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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Again, anyone reading this will wonder why you are your fellow denialists find it impossible to discuss these issues without immediately breaking down into hysterical raging and cursing.

If you have anything sensible to say, please do so with the same courtesy used by your opponents. Otherwise I'm afraid that no-one here will take you seriously.

Xes, Jazzz and Trev are the only people who like you on this thread, that not a ringing endorsement.

It's like a silent endorsement.

It's like getting the cast of fecking one flew over the cuckoo nest as a cheerleading squad.
not hard evidence in the way the footage of the planes hitting the towers was or the taped confessions probably

but slightly more than circumstantial, being the only records that exist of direct witnesses to the hijack

you ever been to court jazzz

taped confessions? You don't mean the 'fatty' bin laden video of the actor who looks nothing like him and is wearing a gold ring? :confused:
taped confessions? You don't mean the 'fatty' bin laden video of the actor who looks nothing like him and is wearing a gold ring? :confused:

Shall we have an endearing conversation about aspect ratio, and expose how once again you don't have a bogs notion what you are on about?
Shall we have an endearing conversation about aspect ratio, and expose how once again you don't have a bogs notion what you are on about?
You may show me one key factor which positively affirms that this ridiculous video actually features Bin Laden and not a cheap impostor.
Xes, Jazzz and Trev are the only people who like you on this thread, that not a ringing endorsement.

You continue to present this as a popularity contest, as opposed to a logical discussion.

You continue to rage and storm, to swear and curse, thus revealing your utter impotence in rational debate.

You have, patently and manifestly, lost the argument.

Perhaps you should now consider leaving this discourse to those who are capable of conducting themselves in a civilized fashion?
What is most notable, however, is that when it comes to giving the hard evidence for the official story of 9/11, it's the phone calls that always get mentioned, although they are little more than hearsay. They are most emphatically not hard evidence

You disgusting little dishonest piece of shit.

No one proclaims the calls as "hard evidence" what they are evidence is the trauma, dignity, and spontaneous bravery of a few men, and women, who spent their last moments fighting and dying for their life.

Hundreds of people, including volunteers from their county fire and paramedic departments rushed to the crash site of United 93. These were the people who came across the plane and it's passengers wreckage.

You are incredibly ignorantly implying both the family members who took the calls, and these volunteers who were first to arrive are either lying, deceived or idiots.

You fucking wanker.
You continue to present this as a popularity contest, as opposed to a logical discussion.

You continue to rage and storm, to swear and curse, thus revealing your utter impotence in rational debate.

You have, patently and manifestly, lost the argument.

Perhaps you should now consider leaving this discourse to those who are capable of conducting themselves in a civilized fashion?

How's the blow job to punch in face ratio going for you?
You may show me one key factor which positively affirms that this ridiculous video actually features Bin Laden and not a cheap impostor.

Yeah you fucking nutwing show me evidence the video is fake.

Or explain why would the USA hire some "cheap imposter" for their video.

What is most notable, however, is that when it comes to giving the hard evidence for the official story of 9/11, it's the phone calls that always get mentioned, although they are little more than hearsay. They are most emphatically not hard evidence. They are all kinds of ways that deception could occur with them..
So let's get this straight.

You're saying that either Mrs Glick was lying to her daughter about the intimate long conversation she had with her husband, or that she was simply too stupid to realise that she was in fact talking to some CIA impersonator and not her husband?

You're clearly refusing to accept her testimony, so it has to be one of the above. Which is it Jazzz?

Oh, and how likely do you think it is that some government-hired imposter would be able to impersonate someone's husband so incredibly well that not once in the following eight years has that person ever expressed even the slightest doubt?
related more to the original OP: Conspiracy will meet mainstream soon with Jesse Ventura's new series (I think on what used to be Court TV)

People may want tol laugh that he was once a wrestler, but he was also a Navy Seal and State Governer (got in as an Independent which takes some doing).

I have no idea how good or bad the show will be, there will be the usual myopic crap on global warming, but I expect it to be generally a deal less conservative than the BBC Conspiracy Files.

Bit too showbizzy trailer:

Boring Jazzz and Taffy link to vile liars frequently. Whats more offensive calling someone a cunt or pointing out they're linking to holocaust deniers?

Oh and Phil you're an utter cunt.

Oh did the mean man use a nasty word.

You're a cunt phil. I use the word because it is apt and accurate. BTW I saw the link to your study. You're an empty vessel pretending to have an opinion on a serious matter. Which makes you a worthless cunt.

Pointless, utterly pointless. :facepalm:
Pointless, utterly pointless. :facepalm:

I must disagree. 8den's incessant stream of threats and abuse is far from pointless. Its point is to distract our attention from the substantive facts of the matter, thus concealing the obvious truth that 8den has been comprehensively humiliated in this debate.

Whether or not his crude tactics can carry this point is of course a very different question.
Jesus Fucking H Christ on a Fucking Bike, you are one hell of a twat.

Again, anyone reading this will wonder why you are your fellow denialists find it impossible to discuss these issues without immediately breaking down into hysterical raging and cursing.

If you have anything sensible to say, please do so with the same courtesy used by your opponents. Otherwise I'm afraid that no-one here will take you seriously.[/QUOTE]

:D :D :D

There are no issues to discuss concerning Jazzz's latest post suggesting the phone calls from flight 93 were faked, well apart from if he's just a twat or a delusional twat.

If he posts anything sensible, he will get a sensible response, if he continues to post highly offensive nutbobbins bollocks he will get the response it demands.

As for anyone taking anyone seriously, that is a problem for Jazzz on this particular point, as you well know, because you don't even take him seriously, so you can drop the act.
Whether or not his crude tactics can carry this point is of course a very different question.
The bad language is over the top, but I can see why's he's angry though.

What do you think about Jazzz's suggestion that the people who took the calls from the planes were either fooled by the CIA team of insta-impersonators or that the loved ones were just too stupid to realise they weren't talking to their partners?
What do you think about Jazzz's suggestion that the people who took the calls from the planes were either fooled by the CIA team of insta-impersonators or that the loved ones were just too stupid to realise they weren't talking to their partners?

Is that what Jazzz is claiming?

I certainly don't agree with it. I'm certain that the towers were brought down by airplanes flown by Islamic extremists. Just because I credit some conspiracy theories doesn't mean I believe in them all.

However, having an infuriated idiot like 8den raving and cursing away all night long hardly helps the denialist case. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's a deep-cover CT-er in fact.

I do suspect the US government had an idea that some kind of attack was imminent (which was basic common sense really), and that they didn't try particularly hard to prevent it, because they planned to exploit it for their own ends. But I don't think they had any idea where or when it was going to happen, and I certainly don't think they were involved in planning or executing it.
I've thought about this for some time now. My problem with conspiracy theories is not so much whether they are right or wrong - I can maintain an open mind if need to. My problem is that they are so often techniques to devorse yourself from taking a difficult political stance.

911 is a perfect case. It excuses you from principled opposition to war. 911 conspiracy theories implicitly say that war is justified if the oppressed happen to carry out a horrific attack of their own. There is good political reason to assume that attacks are not inside jobs - it means you can communicate principled political points. That's why conspiracy theories suck.
I should probably add that the medical conspiracy theories are of a different character. They are just a more straightforward case of people being badly informed, poor public understanding of science, the tendency to generalise from bad personal experiences and rightwing paranoia - file under "woo".
More empty obscenity.

Most people here wish that the denialists could find a way to make their point without resorting to such tactics. Since that wish is virtually never granted we are forced to draw our own conclusions regarding the validity of your case.

you twat
I certainly don't agree with it.

Well it’s nice of you to admit that you don’t believe a word of the nutbobbins bollocks that Jazzz has posted over the last couple pages and I am sure you can see just how offensive it is too, which just begs the question as to why you made multiply posts defending the twat?
I should probably add that the medical conspiracy theories are of a different character. They are just a more straightforward case of people being badly informed, poor public understanding of science, the tendency to generalise from bad personal experiences and rightwing paranoia - file under "woo".

I've no idea why you'd say this. There have been many, many medical conspiracies that are now universally accepted as fact, as you must know.

And most people who suspect that the "swine flu" vaccine is dangerous aren't claiming a conspiracy at all--merely that inadequate testing was carried out due to considerations of profit. That's hardly inherently implausible even if you don't believe it.

The truth is that medical conspiracies are very easy to perpetrate, due to the blind, superstitious faith that most of the Western public places in "scientists."
Well it’s nice of you to admit that you don’t believe a word of the nutbobbins bollocks that Jazzz has posted over the last couple pages and I am sure you can see just how offensive it is too, which just begs the question as to why you made multiply posts defending the twat?

I don't find Jazzz's posts offensive in the slightest.

I defended him because he generally makes a lot more sense than those attacking him. Just read over 8den's posts from last night. They are either the squallings of a lunatic or the grizzlings of a drunkard: in all probability both. I fail to see why such bizarre freaks should be permitted to pollute these boards unchallenged.
I've no idea why you'd say this. There have been many, many medical conspiracies that are now universally accepted as fact, as you must know.

And most people who suspect that the "swine flu" vaccine is dangerous aren't claiming a conspiracy at all--merely that inadequate testing was carried out due to considerations of profit. That's hardly inherently implausible even if you don't believe it.

The truth is that medical conspiracies are very easy to perpetrate, due to the blind, superstitious faith that most of the Western public places in "scientists."

This is plainly ludicrous. There is more chance that Hitler is alive and well and living on the moon than entire scientific and medical enterprises conspiring down to the very last man and woman to mislead the public.
related more to the original OP: Conspiracy will meet mainstream soon with Jesse Ventura's new series (I think on what used to be Court TV)

People may want tol laugh that he was once a wrestler, but he was also a Navy Seal and State Governer (got in as an Independent which takes some doing).

I have no idea how good or bad the show will be, there will be the usual myopic crap on global warming, but I expect it to be generally a deal less conservative than the BBC Conspiracy Files.

Bit too showbizzy trailer:

Obnoxious blowhard has tv show. Repeats same tired worn out bullshit Dylan Avery and Alex Jones have been spouting.

No one really fucking notices or cares.
I don't find Jazzz's posts offensive in the slightest.

I defended him because he generally makes a lot more sense than those attacking him. Just read over 8den's posts from last night. They are either the squallings of a lunatic or the grizzlings of a drunkard: in all probability both. I fail to see why such bizarre freaks should be permitted to pollute these boards unchallenged.

Oh Phil have you figured out that anti viral drugs aren't the same as a vaccine yet?

The fact that such an elementary point eludes you betrays how no one should really pay attention to your rantings on any medical matter.

So this is what passes for wit chez Blagsta these days?

May I suggest that you and 8den create your own little thread together, leaving the rest of us to continue our discussion in an adult fashion?

Next time, it won't be a suggestion.
To put it another way, Phil - the smaller the conspiracy, the more discipline that it can exact the higher the chance it will succeed undetected. Medical conspiracy theories are about conspiracies involving huge numbers of people who are trained to question and who have no party line. There are no medical conspiracies. Get used to the idea.
This is plainly ludicrous. There is more chance that Hitler is alive and well and living on the moon than entire scientific and medical enterprises conspiring down to the very last man and woman to mislead the public.


Does the name Tuskagee mean nothing to you?

Does the name Tuskagee mean nothing to you?

OK, fair enough. That wasn't the sort of conspiracy I was thinking of. I was talking about government policy as applied to the population rather than secret experiments. Anti-vaccine stuff, anti-psychiatry stuff etc.etc. You know the shtick.
So this is what passes for wit chez Blagsta these days?

May I suggest that you and 8den create your own little thread together, leaving the rest of us to continue our discussion in an adult fashion?

Next time, it won't be a suggestion.

lol :D
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