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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Problem is, thinking you give a shit and actually giving a shit are two different things.

How so?

You've essentially said that believing that you care about something and actually caring about something are different things. I'm not sure that make any sense whatsoever.
How so?

You've essentially said that believing that you care about something and actually caring about something are different things. I'm not sure that make any sense whatsoever.
I can say "I really hear what you're saying". I can believe that I'm hearing what you say. I can articulate the sentiment with all sincerity. But if I act in a way that completely ignores what you're saying, showing no regard for your feelings, and putting my personal agenda before your interests, then I obviously haven't really heard what you're saying, and I'm too dumb to understand the gulf that separates cheap words and real intent.
I can say "I really hear what you're saying". I can believe that I'm hearing what you say. I can articulate the sentiment with all sincerity. But if I act in a way that completely ignores what you're saying, showing no regard for your feelings, and putting my personal agenda before your interests, then I obviously haven't really heard what you're saying, and I'm too dumb to understand the gulf that separates cheap words and real intent.

That's not the same thing at all. You're talking about a transaction, the communication of information. The point at hand concerns a sentiment, the experiencing of an emotion.
dont you at least feel a tiny bit embarrassed

Here's a link to debunking of this bullshit

here are some choice points

Frank A.DeMartini:
He sadly died on 9/11. How can he question the events of 9/11? His statement, that the
twin towers were designed to withstand an impact of 707 are confirmed by Leslie E.
Robertson, who says the towers were designed to withstand an impact of a slow moving
airliner lost in a fog. DeMartini goes on to state, he believes that the building probably
could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners. Emphasis on the words believes and probably

So thats three corpses in among your patriots at this count. All killed before they could get out of the towers. But nope they're listed as "patriots" questioning 911.

This is a classy classy site you've found Jazzz.

Most of the eyewitness accounts, just talk about hearing explosions, this doesn't mean they're one of these patriots, they've had their statements lifted from the media, and coherence into this idiotic conspiracy non narrative.

Explosions doesn't equal explosives fucknuts.
Thhat's not the same thing at all. You're talking about a transaction, the communication of information. The point at hand concerns a sentiment, the experiencing of an emotion.

And the sentiment is incredibly distasteful, theres a little cottage industry of feckless idiotless flogging DVDs turning up at Ground Zero, accusing people of serious crimes on non existent evidence.

Ever seen the video from GZ in 2005? 2006? A few hundred black t-shirt clad idiots at most, shouting "9/11 was inside job". No firefighters or cops in their ranks though naturally.
And the sentiment is incredibly distasteful, theres a little cottage industry of feckless idiotless flogging DVDs turning up at Ground Zero, accusing people of serious crimes on non existent evidence.

Yes on all counts. But I believe that the opportunist wankers are a small minority feeding upon a gullible but genuine majority.
I'm not even claiming that to be their primary motivation, but the claim that they 'don't give a shit for the victims' doesn't ring true for me.
Badger Kitten may disagree with that.

Most loons aren't really interested in justice per se, IMO. They're more interested in being right, and being part of an elite 'non-sheeple' group who have discovered The Troof which eludes regular stupid people like us.

If they cared for the victims, why would they constantly misrepresent them, and in some cases harangue them and accuse them being part of a murderous plot? Olsen lost his wife and gets called a liar directly involved in a plot that killed thousands of people.

I'm sure some troofers are doing it for the right reasons but the loudest majority are far more self-interested in their DVD-shifting, unscientific bullshit than showing any compassion for the victims and their families, who're they're happy to exploit whenever it suits their ends.
So thats three corpses in among your patriots at this count. All killed before they could get out of the towers. But nope they're listed as "patriots" questioning 911.

The fact remains that there are clearly numerous survivors and family members who are completely unsatisfied with the state of the official narrative and investigation.
The fact remains that there are clearly numerous survivors and family members who are completely unsatistfied with the state of the official narrative and investigation.
Being "unsatistfied with the state of the official narrative and investigation" is not the same thing by a godly mile as a belief that the government flew those jets into the towers and then blew them up for good measure. :rolleyes:
The fact remains that there are clearly numerous survivors and family members who are completely unsatisfied with the state of the official narrative and investigation.

And the fact remains that the amount of people is so small, and lack such credibility that patriots for 911 bullshit need to pad out their numbers with at least three dead people.

Claiming someone who is dead would agree with your position is yet another in the ever growing list of fucking appalling behaviour of the "truth" movement.
The fact remains that there are clearly numerous survivors and family members who are completely unsatisfied with the state of the official narrative and investigation.

The fact remains that that has fuck all to do with the reason why you posted the link, which was some sort of weird attempt to justify your lunatic suggestion of faked phone calls.

Looks like yet another own goal to me.
The fact remains that there are clearly numerous survivors and family members who are completely unsatisfied with the state of the official narrative and investigation.
Being 'dissatisfied' with the investigation DOES NOT add up to support for your lunatic theories about faked calls, holographic planes, talking terriers, invisible explosives and the rest of the evidence free garbage you post up here - and it is supremely dishonest and disrespectful to try and suggest that it does.

Not one of those quotes supports your conspiracy claims about faked calls, so why did you post them here?
Olsen lost his wife and gets called a liar directly involved in a plot that killed thousands of people.

Ahem, a bit of perspective might be in order here.

I basically accept the Bush/Cheney version of 9/11. And of course I'm sorry when anyone loses a loved one--Olson remarried less than a year later, which is good news for him.

But Ted Olson is a liar and a scumbag. And he has been directly involved in plots that have killed millions of people, not thousands. No-one should forget that, or forgive him.
Ahem, a bit of perspective might be in order here.

I basically accept the Bush/Cheney version of 9/11. And of course I'm sorry when anyone loses a loved one--Olson remarried less than a year later, which is good news for him.

But Ted Olson is a liar and a scumbag. And he has been directly involved in plots that have killed millions of people, not thousands. No-one should forget that, or forgive him.
All of the above is totally irrelevant to Jazzz's claims, so I've no idea why you're posting it.
But Ted Olson is a liar and a scumbag. And he has been directly involved in plots that have killed millions of people, not thousands. No-one should forget that, or forgive him.


And spare me the, "oooh 8den is saying mean things" YOU'RE BASELESS ACCUSING SOMEONE OF MASS MURDER, you don't get any more obscene than that YOU FUCKING PRICKTARD ASSHOLE CUNT.

So show some evidence, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP.

And spare me the, "oooh 8den is saying mean things" YOU'RE BASELESS ACCUSING SOMEONE OF MASS MURDER, you don't get any more obscene than that YOU FUCKING PRICKTARD ASSHOLE CUNT.

So show some evidence, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP.

8den's bottle must be almost empty again.

You don't know who Ted Olson is, do you?
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