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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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It depends on the person. I have no problem believing sensible and informed people who express certainty about current affairs.
Why are you interested in people's opinions rather than the facts?

However when a gaggle of geese like 8den and company waddle along quacking in unison "down with conspiraloons," then I know that someone has been telling them what to think.

Doesn't necessarily mean that they've been misinformed. But they've certainly been informed.
Troll fail. :rolleyes:
It depends on the person. I have no problem believing sensible and informed people who express certainty about current affairs.

I don't mean mere certainty. I mean the 'my mind is made up, I am right, nothing will change my opinion, and you're crazy for disagreeing' kind of certainty.
I don't mean mere certainty. I mean the 'my mind is made up, I am right, nothing will change my opinion, and you're crazy for disagreeing' kind of certainty.

Well there we agree.

The truth however is that, with today's media at their disposal, the government can make the majority believe whatever they want them to believe.

As I keep saying, that doesn't necessarily mean it's untrue. But just take a look at some of the human sheep on this thread. They'd believe the moon was a balloon if they were told to. Not only that: they are willing to hate anyone who disagrees. That's the truly frightening thing about them.

No phil you thick as pig shit goatfucker.

You said "Ted Olson was directly involved in plots to murder millions"

I say "How"

You ranted about "Bush Blah Blah"

I pointed out; "He was Regan's Lawyer and Bush's Lawyer, how does that make him directly involved in plots to murder millions".

The quote you picked from me, comes after your obscene smear that Ted Olson was a mass murderer.

Jesus. You are really fucking bad at this.
The truth however is that, with today's media at their disposal, the government can make the majority believe whatever they want them to believe.
let's take the war in iraq. that's something the government really wanted people to believe was right, but as is widely known they fucked it up.

you're a lying piece of shit, phil, and it's plain for all to see.
As I keep saying, that doesn't necessarily mean it's untrue. But just take a look at some of the human sheep on this thread. They'd believe the moon was a balloon if they were told to.

I heard, and it's purely hypothetical, that Dwyer has the worlds largest collection of gay midget donkey scat porn.

But's it's only a theory. Doesn't mean that I believe it. Nope.
However when a gaggle of geese like 8den and company waddle along quacking in unison "down with conspiraloons," then I know that someone has been telling them what to think.

Doesn't necessarily mean that they've been misinformed. But they've certainly been informed.
Oh, do shut up. Whatever novelty your daft trolling had here has long vanished.
I love the way 8den always feels the need to edit his abuse.

He's such a perfectionist.

That wasn't abuse Phil, that was me correcting a missing word, in that bit when I caught you out lying, again.

You said "Ted Olson was directly involved in plots to murder millions"

I say "How"

You ranted about "Bush Blah Blah"

I pointed out; "He was Regan's Lawyer and Bush's Lawyer, how does that make him directly involved in plots to murder millions".

The quote you picked from me, comes after your obscene smear that Ted Olson was a mass murderer.

Remember you accused a guy of being involved in a plot to murder millions, and weirdly some people objected to you baseless slander.

Speaking of which, isn't that dog getting cold?
Well done, dwyer. Once again you have single handedly trashed a thread with your relentless trolling.

Your problem is that you just don't know when to give up.
No I don't.

Why do you think Beesonthewhatnow refused to acknowledge that he was wrong about the definition of "straw target?"

I think it was because he has difficulty acknowledging that he's wrong about anything.

I said I'd answer your question after you'd answered mine, all you managed was another wriggle.

You really have made yourself look like a spectacular twunt on this thread :D
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