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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
have requested a postal vote, as i'll be working away from home that day.

still not entirely sure whether i will vote or who for.

anyone other than lib dem will only help the tory.

Voted. Postal vote obviously. Manage to walk to the postbox Which is no longer blocked up, at least it got me out of flat

I am 60 years old and my vote has never elected someone who won. I vote green my vote counts for nothing in all those years and I voted to remain so that vote counted for nothing. I wonder if before I die my vote will actually elect someone or win a referendum.

I admit my English is appalling, so I've gone and got copilot rewrite version:

I voted via postal ballot. Fortunately, I managed to walk to the postbox, which is now accessible—it was a good reason to leave my flat.

I'm 60 years old, and my vote has never helped elect a winning candidate. I consistently vote Green, but it feels like my vote has been inconsequential all these years. Additionally, I voted to remain, and that vote also seemed to count for nothing. Sometimes, I ponder whether my vote will ever contribute to electing someone or sway the outcome of a referendum before I pass away.
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Some of us are unfortunately disenfranchised: only Tories, Labour, Glib Dems, Reform and Green to choose from here ☹️
Just because you don't want any of the choices on offer doesn't mean you don't have a choice.

I've filled mine in and it is sat on the hallway table waiting to be posted along with a bigger envelope which contains my youngest daughter's postal vote which I will post (repost?) to her tomorrow, drop mine in the postbox at the same time.
Mrs Q will need prodding to fill hers in and will no doubt leave it to the last minute
And I stand corrected Mrs Q has filled hers in and dropped it on top of mine.
Me: Who did you vote for dear?
Mrs Q: I grew up in Liverpool Mick, take a guess
It does mean I dont have a choice: considered reluctantly voting Green as I do like their opposing genocide in Gaza but recalled how as an ex member of 25 years plus standing I hate the Lucas clique, and then there’s the pro EU stance (not me) and anti-feminist one (not me either), so I thought no, none of the above…my choice as you put it was Hobsons choice
It does mean I dont have a choice: considered reluctantly voting Green as I do like their opposing genocide in Gaza but recalled how as an ex member of 25 years plus standing I hate the Lucas clique, and then there’s the pro EU stance (not me) and anti-feminist one (not me either), so I thought no, none of the above…my choice as you put it was Hobsons choice

If you feel like that, why didn't you stand yourself for the likes of the trade union and socialist coalition?
I’ve neglected to change my address. So I will go and vote at my previous polling station after work. It doesn’t matter it’s the same constituency anyway.
It does mean I dont have a choice: considered reluctantly voting Green as I do like their opposing genocide in Gaza but recalled how as an ex member of 25 years plus standing I hate the Lucas clique, and then there’s the pro EU stance (not me) and anti-feminist one (not me either), so I thought no, none of the above…my choice as you put it was Hobsons choice
The best description of General Elections in the UK was from a friend of my son's
"Elections should be like choosing between icecream and cheesecake but there's only shit on offer, you just get to vote on what colour bowl it's served up in"
Why wouldn’t they shred those? Perhaps that’s what the big black boxes do.

at one time the boxes at polling stations had to be sealed with string and sealing wax. think it's some sort of plastic cable tie thing now.

one of my council colleagues (at a former workplace) had been presiding officer a number of times, and apparently once managed to drip hot sealing wax in to the ballot box and some of the ballot papers were a bit scorched, but not badly enough to be unreadable

i don't know what would happen if something happens to a ballot box on its way from the polling station to the counting centre - there must be an outside chance that the car it's in could have an accident or something.
I'm glad to see that the "don't use the pencil" scare stories are doing the rounds again.

Just to be clear: we use a pencil of such type that rubbing out always leaves a clear smudge and 'cloudiness '. One conspiracy theory from hundreds of years ago claimed that new fangled pens would be filled with invisible ink, rendering ballots open to over-writing. Pencils were the solution to the pen theory, and now pens are being used as a solution to a pencil theory
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