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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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You said I couldnt prove those weapons existed. They do. you moved the goalposts. let's leave it there.

And have they been used at a demo? No shut the fuck up then.

BTW theres a 911 thread from a few years back, where you "promised" to get back to me, after I roundly demolished all your fact free claims about put options, and officials getting warnings not to fly. Funny how you don't keep going on about that one eh taffy? Now let it go you fucking fruitloop.
The article, as you have no doubt discovered by now, is immaculately sourced.

Except of course for all the stuff it gets flat out wrong.

Care to respond to my post Dr Jazzz?
You continue to present this as a popularity contest, as opposed to a logical discussion.

You continue to rage and storm, to swear and curse, thus revealing your utter impotence in rational debate.

You have, patently and manifestly, lost the argument.

Perhaps you should now consider leaving this discourse to those who are capable of conducting themselves in a civilized fashion?

wonder if Clapham Boy and 8den are related? They both seem to have the twat gene
Why don't you call everyone an establishment whore, taffy can get in a huff about microwave weapons, Jazzz can post more fact free bullshit, and then Dwyer can claim they're all right, complain about mean words, and threaten people.
wonder if Clapham Boy and 8den are related? They both seem to have the twat gene


ding ding round 12


* I am trying images as a means to communicate with trev, as he’s clearly too stupid to cope with text.
Except of course for all the stuff it gets flat out wrong.

Care to respond to my post Dr Jazzz?
yes thank you 8den. David Ray Griffin's revised article is here.

Could Barbara Olson Have Made Those Calls?
An Analysis of New Evidence about Onboard Phones

Regardless of the question of whether flight 77 did have seat phones (it seems probable they did not after all) the facts remain that Olson changed his story, and that the FBI's report does not support any such call existing.
yes thank you 8den. David Ray Griffin's revised article is here.

Could Barbara Olson Have Made Those Calls?
An Analysis of New Evidence about Onboard Phones

Regardless of the question of whether flight 77 did have seat phones (it seems probable they did not after all) the facts remain that Olson changed his story, and that the FBI's report does not support any such call existing.

I couldn't give a flying fuck about Olson tbh, I am more interested in the dozens of other calls that were made from those air-phones.
yes thank you 8den. David Ray Griffin's revised article is here.

Could Barbara Olson Have Made Those Calls?
An Analysis of New Evidence about Onboard Phones

Regardless of the question of whether flight 77 did have seat phones (it seems probable they did not after all) the facts remain that Olson changed his story, and that the FBI's report does not support any such call existing.

Because they went through his office dingbat.

Ah the classic do over David Ray Griffin. So the article is impeccable, except in the way it's completely wrong.

Lori Lynn Keyton, Secretary, Department of Justice (DOJ), Washington, D.C., telephone number (202) [redacted, date of birth [redacted] was contacted telephonically at her residence through the DOJ Command Center at (202) 514-5000. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, Keyton provided the following information:

Keyton was working in Ted Olson's Office this morning. She is regularly called there to cover the telephones. At approximately 9:00am, she received a series of approximately six (6) to eight (8) collect telephone calls. Each of the calls was an automated collect call. There was a recording advising of the collect call and requesting she hold for an operator. A short time later another recording stated that all operators were busy, please hang up and try your call later.

Keyton then received a collect call from a live operator. The operator advised that there was an emergency collect call from Barbara Olsen for Ted Olsen. Keyton advised that she would accept the call. Barbara Olsen was put through and sounded hysterical. Barbara Olsen said, "Can you tell Ted.." Keyton cut her off and said, "I'll put him on the line."

There was a second telephone call a few to five (5) minutes later. This time Barbara Olsen was on the line when she answered. She called direct. It was not a collect call. Barbara Olsen said, "It's Barbara." Keyton said, "he's on the phone with the command center, I'll put you through."
Keyton advised that there is no caller identification feature on the phone she was using. Keyton didn't know if Barbara Olson was calling from the phone on the plane or from her cell phone.
So Lori Keyton is lying too?

Miss that bit did you Jazzz? Going to call Lori Keyton a liar?
But you're talking about his murdered wife. You're suggesting that he can't be trusted to tell the truth about his wife. Who was murdered.

Worse, for Olsen to be complicit in some sort of government fake phone calls scam on 9/11, Olsen would have to be willingly taking part in a cover up that involves the murder of his wife.
Poor, poor people and their families, having their last desperate moments of utter horror picked over by internet obsessives for ever more.

Sickening. Stomach churning, in fact.
A short selection of quotes from that page:

"Do I believe six years after 9/11? I don't know the truth. I don't believe a word that they say. I just don't believe Everything they say is a cover up. ... No, definitely don't leave it alone. I think that we should get documents to know the truth of what was really going on that we didn't know that we should know now."
Anthony Saltalamacchia WTC survivor

"Immediately after 9/11, I wanted to join the army to save my country! After the 9/11 Commission’s obvious cover-up, I knew I had to join the "9/11 Truth" movement, in order to help save my country".
Janette MacKinlay WTC survivor

"My story was never mentioned in the final [9/11 Commission] report and I felt like I was being put on trial in a court room," said Cacchioli. "I finally walked out. They were trying to twist my words and make the story fit only what they wanted to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and when they wouldn't let me do that, I walked out.

It was a disgrace to everyone, the victims and the family members who lost loved ones. I don't agree with the 9/11 Commission. The whole experience was terrible."

Firefighter Lou Cacchioli WTC Survivor

"It’s hard for us to come to any other conclusion than that the 9/11 Commission was a political cover-up from the word go".
Patty Casazza, wife of John Casazza, WTC victim

"We do not know the whole story about what happened on September 11th. Not at all."
Lori Van Auken wife of Kenneth Van Auken WTC victim

"The 9/11 Commission was derelict in its duties. What we needed from them was a thorough investigation into the events of September 11th. Inexcusably, five years later, we still do."
Mindy Kleinberg wife of Allen Kleinberg, WTC victim

"We want a full examination of all the evidence by a new 9/11 Commission, in a World Court setting. The evidence warrants it. The victims demand it."
Josef Princiotta cousin of firefighter Vincent Princiotta, WTC victim

"Once people realize that what the government told us is so far from the truth, then we're going to be liberated. And we'll be able to then take further action and hopefully hold people accountable, finally, for the atrocity that took my uncle's life. ...

Really the only way that the families are going to find that justice is if we do work together. ... Take actions every day; flyers, DVD's. Keep them on hand. I keep them with me at all times, so anyone I meet that is open to learning more about the inside job of 9/11, they'll be able to learn even more."

Manny Badillo Nephew of Thomas J. Sgroi, WTC victim

Yet again, Jazz presents the false dichotomy of saying that there was a USG-backed conspiracy, CD etc etc is the same thing as saying that the 9/11 commission didn't go far enough. It isn't. The commission didn't go far enough, but that doesn't mean that there was a controlled demolition of the towers or whatever bollocks passes for current discussion about 9/11.
That's pretty fucking low. A conspiraloon website that hijacks the names of victims, and uses them out of context and without permission to further their own agenda. Disgusting. And upon closer examination, it seems that many of the names cited aren't even fundamentally questioning what happened.

"I'm not saying that they're deliberately trying to he deceive."

Obviously that doesn't prevent conspiraloons from misrepresenting grieving relatives of dead people. :facepalm:
That's pretty fucking low. A conspiraloon website that hijacks the names of victims, and uses them out of context and without permission to further their own agenda. Disgusting. And upon closer examination, it seems that many of the names cited aren't even fundamentally questioning what happened.

"I'm not saying that they're deliberately trying to he deceive."

Obviously that doesn't prevent conspiraloons from misrepresenting grieving relatives of dead people. :facepalm:
Yes. It's absolutely disgusting. Those fucking loons don't give a shit for the victims and never have.
A short selection of quotes from that page:
So, not a single mention of holographic missiles, towers invisibly filled up with invisible explosives, faked phone calls or any of the other garbage you spew.

Lets look at the classy list. It's got Edna Cintron. Who died on 9/11. It's also got John O'Neil, head of WTC security, who also died in the WTC

So Jazzz care to explain how, if these people never got out of the towers, how exactly do they fucking "question 9/11".

Thats just two examples of the lies on that site. Featuring proven liars your mate Willie Rodridgeuz.
Yes. It's absolutely disgusting. Those fucking loons don't give a shit for the victims and never have.

This accusation is rolled out a lot, and it's a bit of a disingenous slur IMO.

That their actions could be offensive to the direct and indirect victims of 9/11 I wouldn't dispute for a second. But I think that the majority of these people genuinely believe the nonsense that they spout. From their perspective, they do what they do precisely because they do care about the victims.

I'm not even claiming that to be their primary motivation, but the claim that they 'don't give a shit for the victims' doesn't ring true for me.
This accusation is rolled out a lot, and it's a bit of a disingenous slur IMO.

That their actions could be offensive to the direct and indirect victims of 9/11 I wouldn't dispute for a second. But I think that the majority of these people genuinely believe the nonsense that they spout. From their perspective, they do what they do precisely because they do care about the victims.

I'm not even claiming that to be their primary motivation, but the claim that they 'don't give a shit for the victims' doesn't ring true for me.
Problem is, thinking you give a shit and actually giving a shit are two different things.
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