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Ban leaf blowers!

I'm wondering if editor would feel the same way about the people removing these leaves if the leaves were left there and he slipped on them or came off his bike as a result. I'll hazard a guess that if this did happen, we'd have a ranty thread about the council failing to remove leaves.
Lambeth just can't win
I think this definitely needs its own thread, along the lines of the "Will it take off?" thread. You attach a sail to the kayak and point the blower at the sail (whilst sat in the kayak)... Will the kayak move forward or would it be like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself off the floor?
Answers on a postcard.
I like this idea. I have been tempted to bring a big brolly to use as a sail.
My mate "Skateboard". Wants to try a portable drill with a paint mixer as a propeller.
We could have a race.
Having been part deafened by the bliddy things, and having been hit by small stones (as has my car) I think that leaf blowing should be banned. See also grass clippings and hedge trimmings.
All they are actually doing is moving the problem around to another place.

Much more environmentally aware to rake 'em up for composting (and it's a good work-out) ...
Having been part deafened by the bliddy things, and having been hit by small stones (as has my car) I think that leaf blowing should be banned. See also grass clippings and hedge trimmings.
All they are actually doing is moving the problem around to another place.

Much more environmentally aware to rake 'em up for composting (and it's a good work-out) ...
Rakes don't work very well on roads.
Lambeth just can't win
This is the thing... Councils rarely spend money on things they consider to be unnecessary, so they obviously consider this to be a necessary expense (evil?). Maybe it's simply the compensation culture that's forcing them to remove the leaves, but I'm sure they're not doing it for no reason.
This is the thing... Councils rarely spend money on things they consider to be unnecessary, so they obviously consider this to be a necessary expense (evil?). Maybe it's simply the compensation culture that's forcing them to remove the leaves, but I'm sure they're not doing it for no reason.
It's so much quicker, saves money. Keeps Council tax from going up so much. Yard brooms are better for mixed rubbish.
Then use a proper yard broom, it ain't rocket science.
I was in hospital recently with a window bed. I watched one bloke with a blower and one woman bagging the leaves.

They cleared such a big space of the grounds of leaves. The noise was irritating, it was a cancer hospital after all. However 2 people doing the whole space. Over 100 big bags of leaves.

I used ear plugs and morphine and fentanyl to "help" with the noise. I don't recommend this approach editor :)
The blowers create a lot of NO and PM2.5 air pollution adding to breathing difficulties and mortality
With the massive reductions in transport currently, surely what's required is more leaf blowers so as to avoid such a sudden shock to the system?
I think this definitely needs its own thread, along the lines of the "Will it take off?" thread. You attach a sail to the kayak and point the blower at the sail (whilst sat in the kayak)... Will the kayak move forward or would it be like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself off the floor?
Answers on a postcard.
The kayak with a leaf blower and no sail would move... backwards... (assuming it would have stayed still otherwise) for much the same reason as the plane takes off. I'm not really sure what difference the sail would make.
As a biker, you know how cornering on wet squished leaves on the apex feels.
"As a biker"... I can't believe anyone would object to even a single leaf being removed from the road. Along with loose, and idiots in cars, leaves are one of the most dangerous things a biker can face on a road, and I, for one, welcome our leaf-blowing overlords.
The kayak with a leaf blower and no sail would move... backwards... (assuming it would have stayed still otherwise) for much the same reason as the plane takes off. I'm not really sure what difference the sail would make.
1: There IS a sail, which the nozzle of the leaf blower must be pointed at.
2: The plane doesn't take off, for completely different reasons.
1: There IS a sail, which the nozzle of the leaf blower must be pointed at.
2: The plane doesn't take off, for completely different reasons.
1. The blower turns stored energy into forward movement of air, for which there is an equal and opposite reaction, so the boat moves backwards. The air then hits the sail and pushes the boat forwards. There are very likely to be losses in this set of transactions so the net effect is probably a reduced backwards movement.

2. The plane absolutely takes off unless (a) you don't understand physics or (b) you choose to interpret the scenario in such a way that it immediately escalates to infinity and destroys the world.
Then use a proper yard broom, it ain't rocket science.
They dont really use blowers for leaves on roads. It is sweeper trucks and brooms and some dinky little trucks now with a big Willy Wonka plastic clear tube to suck up the cities filth and degredation..
Its prioritised as voters complain to councillors about leaves.
1. The blower turns stored energy into forward movement of air, for which there is an equal and opposite reaction, so the boat moves backwards. The air then hits the sail and pushes the boat forwards. There are very likely to be losses in this set of transactions so the net effect is probably a reduced backwards movement.

2. The plane absolutely takes off unless (a) you don't understand physics or (b) you choose to interpret the scenario in such a way that it immediately escalates to infinity and destroys the world.
The plane doesn't take off, because aerodynamics !== stupidity.
The defensiveness and talk of pile ons is not a good look.
editor You have a difficult balancing act here putting forward such passionate but polarising views on a regular basis, whilst holding your trusty ban hammer.
I think you need to either extol such option elsewhere or somehow not be unreasonable if a poster disagrees with you and worse maybe teases you a bit.
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