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Filth by name; thick by nature. A thread for banal police stupidity

Oh, well they make that up in order to fleece people.

I remember many years ago (30! šŸ˜³), when I first started visiting Staffordshire, I had a Metro that kept breaking down. A friend of my step father in lawā€™s was a mechanic and had a look at it in the drive as a homer. He was chatting away to me and told me if he was me heā€™d do something or else (I forget what now) to ā€œsave the mytherā€. Thinking this was a term like ā€œtorqueā€ or something, and not wanting to show ignorance, which might cost me money, I nipped inside to see if Bill or my partnerā€™s grandad (a retired lorry driver) knew what it meant. They both laughed out loud. It means ā€œthe hassleā€. Which I now know. But I never lived it down while they were both alive.
Mither is my favourite word. I'm imagining you nipping into Halfords to see if they've got a spare mither for a mini metro :D
Fucking right. It was when I had that car that I was inspired to write the book ā€œhard shoulders of the British Islesā€. I mean, I didnā€™t actually write it. But Iā€™ve a feeling it later inspired a thread here.
Yes, it did:

The filth have got their own fucking language, haven't they. English, but a warped version of it.

When I started going out with the girl who I later married (34th wedding anniversary next week!) I remember first meeting her sister's boyfriend. I didn't know he was a copper until he opened his gob and instead of talking to me like a normal human being he started questioning me like a fucking copper :mad:

I took an instant dislike to him. I haven't had any reason to change that opinion since.
Yes, I was at a funeral and at the reception someone asked me a question about the deceased in what I thought was a rather hostile way. I discovered later that he had once worked as a cop,
Iā€™m trying to imagine how you get on a horse while keeping your right hand free for sword fighting, and itā€™s making me think youā€™d approach the horseā€™s right hand side. (Which may be wrong, Iā€™m not at all equestrian). But that would be what someone confidently stated was the ā€œoffsideā€ earlier in the thread, and now Iā€™m even more confused.
You mount from the left (nearside).
Facing towards the horse's tail, you hold the reins to control the horse in your left hand and place it on the front of the saddle, left foot in the stirrup, and spring up - your right hand stays free.
tbf this does take a bit of practice, I suspect you're imagining hanging onto the saddle with both hands and hauling yourself bodily upwards whilst sweating and swearing :D
(This is assuming an English saddle/trained horse, Western style is a bit different).
Many many years ago was doing sentry duty at Hastings TA centre. When a copper approached me and asked me if I had a licence for that gun.
Itā€™s not a gun itā€™s a rifle artillery have guns proper soldiers have rifles.
He tryā€™s again do you have a licence for that rifle.
No itā€™s not mine
Whose is it.
Itā€™s Lizā€™s
Copper getting annoyed now.
Who is liz.
You know liz old woman married to a Greek bloke face on stamps your boss.
Copper finally twigs not impressed.

Wasnā€™t the last copper who turned up due to reports of armed suspicious characters which was a fairly harsh description of C company. Fair but Harsh.šŸ˜‚
Top filthing from the McPigs:

Police have arrested a 75-year-old man in connection with the death of a 65-year-old dog walker who was shot dead on a countryside track.

The body of Brian Low was discovered in Pitilie, near Aberfeldy in Perthshire, at about 8.30am on 17 February. A postmortem examination carried out six days later established the cause of death as a shooting.

...Police Scotland initially believed his death was ā€œnon-suspicious and medical-relatedā€, but a medical examination held six days after his body was found ā€œestablished he had injuries consistent with being fatally shotā€. BBC News has reported that his death certificate confirmed he died of a shotgun wound to the neck and chest.
Yes, because bullet wounds always look just like they do in films. And itā€™s a brilliant idea to start poking around with bodies before you get them into a forensic mortuary. I bet all the thick as shit rozzers and scene of crimes officers involved in the body recovery are kicking themselves they arenā€™t as clever and experienced as the posters on this thread.
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Yes, because bullet wounds always look just like they do in films. And itā€™s a brilliant idea to start poking around with bodies before you get them into a forensic mortuary. I bet all the thick as shit rozzers and scene of crimes officers involved in the body recovery are kicking themselves they arenā€™t as clever and experienced as the posters on this thread.

You never used to show out this much, did you?
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Yes, because bullet wounds always look just like they do in films. And itā€™s a brilliant idea to start poking around with bodies before you get them into a forensic mortuary. I bet all the thick as shit rozzers and scene of crimes officers involved in the body recovery are kicking themselves they arenā€™t as clever and experienced as the posters on this thread.
Unless he was shot after he died there would be blood all over the place. :hmm:
Yes, because bullet wounds always look just like they do in films. And itā€™s a brilliant idea to start poking around with bodies before you get them into a forensic mortuary. I bet all the thick as shit rozzers and scene of crimes officers involved in the body recovery are kicking themselves they arenā€™t as clever and experienced as the posters on this thread.
They'd probably miss
Yes. From almost my first post.

Oh, okay. Hadnā€™t noticed before. Anyway, no-oneā€™s going to pull you up on it now youā€™re safely retired, and you seem to manage it without calling everybody cunts, which is where DB and Brian Paddick went wrong.
Yes, because bullet wounds always look just like they do in films. And itā€™s a brilliant idea to start poking around with bodies before you get them into a forensic mortuary. I bet all the thick as shit rozzers and scene of crimes officers involved in the body recovery are kicking themselves they arenā€™t as clever and experienced as the posters on this thread.
Hey, don't non-suspiciously medically relate the messenger - I never said it's obvious what's happened here, that's what PS reportedly did šŸ¤·
Oh, okay. Hadnā€™t noticed before. Anyway, no-oneā€™s going to pull you up on it now youā€™re safely retired, and you seem to manage it without calling everybody cunts, which is where DB and Brian Paddick went wrong.

Thatā€™s probably because I know what a train crash all UK police forces are.
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