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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Editor - on Ickes "swine flu" claims: I have no idea what to believe but if you can forward us certain details as to the genesis of H1N1 (not swine flu) it would probably be helpful in dispelling them. Likewise it will aid the anti CT case if you or anyone else can disprove the wanton distribution of contaminatied vaccines by Baxter and the documented harmful implications of many vaccines per se.
it will aid the anti CT case if you or anyone else can disprove the wanton distribution of contaminatied vaccines by Baxter and the documented harmful implications of many vaccines per se.

There was no "wanton contamination of vaccines by Baxter".

The contaminated virus material was produced exclusively for laboratory analytical and research purposes, it was not actually vaccine for human use.

Even Jazzz managed to post a link to a reliable document confirming this, although admittedly I think he did it by accident. :D
Oh dear, i have just recieved an email from the remnants of the London Social Forum, seems like many of them are now buying into the 'loose change' conspiracy paradigm, etc. even citing ex UKIP M.P's!

Is this what has happened to the Anti-Globalisation movement?:(
Editor - on Ickes "swine flu" claims: I have no idea what to believe but if you can forward us certain details as to the genesis of H1N1 (not swine flu) it would probably be helpful in dispelling them. .
Don't try and get clever, sunshine. The links from the OP in that thread explicitly claimed that swine flu was manufactured as a ruse to 'cull' the human population. I've no interest in wasting a second of my time discussing that flight of fact-free fancy or any of the painful wriggling and dwyer-like topic shifting that followed.

I have to say that an inability to stay on topic and discuss issues related to their claims seem to be a hallmark of some of the more enthusiastic 'believers' here. It's very frustrating. Why can't they answer direct questions directly related to their own claims?
There was no "wanton contamination of vaccines by Baxter".

The contaminated virus material was produced exclusively for laboratory analytical and research purposes, it was not actually vaccine for human use.

Even Jazzz managed to post a link to a reliable document confirming this, although admittedly I think he did it by accident. :D

Sorry, after posting I ETA "distribution". They did distribute it did they not?
Don't try and get clever, sunshine. The links from the OP in that thread explicitly claimed that swine flu was manufactured as a ruse to 'cull' the human population. I've no interest in wasting a second of my time discussing that flight of fact-free fancy or any of the painful wriggling and dwyer-like topic shifting that followed.

I have to say that an inability to stay on topic and discuss issues related to their claims seem to be a hallmark of some of the more enthusiastic 'believers' here. It's very frustrating. Why can't they answer direct questions directly related to their own claims?

Well it seems an improvement that you havent slurred my mental wellness and those who suffer imparement generally while slagging off other people who do likewise.

I'm not trying to get clever, I am presenting a way you could help discredit the "cull" idea. Once we know where H1N1 came from and how there will be a lot of riddles solved.

Personally, I have spoken to exactly the topics in hand and will continue to. I've found this thread to be pretty constructive aside from some typical diversions. Clearly others do too because it has many many posts.
Sorry, after posting I ETA "distribution". They did distribute it did they not?

Only to labs for the purpose of testing, it was never intended for human use.

It was fully investigated by the authorities in the countries concerned and by the various E.U. regulatory authorities, it was a cock-up that shouldn’t have happened, procedures have been tightened.

The Czech Republic is even looking at changes in law because the Czech lab that first discovered the problem failed to report it to their authorities only to Baxter, who in turn reported themselves to the Austrian authorities – hardly the actions of a company attempting a ‘cover-up’ or conspiracy.
Reading editor getting all sensitive about mild suggestions of mental instability from the other side of the debate is like, well, it doesn't just take the biscuit - it goes through the whole packet dunking them in your tea!

Reading editor getting all sensitive about mild suggestions of mental instability from the other side of the debate is like, well, it doesn't just take the biscuit - it goes through the whole packet dunking them in your tea!


Whoosh – point missed completely. :facepalm:
I'm not trying to get clever, I am presenting a way you could help discredit the "cull" idea. Once we know where H1N1 came from and how there will be a lot of riddles solved.
Why should I waste my time 'discrediting' something that has zero credibility in the first place?

It's a pointless exercise because - as that thread proved conclusively - those who give credence to the idiotic ramblings of the 'son of God' Icke and his lizardy antics are incapable of answering straight questions or staying on topic.
Reading editor getting all sensitive about mild suggestions of mental instability from the other side of the debate is like, well, it doesn't just take the biscuit - it goes through the whole packet dunking them in your tea!
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Of course, I'm glad that terms like 'conspiraloon' and 'nutbobbins' will be off your lexicon in future. :)
Except most of your beliefs are provably nutbobbins: like the time you claimed a talking terrier on a website knew the 'troof'; the murdered Soham girls were literally catapulted out an US army base as part of a trans-Atlantic 9/11 conspiracy, the people of Long Island suffered mass amnesia and sci-fi planes from the future were buzzing around the skies of Manhattan (no doubt taking care to avoid the uninvented holographic craft, uninvented robolanders and cunningly disguised commercial aircraft with hidden pods full of bombs crashing into the invisibly installed invisible explosives in WTC).

I've lost count of the amount of people you've accused of being directly involved in mass murder. It's quite sick.
"There is no crime, absolutely none, that cannot be condoned when "our" side commits it. Even if one does not deny that the crime has happened, even if one knows that it is exactly the same crime as one has condemned in some other case, even if one admits in an intellectual sense that it is unjustified -- still one cannot feel that it is wrong. Loyalty is involved, and so pity ceases to function."

George Orwell
I've lost count of the amount of people you've accused of being directly involved in mass murder. It's quite sick.
oh editor this contrived outrage of yours is ridiculous. I have named hardly anyone, and suggest that 9/11 was carried out by less than a hundred people.
oh editor this contrived outrage of yours is ridiculous. I have named hardly anyone, and suggest that 9/11 was carried out by less than a hundred people.
That's just a lie, plain and simple, and if I could be arsed (trust me, I can't), I could compile a list that would have to involve tens thousands of people to cover all the planning, technology, science and execution of the endless barking 'theories' you've posted up here.

Even your platoon of Insta-Mike Yarwoods who - according to you - perfectly faked the desperate and personal conversations of passengers ringing their loved ones from the 9/11 planes - would take a mini army to organise.

Phone taps would have to be installed, surveillance teams set up, voice training coaches hired, immaculate impersonators found with engineers from the airline and phone company brought in to reroute the calls.

And with so many passengers on board, they'd have to have a veritable army of impersonators on call - and if that wasn't enough, they still had enough resources to perfectly fake the voice and personal conversation of a guy who wasn't even due on the plane that day!

I don't suppose you have any notion of how insulting your claim is that the husbands and wives were too fucking stupid and thick to work out that their desperate last conversations with their loved ones were in fact being conducted by the Lenny Henry Battalion.

Like I said, it's sick.
Why should I waste my time 'discrediting' something that has zero credibility in the first place?

It's a pointless exercise because - as that thread proved conclusively - those who give credence to the idiotic ramblings of the 'son of God' Icke and his lizardy antics are incapable of answering straight questions or staying on topic.

Discerning the origins of H1N1 is far from pointless surely?

Some of Ickes ideas are indeed very far out and I wouldnt seriously try and defend even the ones I find interesting.

However, the supposed good intentions of big pharma are a reasonable thing to be skeptical about. Likewise, it is weird that unqualified people in call centres are pronouncing people as having "swine flu" and skeptical of a meeja and "leaders" that constantly talk about "swine flu" when H1N1 is NOT swine flu. It is a weird composite of different flus. I dont know how it came about, nor does anyone else seem to.

However, the existance of Project Coast in the 80s is well documented fact, support from the US is fact. Perhaps after that they gave up on bio-weapon after that. Perhaps they gave up on propagandising after stalin and hitler gave it a bad name. And perhaps I will be buying Tower Bridge tomorrow.

CTers may add 2 and 2 to equal 5, or they may be trying to work out the answer to a sum no one knows (as with the Maxwell case discussed up thread)

I doubt very much it is a cull effort btw. Icke also says vaccines could be used to inject people with incredibly tiny microchips. This is actually more plausible.
Discerning the origins of H1N1 is far from pointless surely?
I'd say it's a pretty pointless mission if you're focusing your research on the uninformed, hysterical utterances of a self-publicising, lizard-obsessed, DVD-shifting nutbobbin who has precisely zero qualifications, expertise or scientific credibility in any of the related areas, and a similar total absence of supporting evidence too.

As has been repeatedly stated by many, publicity-seeking idiots pedalling barmy theories grasped out of thin air don't uncover the truth: they usually get in the way of it.
oh editor this contrived outrage of yours is ridiculous. I have named hardly anyone, and suggest that 9/11 was carried out by less than a hundred people.

He's blowing a gasket in his engagement with what you say :D

I can see why you'd prefer to wind him up over that.
Reading editor getting all sensitive about mild suggestions of mental instability from the other side of the debate is like, well, it doesn't just take the biscuit - it goes through the whole packet dunking them in your tea!


It appropriates all biscuit factories in the name of the state, turns them into halibut farms, and institutes the death penalty for anyone even thinking about biscuits.
Discerning the origins of H1N1 is far from pointless surely?

Some of Ickes ideas are indeed very far out and I wouldnt seriously try and defend even the ones I find interesting.

However, the supposed good intentions of big pharma are a reasonable thing to be skeptical about. Likewise, it is weird that unqualified people in call centres are pronouncing people as having "swine flu" and skeptical of a meeja and "leaders" that constantly talk about "swine flu" when H1N1 is NOT swine flu. It is a weird composite of different flus. I dont know how it came about, nor does anyone else seem to.

However, the existance of Project Coast in the 80s is well documented fact, support from the US is fact. Perhaps after that they gave up on bio-weapon after that. Perhaps they gave up on propagandising after stalin and hitler gave it a bad name. And perhaps I will be buying Tower Bridge tomorrow.

CTers may add 2 and 2 to equal 5, or they may be trying to work out the answer to a sum no one knows (as with the Maxwell case discussed up thread)

I doubt very much it is a cull effort btw. Icke also says vaccines could be used to inject people with incredibly tiny microchips. This is actually more plausible.

FFS - this has already been done, there's over 4700 posts on the David Icke on 'Swine Flu' thread, why start it up again here?
Oh dear, i have just recieved an email from the remnants of the London Social Forum, seems like many of them are now buying into the 'loose change' conspiracy paradigm, etc. even citing ex UKIP M.P's!

Is this what has happened to the Anti-Globalisation movement?:(

...and not by accident either.
where do people on here stand on AIDS?

I'm glad you brought that up.

For myself, I have no doubt that it is a natural phenomenon, rather than a man-made one. I don't find any evidence that it was deliberately engineered by any group of people.

What I am equally sure of, however, is that the link between HIV and AIDS has been deliberately exaggerated in the service of some very dubious private agendas.

Just to be clear: I do not deny that HIV can and does cause AIDS. But it does not always cause AIDS, and the frequency with which it causes AIDS has been greatly exaggerated. Furthermore, other factors can also cause AIDS, such as IV drug-abuse and malnutrition.

I have proved--yes, proved--this on other threads, so maybe this isn't the place to go into it in any great detail. Still, it is perhaps relevant as yet another instance where our conspiracy denialists often allow themselves to be blinded by their ideological predisposition.
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