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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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You don't find, to quote 8den, Jazzz's attempts at 'devaluing the last moments of people who sacrificed themselves bravely' on flight 93, offensive?

No. But I find 8den's cheap attempt to smear Jazzz as disrespectful to the dead extremely offensive.
they came to an agreement with him too, and broke it. They also refused to let him go to an employment tribunal, something no other employer could get away with

You're missing a couple of points.

1) He signed a contract and broke it, knowing the consequences.

2) The security services, like the military, have internal disciplinary structures in lieu of tribunals, and only refer minor non-sensitive cases. Tomlinson would also have been well aware of that.

I feel sorry for Tomlinson, but that doesn't change the fact that he knew what he was doing, and chose to do it.
No. But I find 8den's cheap attempt to smear Jazzz as disrespectful to the dead extremely offensive.

And here is Jazzz called Ted Olson, husband of murdered Barabara Oslon a liar.

DrJazzz said:
The Olsen call which I believe is a fib on the part of Ted Olsen

This thread is litered with Jazzz being a cunt about the people who made and received calls.

Now fuck off Dwyer.
Please dont answer your own questions pre-emptively. especially if you answering them wrongly. The petulant swearing makes you look even more daft. But the article doesnt have swear words in it, so you might not find it too credible.


From which (cited)

"A fully operational and mounted system was demonstrated on January 24, 2007, at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, United States. A Reuters correspondent who volunteered to be shot with the beam during the demonstration described it as "similar to a blast from a very hot oven – too painful to bear without diving for cover"
You are aware that the ADS is an anti-personnel weapon, and that an anti-vehicle/plane weapon would need to be larger, require a lot more power and need to cover far greater distances than a crowd-control weapon, aren't you?
Yeah man, that'll bring down planes/control peoples minds/insert nanobots/whateverbarmyshitetheycomeupwithnext no worries.

A microwave weapon that could bring down a large passenger plane would need to be rather large, and need a host of ancillary plant to move and power it. Kind of hard to keep secret in the middle of New York or Washington DC, or even the wild farmland of Pennsylvania, for that matter.
I don't find Jazzz's posts offensive in the slightest.
You don't find his fact-free accusation that Glick's widow is either lying to her daughter and the world, or that she was simply too stupid to work out she was talking to an imposter on 9/11?

Jazzz's pathetic attempts to extract conspiraloon mileage out a couple's last, desperate, intimate conversation are offensive in the extreme to any decent person.
You don't find his fact-free accusation that Glick's widow is either lying to her daughter and the world, or that she was simply too stupid to work out she was talking to an imposter on 9/11?

Jazzz's pathetic attempts to extract conspiraloon mileage out a couple's last, desperate, intimate conversation are offensive in the extreme to any decent person.

Well, we'll have to differ about what we find offensive.

But at least Jazzz doesn't intend to be offensive, and at least he makes substantive arguments.

Unlike 8den. I cite a random selection of his recent posts here. Yes of course he was drunk--the level of obscenity and abuse grows progressively higher as the hour grows progressively smaller--but that's really no excuse.

You're a fucking dick. An obnoxious dick.

And what has been pointed out to you, worthless fucking cunt. Is that THEY DON'T COCKING WORK. If you've got keys or coins in your pocket it becomes a much more serious issue YOU PATHETIC FUCKING WANKER.

NOW. FUCK. THE SHIT OFF. Taffy you're an idiot working above your pay grade.

You disgusting little dishonest piece of shit.

No one proclaims the calls as "hard evidence" what they are evidence is the trauma, dignity, and spontaneous bravery of a few men, and women, who spent their last moments fighting and dying for their life.

Hundreds of people, including volunteers from their county fire and paramedic departments rushed to the crash site of United 93. These were the people who came across the plane and it's passengers wreckage.

You are incredibly ignorantly implying both the family members who took the calls, and these volunteers who were first to arrive are either lying, deceived or idiots.

You fucking wanker.

Oh bless, has anyone got them working yet? No, shut the fuck up then.

You're lying, it's not ever walked off the testing ground.

Oh does diddly lil taff need a huggy wuggy?

Oh shall I link to the 911 thread you promised to get back to me on, but never did? Did you miss that bit?

Now fuck off, cunt.

Oh and Phil you're an utter cunt.

Oh did the mean man use a nasty word.

You're a cunt phil. I use the word because it is apt and accurate. BTW I saw the link to your study. You're an empty vessel pretending to have an opinion on a serious matter. Which makes you a worthless cunt.

You're a disgusting excuse for a human being devaluing the last moments of people who sacrificed themselves bravely.

Jazzz being a cunt about the people who made and received calls.

Now fuck off Dwyer.
You don't find his fact-free accusation that Glick's widow is either lying to her daughter and the world, or that she was simply too stupid to work out she was talking to an imposter on 9/11?
That's funny, because my only observation on this thread so far about the flight 93 phone calls has been that they can prove absolutely nothing about the other three flights.
Well, we'll have to differ about what we find offensive.

But at least Jazzz doesn't intend to be offensive, and at least he makes substantive arguments.

Unlike 8den. I cite a random selection of his recent posts here. Yes of course he was drunk--the level of obscenity and abuse grows progressively higher as the hour grows progressively smaller--but that's really no excuse.

Yes because calling a man a liar when he discusses his final moments with his wife, isn't offensive at all. Idiot.
That's funny, because my only observation on this thread so far about the flight 93 phone calls has been that they can prove absolutely nothing about the other three flights.
Let's get this straight: are you actually denying that you previously claimed that the calls could have been faked? And are you denying that you claimed Ted Olsen was lying about the call from his wife?
Two second search found this gem:
jazzz said:
I would just like to point out briefly that all the calls editor is referring to come from Flight 93, the last of the four flights. So at best that's only evidence of the last flight being hijacked. And none of it is hard evidence! Of course we are expected to gloss over the thorny question of whether the calls were possible from cellphones at cruising altitude.

There were two calls from the other flights. Both of those are highly suspect. editor used to give the full emotive treatment of the Barbara Olsen call from flight 77, just like the ones above - but he no longer does so seeing as Ted Olsen happens to be a Bush Crony, on record as saying that "sometimes the public need to be given falsehoods" or similar, and was apparently having pronounced marital difficulties :eek

Yes because calling a man a liar when he discusses his final moments with his wife, isn't offensive at all. Idiot.

Hang on, there's no swearing here.

Has someone commandeered 8den's computer, or is the sun not yet over the yard-arm?
And are you denying that you claimed Ted Olsen was lying about the call from his wife?

I don't say he was lying in this case, because I do not know. But I do know that Ted Olson is a genuine lunatic, and a fascist to boot. I wouldn't trust a word he says about anything, ever.
And are you denying that you claimed Ted Olsen was lying about the call from his wife?

For those who may not be aware who Ted Olson is:

"While serving in the Reagan administration, Olson defended President Reagan during the Iran-Contra affair.... Olson gained notability by acting as attorney for convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard while he was in private practice..... he defended a member of the press who had first leaked the Anita Hill story.... Olson successfully represented presidential candidate George W. Bush in the Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore, which effectively determined the final result of the contested 2000 Presidential election."


Now I don't know about you, but this is not exactly a man whose word I trust.
Now I don't know about you, but this is not exactly a man whose word I trust.
So that somehow proves that maybe he lied about the phone call with his wife, thus opening the doors for Jazzz's truly lunatic theories about missile-laden, remote control pretend passenger planes, along with the insane tosh about planes being swapped elsewhere and the passengers taken out and slaughtered etc etc?

No, it's a red herring of quite phenomenal proportions. There is nothing to suggest that Olsen isn't being truthful about that conversation.
So that somehow proves that maybe he lied about the phone call with his wife, thus opening the doors for Jazzz's truly lunatic theories about missile-laden, remote control pretend passenger planes, along with the insane tosh about planes being swapped elsewhere and the passengers taken out and slaughtered etc etc?

No. It proves nothing about his account of that phone call.

It does however prove that Olson has a long record of lying to serve the ends of right-wing politicians in general and George Bush in particular.
No. It proves nothing about his account of that phone call.

It does however prove that Olson has a long record of lying to serve the ends of right-wing politicians in general and George Bush in particular.

Ah so you can gleefully accuse a person of being involved in Mass Murder, on the most baseless "evidence" but

dwyer said:
But at least Jazzz doesn't intend to be offensive,

thats not "intentionally" offensive.

Tell you what dwyer you illinformed fact free worthless cunt excuse of flesh, I'll stop calling you a fucking cunt, the day you and Jazzz stop accusing people of things like mass murder based on whatever witlless ramblings that are born in that the tiny shrivelled warped diseased muscle that sits idle on that empty hole behind your eyes.
No. It proves nothing about his account of that phone call.

It does however prove that Olson has a long record of lying to serve the ends of right-wing politicians in general and George Bush in particular.
Still totally irrelevant to Jazzz's wild and completely evidence-free claims.
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