and yes, evil, required to pull off such a massive deception on the public, you're lucky that they've let you live.

You've been out here for years, sounding the clarion call. You'd think those responsible for this could make someone like you disappear in a way that would raise nary an eyebrow.
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